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Unlike in China, there would be a People’s Democracy which would allow multiclass and multi party democracy along the path to socialism. 

Low class, petite bourgeoisie and progressive bourgeoisie would also be allowed to participate in this greater proletarian movement that would be determined by and part of a broad social base that would underline peaceful socialist revolutions.

This is because the People’s Democracy recognizes that the working class are not necessarily an impediment, and could be used to mobilize and serve as the basis for building a state that as mentioned below has corporatist elements that would align labor interests with at least a large sect of the national bourgeoisie to promote a Civic Patriotic Collectivism-Communitarian agenda as mentioned below  

Leadership positions would be held by the Communist and labor parties, to build more cohesion these parties would merge with our Social Democrat parties on the basis of Marxism Leninism

In a Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy society (like in modern China) there would be a people centered approach for the public interest (improving people's lives and well being as the primary goal of development and the mediation of tensions between the societal classes, with the state responsible for negotiating compromise in worker-boss conflicts latter) government leadership, continuing deepening reforms and an open shared development that is innovative, coordinated, and green, people would be the ‘masters’ of the country (with Kids being the only ‘privileged’ class). 

This system would balance the right of the individual and society 

In this Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy society would have state owned assets, collectively owned enterprises and the publicly owned shares of mixed enterprises . 

This would result in a highly diffused form of public ownership where state owned enterprises are owned by some different government entities, agencies and other state owned enterprises. The government would command over and majorly regulate virtually all sectors of a market-based economy. 

Like in Peronism this would be a centralized government, with an organized State and a free people. It would be a political, economic and social doctrine

These commercial enterprises would be established by either our central government or by a local government, where the managers are appointed by the government or public bodies. This would include wholly state funded and managed firms. 

Most of these state owned enterprises are not entities of the central government, they would be subunits of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC).

In this Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy society enterprises who are held by the state would be publicly listed firms where the state would own a large or controlling share within the firms, thereby they would exert influence on the firm’s management. This would include firms that receive foreign direct investment.

SOEs would be much larger in size but fewer in number than State Held Enterprises, with the central government-p owned SOEs being clustered in strategic sectors that would include banking, finance, mining, energy, transportation, telecommunications and public utilities. 

More local level SOEs would number in the thousands or or near a thousand and would be involved in almost every industry including information technology and auto design/production..

The centrally owned SOEs would pursue national and industrial policy objectives.

SOEs would be encouraged and even required to pay a higher portion of their profits as dividends to the state. Some state owned assets would be transferred to social security funds to help elderly finance pensions.

In this Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy society , privately owned enterprises (POEs) would be recognized as one of the components of this socialist market economy along with state, collective and individually owned enterprises. The private sector would play an increasingly bigger role than it did in the 1990s in China

The boundary between public and private enterprises would be blurred as many publicly listed firms would be under mixed ownership by various state and non state entities. 

Private sector firms (in targeted growth industries) would often receive favorable loans and preferential government treatment in this future economy that operate in industries targeted for growth with SOEs in non strategic sectors being exempt from subsidies. 

Some select large corporations would be nationalized in a way that blurred distinctions between corporations and government.So there would be a corporatist element to this system. 

One way to describe at least a small labor aspect of this Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy system would it is in at least small part an alliance between the trade unions and the caudillos

In this Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy society , indicative planning and industrial policies would substitute material balance planning and play a key role in guiding our market economy for the state and private sectors. This planning system would consist of three layers, each using a different planning mechanism.

Market relations and markets would become the instrumental driving force in this socialist market economy.

Compulsory planning would be limited to state owned enterprises that would operate in strategic sectors, that would include research, education and infrastructure development plans. 

This type of Compulsory planning would outline targeted outcomes and the raw material supply of raw and financial resources that would be needed. 

Contractual planning would set objectives and the overall means of achieving these planned goals and then the negotiation would happen with enterprises and local governments to create and implement detailed objectives on how resources to targeted sectors would be allocated

This Indicative planning would operate at the lowest planning system level, where the government would outline industrial targets and then use the market instruments (like tax exemptions, subsidies and favorable bank loans) to entice targeted firms to meet these targets

In this Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy society, workers' unions are under state management (but some of them would be corporate instead but cede much freedom to strike in exchange for the state assuming the role of negotiator between conflicting interests) there would be healthcare that is between the free healthcare under Peronism and the current healthcare model in China, modern China like welfare,  a progressive tax code, (with the lowest bracket being 3 percent and the highest bracket being 45 percent) . 

It would subsidize electric vehicles, implement a public bike system that would be run by several companies

In this Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy society , low income housing projects would be created and workers' recreation centers would be created throughout the US. 

Workers would get more paid days off than white collar workers currently do in the UK (regardless if those days off are used for vacation trips or just taking a break from work), jobs would pay half the money of their employees medical related trips and moving expenses

There would be more worker co-ops than there is now and for those worker co-op workers only there would be more paid vacation benefits than in the US and UK. 

There would also be raised minimum wage and safety regulations along with a more inclusive SSI system 

In this Post Dengist (Chinese Marxism)/Socialist Market economy society, there would be traditional (like USSR) Marxism Leninism socialist core values as mentioned in the ‘alternative to this’ section below 


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