My story politics

My pronouns are Beep/Bop/Boop

My values: See here

I have never shared my real political views online until I started this blog in late summer 2022

I am /my views are most similar to.  Destiny (streamer) , Caleb Mauphin, Contrapoints, Max Blumenthal, Sameera Khan,  Joe Rogan, Vaush, Sam Seder, BGJ, Mark Twain, Rosa Luxemburg, Noam Chomsky, Susan Sarandon, Murray Rothbard, JK Rowling, Dennis Kucinich, Ben Burgis, Ryan Grim, Emma Vigeland, Ryan Knight, Hasan

Pedro Castillo, Jim Webb, early to mid 2000s Krysten Sinema fused with modern Krysten Sinema, Jeremy Corbyn, Keir Starmer, Keith Ellison, Bernie Sanders,  Tulsi Gabbard, Gary Johnson, Richard Nixon, Theodore Roosevelt, Kat Blaque, Russell Brand, Glenn Greenwald, Emma Goldman, Benjamin Tucker

I am on the radar of being somewhat like Haz Infared, Jimmy Dore, Kyle Kulinski, Bill Maher (except on Islam and I also do more advocacy for marginalized groups than Bill does) , Jon Stewart and maybe, ThoughtSlime, SocialismDoneLeft, Elon Musk (somewhat), Dave Rubin (somewhat), Michael Brooks, Meghan Murphy, 50 Cent

In this blog I may have posts where I give my reactions to certain topics. What I am doing in those posts is echoing comments made about said topic from reddit or another social media site that I agree with, either exactly by posting them with a few grammar tweaks or by rephrasing them. Think of this as me re-commenting or liking a reddit comment (like on Twitter when someone echoes a Tweet they retweet it or like it) 

I might rephrase the reactions to said topic before posting it in a modified way if said reaction isn't exactly what I felt about that topic.  

Like for example, if I have a blog post saying 'my reactions to John Doe being demoted from Circuit City for not unionizing with woke union allies' and I am echoing something that a reddit poster wrote on a reddit about that topic on a subreddit where he or she wrote 

'well that woke union makes union busting seem good even though I am a Marxist' 

I might rephrase that post before posting it in my blog (even though I agree with it) to better reflect my exact view on it, like:  

'well that woke union, in my view makes HR departments replacing unions as the only worker's rights outlet of labor seem like a good thing even though I am a Left Libertarian Marxist and not a radlib neoliberal (radlib neoliberals push for HR departments to replace unions)'

As a kid I was pro Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. In 1992 I supported Bill Clinton because George HW Bush sucked. In 1996 I endorsed Bob Dole for President because I didn’t want any President to serve more than one term, in 2000 I supported Bill Bradley and when he dropped out I supported George W Bush since Bush said he was a compassionate, and he was involved in pro sports like Bill Bradley

I became a proto cultural Liberal 2.0 in 2003 due to me turning against the Iraq War and becoming anti war especially do to me seeing the Dixie Chicks being bullied for being anti war by warhawks like Denis Leary etc. I viewed pro Iraq war celebrities and politicians like wrestling fans view heels. I viewed anti war celebrities and politicians like wrestling fans view faces

For the rest of the 2000s I was anti war (which I still am today but for the reasons Mark Twain was against war not for the reasons I was against war then), hated then President George W Bush and his neocon Republican allies, supported John Kerry and then Presidential candidate and later then President Barack Obama, had a lot of proto Liberal 2.0 views etc.  

As a proto Liberal 2.0 in the 2000s, whenever a pastor or a conservative commentator came on TV and said something that went against my proto Liberal 2.0 beliefs, I would go nuts and throw my remote at the TV so to speak.  

So I would mostly find proto Liberal 2.0 'safe spaces' to hear like minded proto Liberal 2.0 narratives like MSNBC (Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews), CNN (somewhat since they were more ‘moderate’ back then), Democratic Underground etc. Despite this I still wasn't overtly political in the 2000s. 

At the 2004 DNC, I heard future President Barack Obama and thought he was better than John Kerry and even Howard Dean (I was a Dean stan and when he lost the nom to John Kerry I was deflated but I still supported Kerry even though I thought Kerry was a sell out). 

Obama also talked about unity among both political parties which made me for the first time in years, agree that maybe the Republicans aren't as bad as I thought.

Little by little I became less and less Liberal 2.0. First it was me seeing how kids have it too easy nowadays via a post, then it was me seeing the SJW nonsense in early 2007 about some sports thing and then me joining a Assemblies of God Christian community, then it was me reading some conservative forums in 2009. 

I further was poed by proto Liberal 2.0ness when Ashton Kutcher was WRONGLY attacked in 2011 for defending Joe Paterno (my first exposure to cancel culture other than during the Iraq War where anti war people were proto canceled). 

Then the crazy brand of proto Liberal 2.0ness became Liberalism 2.0 in the 2010s which cemented me as houseless non Liberal 2.0er (Liberal 1.0 adjacent. Search linked article for "Liberal 1.0" to see what Liberal 1.0ism is though I was adjacent to it)

For the rest of the 2010s, I'd fight against tumblr SJWism, cancel culture, animal rights freaks and warmongers. 

I also would spoof mainstream right wingers online on social media and even via random emails like Stephen Colbert spoofed right wingers on his show (I was Liberal 1.0 adjacent not right wing). This started around the early mid 2010s and ended a few years ago

I even was ok with right wingers like Ted Cruz (if not for Bernie I could have been a Cruzite) , and not rabidly against Donald Trump and almost intrigued by him (Trump sounded way more liberal on most issues than the chud reactionary conservatives I loathed in the 2000s decade like Fred Thompson, GWB, Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum, etc. Trump conned me), Peter Thiel, etc

The Republicans were becoming less monsterous at that time which included them supporting small government, being non interventionist,, and less harsh on LGBTQ issues than Republicans use to be

As I transitioned from being Liberal 1.0 adjacent to being a Left winger, I slowly embraced politicians I do today, like Bernie Sanders . I then was open to Bernie Sanders in 2016 becoming President

When Bernie dropped out and it was apparent he would not be on the ticket, I was BernieorBust (but I didn’t vote in the 2016 election). It was depressing that Bernie Sanders couldn’t even be the Democratic presidential nominee in either election. Liberal 2.0ers stacked the deck against him (including Jeff Bezos and the Washington Post) .

I do not support Donald Trump and I only said ‘Donald Trump a salesman not politician’ when he juntad to power

Then I almost, like Jimbo Wales and Hillary Clinton said in early 2017 said give him a chance (though I said too “I am not holding my air flow on Trump to do anything good as junta leader”)

Me being Bernieorbust made that easier. This was due to me still having a slight Cruzite streak in me and Cruzites being less Anti Trump than NeverTrumpers

Trump's fake victory fell neatly within the framework of the famous dictum: "Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism."

Though I was becoming more and more Left wing,  I eventually opposed Donald Trump’s juntaship like Cruzites did (like Carly Fioruna and later Kellyanne Conway did) while at times being like a leftist version of Ben Shapiro on Trump (even though I was Bernieorbust)

I am not Anti Joe Biden. I am ok with him and the job he is doing. 

My maternal grandparents, my mom’s godmother, my friends Wade S and Pat C from middle school, my mom’s friend Evelyn R, my friend Jamie H from my former 2007-08 Assemblies of God church 20s somethings group, my former neighbors Ethel C, June L, and Peter H my mom’s oldest brother’s wife’s oldest sister Kathy and her husband Ed all voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 US Presidential election

I realized that the answers to my Liberal 1.0 adjacent concerns were found in the Left Wing (Left of the Democrat party), as I touch on here so I switched from being Liberal 1.0 adjacent to Left Wing a few years ago

I am a little less leftist privately (like the type of Modern egalitarianism theory Pantheonist who is all over the place politically)  

So to sum it:

I thought I had shifted to Reform Party or Liberal Republican before I found the anti id pol left sphere and  along with becoming an Afro Pessimist (and getting mental help for my OCD)

I had grown so dissolutioned after I supported Barack Obama only for him to be another warhawk that pretended not to be. Then Obamacare which only hurt the poor (although banning preexisting conditions was great) but then Democrats started becoming openly racist, sexist, etc as long as it was only directed at whites and every now and then Asians. I thought I was taking crazy pills.

I thought at least the Reform Party or the Liberal Republican are not openly racist and sexist. I do agree with them on two issues at least even if I hate the rest and their not racist or sexist, At least not publicly.

Then I found the anti id pol left sphere and I realized I could be left and still be against ill will/bigotry. I can think Barack Obama is a bad bad man and not care for Obamacare but still be left. I don't have to be a Democrat or Republican, I can be a Marxist

I'm way happier as a Marxist. I can still hate on racist fake-ass Democrats and greedy supply-side holier than thou loving republicans. I can agree with some Democeat stuff and some Reform Party/Liberal Republican stuff like being for M4A, Universal income, stimus checks, minimum wage increases, LGBTQ rights and against illegal immigration, unlimited mass migration, ill will/bigotry, and welfare cuts (along with having my nuanced and unique views on abortion)

The left wing anti pol sphere is magic. If not for it I might have became a Reform Party person or a Liberal Republican . That's why I am always against the conservative purges of places like stupidpol as I really believe they will all come around to the commie side once they lurk here and realize we are not just it crazy but the only sane unbiased people left.

I am willing to become an undercover member of the Alt Fascism Movement (see here for more) and alt right so I can expose them and bring down them down from within on behalf of Democrats and Progressives/Leftists. 

So in this cultivated, trumped up, feigned political blog here, I pretend that I am one of them as I write right wingish political views that will pretend to have in order to infiltrate that Alt Fascism Movement (see here for more on who they are) and alt right in order to bring them down from within and to deradicalize them and then reprogram them to be as left wing as Contrapoints or Michael Brooks was (or as left as Josh Gottheimer at worst)

Maybe by me going undercover as a mole in the right wing to bring them down I can also use that as another way to save right wingers from being right wing and to make them left wing. This is in line with 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 NIV  "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some."(from being a right winger)

I sort of reject every program, idea, abstraction, ideal or theory that is placed above life and individuals as a construct to be served. 

This rejection thus is, of rigid organized religious, , the State/Nation (though Minarchism is ok), idpol, etc., but also of Anarchism, Primitivism, Communism, Freedom, Reason,  Individuality, etc. when these become ideals to which a person is to sacrifice himself/herself, a person’s desires, aspirations, dreams etc. 

I support using ideas, theoretical analysis and reason capacity to abstractly think critically as tools for realizing society’s aims, for reappropriating life and for acting against everything that stands in the way of this reappropriation. 

This includes the rejection of easy answers that come to act as blinders to a person’s attempts to examine the reality someone is facing in favor of ongoing questioning and theoretical exploration

I am not really down or a fan of organizationalism, meaning the idea that any organization can represent exploited individuals or groups, social struggle, revolution or Anarchism ideals. 

Therefore I also am extremely wary of all formal organizations (parties, unions, federations etc) which, (due to their programmatic attributes), take on such a representative role. 

This does not I do not support the capacity to organize the specific activities that are necessary to the revolutionary struggle, but rather I am extremely wary of the subjection of the organization of tasks and projects to organizational program formalism. The only task that has ever been proven to require formal organization is formal organization development and maintenance

Omissions: My silence on any other specific government policy, law, ordinance, regulation-agency ruling, initiative, edict, control, etc shall not be construed to imply my approval. I want to enunciate my top priorities, but not the whole of my positions

Like PJ Proudhon, I write a wide range of often extreme thoughts—typically in such fragmentary form that forming any conclusions from his entries is next to impossible. 


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