

I am against hotels and motels having televisions in the hotel room bathrooms/motel room bathrooms too. That is wrong, unneeded, extremist consumerism , evil, disgusting and basically soma to hide corporate greed. People do not need to watch TV when they go bathroom in their hotel rooms/motel rooms. If people are so obsessed with tv they need to watch it in the bathroom of their hotel/motel rooms, maybe they need to go into rehab for this sick, twisted disgusting consumerist addiction to the IDIOT Box. 

There really shouldn't be TVs in public bathrooms of public places either .

I am against hospitals giving patients their own personal TVs in their curtained off rolling surgery waiting area beds. At most there should be one normal tv in the waiting area for surgery for everyone and even then it is unneeded

Society was without tv for millenias and nowadays these moron idiot freaks have to have tvs in bathrooms and their own personal tvs in hospital waiting surgery areas ? NO NO NO, I am going to force hotels/motels and hospitals to remove TVs from those type of places . Enough with this TV addictions. Hospitals should no better. 

I fully echo everything that Cenk Uyghur said in this Tweet and nearly everyone in the US and Canada and Europe agree with Cenk. Only moron losers assholes disagree with him

It is a disgrace to see all of the trash and lawlessness in places like LA and I echo Cenk on this issue to a tee. Its time politicians get off their asses and these problems or I will

I am able to put up with our society being Liberal 2.0. My reason is this: In the 1960s , young people got so bored with the status quo they became counter cultural ,contrarian, fun, disruptive, and blindly challenged social norms. They shocked their parents with long hair, promiscuity, edgy music. So it is to be expected that our society would be more and more Liberal because of that. Young people of the 1960s let the cat (liberalism) out of the bag 

These disrespectful trolls WRONGLY cheered John Mccain dying. They are 100 percent WRONG.  These people like the reddit trolls in that link don’t even have the decency to not celebrate Mccain dying.  Yet these same trolls were the first ones to trash Donnie Trump for saying that he likes military people who aren’t captured

If this makes me a fascist to them so be it but that would mean 99 percent of Americans are fascists too (if that is true then I am so happy that 99 percent of Americans 'fascists' I can't help by celebrating by singing this verse from Mandy Moore's Candy "Can't you hear me calling? Begging you to come out and play (Oh, yeah!)"

People who cheer and celebrate when someone dies or gets sick (especially non bad people like John Mccain, Charles Stanley, Mitch McConnell, Daria Dugin etc) are the dredges of society, evil and are no better than the people they cheer the deaths of

Seeing people wish or celebrate other people dying makes me angry, depressed, hopeless, and lose faith in humanity. Frankly I don’t know if I want to stay alive and live on a planet where evil sick trolls like the r/socialism ones celebrate and wish death on people like John Mccain, Charles Stanley, Daria Dugin, Mitch McConnell etc. 

The problem that sticks out with appealing to lived experience instead of appealing to empirical data or analysis is that no real explanation exists of who worthy listening to. 

If lived experience is fundamental, then why don’t we acknowledge and learn from the vitriolic Neo Naughtzie lived experience when he or she gives you his or her rhetoric about (imaginary) victimization at due to international Jewry? When competing and contradictory claims of victimhood appear, then "lived experience" has less worth than worthless.

It's effective only on people who don't recognize it right away for the appeal to anecdotal evidence that it actually encompasses. Don't think for a second that people are actually going to summon up the logical rigor that happens in tandem with critique of the merit of an anecdote.

The complete social justice "epistemology" is designed on purpose to get around the mainstream and usual modes of argumentation and mutual criticism. All roads lead to someone being correct and authoritative based entirely on their identitarian credentials. It has been this game always, a game that neo naughtzies are playing, but they're using slightly modded language, or even outright borrowing it.

And imho, if God forbid , the theoretically couched naughtzies did make a roaring comeback in the public discourse, as tragic and horrible as it would be, it would provide society with the genuine imprint and foil to the overt identitarianism of the Liberal 2.0. If you observe these appeals by a group that we are well conditioned to hate (naughtzies), we might really recognize the pattern when it pops up in other places.

That's the thing that is long gone from the discourse today: people being able to crucially recognize the distinctions in authority, the authoritative evidence load that’s inherent in all variants of debate or discussion. We continue to be conditioned to not question a specific type of authority, and it's going to be bad and ugly

LA Times was wrong to tell people not to consume so much in order to 'stop' the Supply chain woes. People should reject the LA Times tone deaf and WRONG, authoritarian and trash advice and demand that the LA Times apologize for their stupid suggestion

The Washington Post's dont-rant-about-short-staffed-stores-supply-chain-woes-try-lower-expectations/ article was a hot mess , fake news and trash , extreme Liberalism 2.0 nonsense. 

Personally I am between mixed (mixed here means mix of Conservative Liberal and Liberal Conservative Populist) and neutral on Oregon's right to die law for terminally ill law/ Voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide for terminally ill patients and my views on that are similar to Scott Morrison’s views on that

Legality wise I am non hostile/abstain progressive on right to die laws for terminal patients

Canada does not care about life. They are an anti life country 

I am pretty much against Canada coercing patients into killing themselves over high healthcare costs, pressuring non terminally ill elderly people into killing themselves and making it easy for non terminal patients to kill themselves as mentioned here  ,here , here here , here and here

I fail to see how anyone in Canada can respect life when Canada makes it so easy for non terminally ill people to kill themselves especially via coercion. That is against God , Buddha, humanity, nature and the spirit of life.

Life is precious and a gift and for Canada to try to get people with high healthcare costs or non terminal issues to kill themselves or to make it easy to kill themselves is one of the worst things ever and something even 45 wouldn’t do. 

Nobody should be allowed to kill themselves over healthcare costs or non terminal things ever. I will protest such prosuicide policies from being enacted in the US

I am against euthanasia and assisted suicide for non terminal patients like Canada is doing in 99.9 percent of cases (like for disabilities or mental disorders ie depression). Though in theory if the 0.1 cases where I would support it were the norm I would support what Canada is doing

Though Canada is so Radlib (Liberal 2.0) that seeing a regressive law (albeit Liberal 2.0 regressive law) in such a supposedly ‘Liberal 2.0 country’ is an oxidized silver lining in that it is something you would never expect in a supposedly Liberal 2.0 country . So after writing the above blurb and this, I read this to further dampen my hate for this death cult practice in Canada (though I am still against it)

I support all bathrooms being Unisex and or the bathroom ideas suggested here

If we can’t do that , then:

I support potty parity for Women's restrooms (but not for Men's restrooms)

I'd like there to be 2 sets of Men's restrooms and Women's restrooms instead of 1 set. This would mean that Men's restrooms would be surrounded by Women's restrooms on the top/bottom and left/right and that Women's restrooms would be surrounded by Men's restrooms on the top/bottom and left right, with unisex portapottys (like the ones in parking lots at events) linking the sets of restrooms.

Using the internet is a privilege not a right. People who abuse the internet should not be allowed to use the internet

Structures and systems

I support making English the official language of the US government

I am fine with red light cameras being removed. The less government spying, the better. If more accidents happen due to that then I'll pivot from this view somewhere

I am opposed to punitive intellectual property rights laws (like with Fatal Fury wrongly being sued for bring too similar to Strret Fighter II), and the concept of intellectual property in general  in regards to the state as such things cause monopolies and distortion. The state should not be a foundation for any class of rightful property, but I am open to the idea of Media Created Property

I am against Donald Trump's National Garden of American Heroes. I get what he is was trying to do with that (appeasing his base who were upset about statues being removed months earlier) and I approve of most of the names on that statue list which he shoved down our throats

But he blabbers on about our nation's heroes enough through his long winded speeches (like when he spoke positively of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to please his ‘patriotic’ base), 

However , I must counter this idea. I don't like writing what I am about to write, but as a concerned citizen I must…

The federal government and President have no right to tell us who are heroes should be and to shove those names down our throats or force those names upon us.  

The federal government (including our Presidents) should not tell us who our historical heroes should be and should not force these names upon us. Who decides who is great? What right does our government have to do such things?  

It's bad enough there is a Library of congress which houses films that the government tells us we should like and the medal of honors, which is sketchy and blurs the line between tolerable and being as ignorant and totalitarian as The Garden of American Heroes idea is just overkill, unneeded, politically pointy and anti democratic.

I am glad that Joe Biden scrapped that appalling idea

Those 'heroes', don't need to have statues or be honored in a Presidential garden, their heroism lives on in every American.

Instead of the National Garden of American Heroes, Trump should have had all of the statues in the US that were removed or destroyed since the mid 2010s moved to (or rebuilt and erected if they were destroyed) a newly built Garden of Misfit Removed US statues in US territory in Antarctica.

I don't think there should be any statues of George Floyd and sorry AHS, but the Walkway subredditors have a point with their reaction to that statue being vandalized

I want the TSA to be abolished and to move matters of airline security to private businesses.

I am ok with social housing like in Austria being rolled out in the US. We need to overcome housing barriers between races-ethnicities and have constructive talks about housing, including real and meaningful talks about industrial, political and fiscal feasibility not the other way around

We need to get urban planners to take the spirit of social housing along with BIPOC needs into account. I mean housing that is mixed income along with civilian approval boards so that we can overcome gentrification and provide long term homes which are dignified.

Developers should compete for building permits by showing local civilian boards the post equal-tible voting models for reflecting the diversity of the current residents that would benefit from the mixed incone housing. 

This would rightfully reflect the current demographics of the community rather than the elite bourgeois clientele. This forces developers to meet the needs and interests of majority-minority communities via quality and cost

As a kid in my visits to cities  in the 1980s and 1990s I saw first hand how BIPOC were forced to live in undignifying  ways .  Whether it is intentional racism or just indifference or classism or a combo of all three,  it is still wrong that terrible living conditions for people exist

People should move out of terrible conditions like the projects before they end up becoming slums. Complaints by poor people in such areas, especially ones who suffer special oppression like African Americans should not be ignored ever (since ignoring such complaints over living conditions is a disgrace to the US as a whole).   It's time people in such conditions fight for their rights to live in better conditions. 

I hope the policy proposal above can help prevent and fix that forever

I am against seat belt laws for adults as they violate bodily autonomy . The government has no right to force people to wear a safety belt. I never wear a seat belt. My body my choice. Try and force me 

Maybe create a one use only social credit system just for auto issues to punish people who get in accidents to encourage people to buckle up instead of having seat belt laws. Or similarly having drivers who aren't wearing seat belts who get into accidents get penalized by their insurers instead of the police

I can between stomach and endure secondary seat belt laws for all passengers with less penalty for people who don't wear seat belts OR primary seat belt laws for all passengers in the front and back seats under 15

Instead of draconian seat belt laws, the state should reduce driving speeds, call for the creation of better and more safe automobiles with more airbags and non bucklable restraints to stop accidents make road better and similar changes to cause less accidents

I am a slight ‘almost Neo Luddite’ streak in me as I feel like Dr Malcolm felt in Jurassic Park, just because we could doesn't mean we should. If keep advancing in complex social spheres, we'll have no where to go but back to tribal living.

In the 1800s, making the 'world smaller' through the Telegraph was done by Imperialists in order to in their minds 'civilize' the world as an alternative to actual Imperialism (i.e remote Imperialism).  

So telecommunication can be seen as a good thing that was started for bad reasons. So they got their wish and 'civilized' the world through 'remote Imperialism' (telecommunications, TV etc). They should be probably condemned for that stigmatizing remote imperialism 

Though I am ok with cosmopolitanism like Mark Twain was ok with it

If it wasn't for so many people being influenced to do certain things and new technology wasn't shoved down our throats, I'd appreciate and champion new tech like I use to in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s

I am ironically pitiful/ half way supportive of some aspects of Post-Left/Anarcho Primitivism. I find the whole concepts of trying to 'civilize' people offensive.  Sometimes simpler is better. Though I usually favor a technologically upgraded version of simpler times, like Techno primitivity. 

At worst, I would want 2000s (decade) social media (like Friendster) to replace 2020s social media (like modern Facebook) ,and few other minor tweeks

I want in person brick and mortar video rental places to make a comeback and for us to scrap the whole renting movies to watch online trash.

Seeing more and more new technology (like microchips in humans, more automatazation, GPSes everywhere, along with Consumerism) makes me a bit non enthused since it means people are losing touch with natural old school things and the human experience. 

New technology like the ones in the paragraph above makes things too easy for people, and makes them seem elitist to people who died before they got to use those new technologies or who used lesser technologies at the same age

Moreover, it makes it seem that people 'need' things like microchips, GPS, futuristic AI etc when that isn't the case.

I critique modern civilization and I sort of in between tongue in cheek and serious but slightly more than half heartily advocate for a soft return to our less civilized ways via slight deindustrialization (which also will help the environment) , technological acceleration back and by abandoning large scale organizational structures (and possibly slightly or possibly more so getting rid of labor or specialization (but within the boundaries of my views in my fiscal views section)

Stuff like some areas of the internet and social media alienate us making it easy for the government to coerce us and oppress us when they want to do so.

Very old school societies (like B.C old school) are less susceptible to war, violence (debated), and disease. 

When the European imperialist colonists came to the Americas, Africa, etc they dehumanized the populations by trying to 'civilize' them. It was offensive and wrong. 

Just because the Americas, Australia, Caribbean or South Pacific didn't have printing presses or 100 foot buildings should never have been seen as a mark against them. They were as great or better than those European imperialist colonists in different but no less important ways.

I try to bury those thoughts and feelings since I loathe the PC-SJW sects of Liberalism 2.0, but the fact is, if I was one of those 'uncivilized' natives of the Caribbean, Africa, Australia, the pacific etc back then, I would feel lower than dirt with the way those elite, rich and bourgeois Imperialists tried to in their ignorant warped minds ‘civilize’ me and say my culture was inferior to their culture.  

Of course if those Imperialist and European explorers may have needed to do that for self worth and to overcome feelings of depression, inferiority, being bullied when they were young, etc (i.e Napoloean complex) so i can understand why they did that. 

The Imperialist colonists also did build things like roads, hospitals, schools etc in those other countries but the fact is the natives of those places would have done so anyway themselves if they weren't imperalized by those Imperialists and maybe better

Colonization and imperialism was and still is majorly wrong. See Postcolonialism for how and why

As an epistemology , ethics (moral philosophy), and as a political science (i.e., in its concern with affairs of the citizenry), Postcolonialism addresses the issues that constitute the postcolonial identity of a decolonized people, which derives from:

The colonizer's generation of cultural knowledge about the colonized people; along with how that Western cultural knowledge was applied to subjugate non-European persons into a colony of the European mother country, which, after the initial invasion, was effected due to cultural identities of 'colonizer' and 'colonized'.

Postcolonialism aims at at disempowering such theories as thoseabove (intellectual and linguistic, social and economic) by the means of which the colonialists "perceive," "understand," and "know" the world. 

So Postcolonial theory establishes intellectual spaces for subaltern peoples to speak for themselves, in their own voices, and by extension to produce cultural discourses of philosophy, language, society, and economy. They do this through balancing the imbalanced us-and-them binary power-relationship between the colonist and the colonial subjects.

Colonialism was presented as "the extension of civilization," that ideologically justified the self-ascribed and make believe racial and cultural ‘superiority’ of the Western world over the non-Western world. 

So imperial stewardship was believed to affect the intellectual and moral reformation of the BIPOC peoples of what colonialists wrongly believed were lesser cultures of the world. That such a alleged divinely established, natural harmony among the human ethnicities and races of the world would be achievable, because all people have an assigned cultural identity, a social place, and an economic role within an imperial colony. 

We still see that today with the Right being looked down on by the left for not being 'civilized' 

From the mid- to late-19th century, such racialist group-identity language was the common cultural currency rationalizing the geopolitical competition amongst the empires in Europe and America and was intended to protect their over-extended economies. 

Especially in colonizing the Far East and in the late-19th century Scramble for Africa, the homogeneous European identity representation justified colonization. 

So, Belgium and Britain, and France and Germany proffered ideas of pseudo national superiority that rationalized colonialism as delivering civilization ‘s light to what they wrongly saw as unenlightened peoples. 

Most notably, la mission civilisatrice, the French Empire’s self-described 'civilizing mission' wrongly proposed pseudo science and racialist nonsense on races , power, development, civilized persons, and cultures to in their minds justify them colonizing other peoples in service to their warped ‘noble’ idea of "civilization" and its economic benefits.

The Postcolonial theory says that people who were decolonized develop a postcolonial identity that is based on cultural type of interactions between different identities (besides cultural also national, and ethnic in addition to gender and class based) which are given varying degrees of social power by the colonial society.

In postcolonial literature, the anti-conquest narrative analyzes the social and cultural idpol that are the subaltern colonial subjects’ perspectives of the—their creative resistance to the colonizer‘s culture; how that cultural resistance complicated the creation of a colonial society; how the colonizers developed their postcolonial identity; and how neocolonialism is active in employing the 'us-and-them' binary social relation to see the non-Western world as inhabited by 'the other'.

As an example of this, think of how neocolonial discourse of geopolitical homogeneity commonly includes the relegating of decolonized peoples, their cultures, and their countries, to an imaginary place, like "the Third World." 

Often the term "the third World" is over-inclusive: it references abstractly to big geographic areas that comprise a lot of continents and seas, like Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. 

Instead of providing an obvious or full description of the area it allegedly references, instead it erases distinctions and identities of the groups that it claims to represent. 

A postcolonial critique of this term analyzes the self-justifying usage of this type of term, the discourse it happens within, along with the philosophical and political functions that the language could have. 

Postcolonial critiques of homogeneous concepts like the "Arabs," the "First World," "Christendom," and the "Ummah", commonly seek to show how that type of language in reality doesn’t represent the groups that are supposedly identified. This type of terminology so often fails to adequately give a description of the heterogeneous peoples, cultures, and geography that comprise them. Accurate descriptions of the world's peoples, places, and things need nuanced and accurate terms.

If technological innovation were truly driving real prosperity, our elites wouldn’t feel increasingly competitive with each other over a dwindling number of prestigious outcomes

Technological stagnation wasn’t only producing a self-centered striver class, but also a frayed national fabric. Wealth and cultural capital, in actuality, were concentrated in the coastal knowledge sects, and not in the once-vibrant manufacturing regions. These concerns are dovetailed with numerous points by modern polemics from across the political spectrum, including Daniel Markovits’s “The Meritocracy Trap,” Michael Sandel’s “The Tyranny of Merit,” Patrick Deneen’s “Why Liberalism Failed” and Ross Douthat’s “The Decadent Society.” (Ross Douthat’s book, which you can read as an expansion on the “flying cars” lament, is the work that truly encapsulates at least a micropart of my beliefs.) 

American Affairs, which is comically dense quarterly journal is in some ways a never-ending critique of the “professional managerial class.” And so, all of these sources, borrow from a previous generation of, fine, proto-post-liberals, which includes the critic Christopher Lasch, who went after ostensibly tolerant yuppies for believing that they would earn their spoils and then feel little need to give back to their communities.

This exert from BLOODLUST: A feminist journal against civilization book is a good Anti civilization piece written within a feminist framework


I support the hazing that went on in the 2000s and early 2010s at my former high school

I never hurt my stuffed animals, dolls, action figures and computers ever. I would never hurt them ever unless I was warped to a sci fi reality and they were attacking me, then it would be just to get them off of me or to de escalate. However, if they got destroyed in an accidental fire or explosion, I'd be fine with it

I want video games to be as hard now as they were in the 1980s and 1990s (ie cheap level design, not telling the player where to go, unfair gameplay etc, ie Nintendo Hard). This teaches players how to overcome obstacles ,rewards players who keep going and instills values.

I am against people gambling except if they do it through a proxy (another person) or if I am doing it (due to my mental disorder forcing me to gamble). Gambling is wrong and while it should be legal for regulation reasons, it should be regulated through the roof

I prefer arcade gambling or video game gambling (where there is no money reward)

I am against sports betting becoming legal. It ruins the integrity of the game. The only reason major sports leagues legalize it is to exploit their workers (athletes) more than they exploit them now and that is wrong

According to various scientific studies,the best types of shoes to wear while driving are: driving shoes, boots (including clarks chukka boots, Uggs and clarks unstructured unbend casual oxford shoes) closed toe sport sandals (ones like this and like this) and laceless vans shoes. It is better to wear those types of shoes while driving than to wear sneakers while driving

Just because I am Left Lib, I still personally feel that the philosophy and wisdom of stoics such as Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, etc might, at least in theory be beneficial for the worldview of my fellow leftists. I touch on this here (see here for a similar approach)

Aubrey Cottle of DDossecrets is short sighted. It is ironic that the Liberal 2.0 MSM who claims they are anti nazi have embraced actual nazis like Aubrey, Azoz and the founder of NAFO (KKKami).  

I fully echo this Grayzone article on the Freedom Convoy


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