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In this migration system,  US would make it easier for potential migrants to blur the line between being refugees and migrant workers (like under the UN pro migrant act) to make the migration system a little more flexible. This would a way to regularize migrants

However, the US should under this system create a more rigorous system to screen refugees and migrant workers than they do now, along with incentivizing refugees and migrant workers to take vocational education and Adjusting to Culture Shock training , using a boarding school type model to help refugees get assimilated, learn about the culture of America so there is less (or even no) culture shock, and help them be able to get jobs etc.   

Under the sytem I mentioned above, refugees and migrant workers would be encouraged and maybe even incentivized to to form close relationships with law enforcement in the US wherever they move in addition to encourage law enforcement in the US to sponsor refugees and migrant workers. This world allow refugees, migrant workers and law enforcement people to humanize themselves to each other and for those law enforcement officials to do a better job protecting those refugees and migrant workers from xenophobic and anti migrant abuse from anti migrant xenophobes. Similar to what the ADL suggested in this link

Moreover, the rights of migrant children would be guaranteed 

Under this system, an effective Common Asylum System would be implemented to put an end to the lack of homogeneity in the international protection of refugees . Then a Refugee Nation country would be created so all refugees/asylum seekers around the world (who want to) can come and live there and have a place to call home and be accepted without having to worry about moving somewhere where they might not be a fit (rightly or wrongly) or who are too overwhelmed to properly care for them. 

Like as mentioned for the US above, it would be easy for potential migrants to blur the line between being refugees/asylum seekers and migrant workers

The US would implement the Grenze 2000 plan (detailed here) to have sensors and detectors replace the entire current US-Mexico barrier. That system would automate and digitise the whole border control process . There'd be no required physical card indexes and no guards would be required at passport control.. The Visas, access rights and other things would all be completed by a centrally networked PC. This system would include radio beacons, vibration detectors, infrared barriers, electrical surge protectors, and radio frequency reconnaissance equipment.   

For illegal immigrants already in the US, they would either need to meet at least 1 or more of these conditions below: 

1) Lived in the United States for at least five years and and continuously lived in the US  (illegal immigrants who were under the age of 16 at the time of entry to the US would be prioritized in getting their Amnesty over illegal immigrants who were 17 and over at the time of entry to the US, getting their Amnesty)  or if they don’t meet this condition show that they have at least somewhat biculturally assimilated in the US

2) Have graduated from high school or have been accepted to a college or institution of higher education or have contributed greatly to our country and or have served in our military.

3) Have good moral character

4) Are not deportable on account of a criminal conviction, alien smuggling or document fraud and prove they hadn't done any crimes since their illegal arrival in the US 

5) Won’t be exploited by greedy Capitalists/Neoliberals

6) Are patriotic 

if they can’t meet 1 or more of the conditions above they would have to meet the conditions not listed here but that were listed as conditions in the just short of path to citizenship from Build Back Better

If they meet the above conditions as mentioned above, then they would either have to meet the requirements below for said illegal immigrants to get 1986 IRCA type Amnesty that is fused with the just short of path to citizenship from Build Back Better

5) Obtain a diploma from a junior college or trade school

6) Show that they are currently working (in an important or impactful job) or retired or complete at least two years of a bachelor's or graduate program;

7) Join the Armed Forces and if discharged, be honorably discharged; or perform part or full-time volunteer community service under the direction of the USA Freedom Corps or with an entity eligible to receive funds from the Combined Federal Campaign. 

8)  They would be penalized with back taxes, fines and admission of guilt along with more proof they hadn't done any crimes since their illegal arrival in the US along with some minimal knowledge about U.S. history and government and the English language.

9) Demonstrate both a compelling reason why they cannot meet the requirements, and exceptional and extremely unusual hardship if they were removed from the United States. would be able to apply for a path to citizenship (like showing that they could have reasonably been able to migrate legally to the US legally instead of illegally when they moved to the US illegally

10) Would be willing to be incentivized to have dual citizenship with their previous county

11) Do what the just short of path to citizenship from Build Back Better requires illegal immigrants to do to obtain legal citizenship

If illegal immigrants don’t meet the conditions above then I support self deportation with this type of self deportation/voluntary departure  for them 


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