I am racially and ethnically color blind, I don't see race or ethnicity. I do acknowledge that woke SJWs see racially and ethnically colorblindness as neoliberal indoctrination for Dennis Prager cultists and Constitutional patriotist chuds, so that is why I am racially and ethnically colorblind in a non neoliberal way. I am Anti Neoliberal and thus I criticize the neoliberal type of racial and ethnical colorblindness I believe that Transracial (identity) is a real concept and I support Transracial rights This book makes a case that some racial and ethnic voluntarist acts might highlight the artificial and constructed nature of race and ethnicity (i.e challenging assumptions about the stability and categorical organization of race and ethnicity itself). and that such racial ethnic voluntarism may celebrate, not simply appropriate, “black culture”; and, may embody a self-conscious critique of being white According to Afro Pessimissm, as I outline...