Other side Political post positions

To be 'other side political post position' on a political issue is to support a position that promotes individual freedom that is autonomous from the political ideology of left and right while retaining some elements of leftism (thus political post positional). Basically an 'all over the place' political (post) position

An 'other side political post position' is similar to these ideologies

Some universes/dimensions have Flirp Flarpist  or are Hyperlane (like herehere), meaning political positions that are not left, right, middle, radical centrist, apolitical, neutral but as opposite of like left and right as left and right are opposite of each other

So with Flirp Flarpist  or Hyperlane (like herehere) universes/dimensions where saying 'I am fourth political position on fiat taxes' or 'I am sixth political position on the US-Afghanistan war' would mean you have a political position that is as opposite of for and against as for and against are opposition of each other but you can't imagine such a position in our universe /dimension but only in Flirp Flarpist or Hyperlane ones.

So the above belong to new horizontal directional positions besides left and right that are found in other universes/dimensions but they still are political positional.  This is similar to saying you are either left, right middle, radical centrist, apolitical, neutral on a political view (meaning you still have a political position on it just one that exists in a universe/dimension with more directions and positions than our dimension and thus we can't fathom said directions or positions).  It would still follow the 'OR'  (are you left or centrist, or right or sixth political position or fourth political position on wind farming?)

HOWEVER , in some universes/dimensions there are no directional positions at all but they have their own laws of nature thus by extension the whole concept of political position would not exist and something else would exist in place of directional positions and by extension political positions in such a universe/dimension

It would be indirect position on a political issue or would go beyond having a position on a political issue. Whatever the closest adjacent equivalent of positional/directions are in said universe/dimension . It would go beyond the 'OR' (see here for what I am getting at)

Maybe something like this "For Frege asserting the negation of a claim serves roughly the same role as denying a claim does in Aristotle. Other Western logicians such as Kant and Hegel answer, ultimately three; you can affirm, deny or make merely limiting affirmations, which transcend both affirmation and denial. In Indian logic, four logical qualities have been the norm, and Nagarjuna is sometimes interpreted as arguing for five."

A non dimensional being, for it to exist then it has to exist beyond even the concept of dimensions. And so it's exactly the same as a being that exists beyond dimensions. Like hereherehere or maybe here. There would be no directions in which to move. There might be other point worlds as well, each isolated in the void. Maybe intangible continuum

We'll call this 'other side of the dimensions' universes/dimensions' (called an 'other side political post position'). This means unlike having an affirmative/negation, for, against, left right political position or a Flirp Flarpist/Hyperlane (i.e Fourth political position , fifth political position etc), all of which seek to rearrange direction or position  , a other side political post position is not directly a position or something equivalent to a political position .  seeks to no longer be arranged by direction or position 

Flirp Flarpist/Hyperlane 'Fourth political position', 'fifth political position' etc etc and 'left wing' ,'right wing', 'for/support', 'against/not support' are political positions , an other side political post position blows up the whole notion of political positions and is something completely different in terms of said political issue it is given a post political position on

In a other side of the dimension universe/dimension you would have something in place of a political position that we cannot imagine in our universes/dimension since in other side of the dimension universes/dimensions, directional positions and by extension political positions (not even ones that don't exist in our universe/dimension i.e Flirp Flarpist or Hyperlane ones i.e 'fourth political position , fifth political position etc' ) do not exist

We can look at our universe/dimension's directional-political positions/ Flirp Flarpist/Hyperlane directional-political positions (as apples and orange indirect equivalence to the 'other side of the dimensions' universes/dimensions as . Our universe/dimension's directional-political positions/ Flirp Flarpist/Hyperlane directional-political positions are on the directional/political position spectrum (the Flirp Flarpist/Hyperlane political positions themselves are outside of the left-right political spectrum), the 'other side of the dimensions' universe/dimensions are outside of this spectrum

Political positions in a  'other side of the dimensions' universes/dimensions would not exist but there would be stuff like 'self evident', or maybe Situationist or maybe politically Syncretic or maybe perspectivist or maybe middle platonic or maybe Conceptionalist (similar to Kantian) or No Self or Anti realism or something like this

or Multistable perceptive (Photographs of craters, from either the moon or other planets including our own, can exhibit this phenomenon. Craters in stereo vision, such as our eyes, normally appear concave. However, in monocular presentations, such as photographs, the elimination of our depth perception causes multistable perception, which can cause the craters to look like plateaus rather than pits. 

For humans, the "default" interpretation comes from an assumption of top-left lighting, so that rotating the image by 180 degrees can cause the perception to suddenly switch.[6][7] This phenomenon is called the concave/convex, or simply up/down, ambiguity, and it confuses computer vision as well.[8])

"Multistable Figures · ICI Berlin Press

ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry

https://press.ici-berlin.org › catalogue › doi

Multistable figures offer an intriguing model for arbitrating conflicting positions. ... Identity Politics Redux / K. Heintzman."

or Transcendental idealism or the solution to the free will problem, or Dialetheism or Anti Paradox Tolerance or Multiple negation or this or this , or this or this. Maybe Modal subordination (like here)

The Early Nietzsche's Post-Political Rhetoric

Like: Georgia State University https://archive.ph/GHe8X

https://scholarworks.gsu.edu › cgi › viewcontent

by K Nichols · 2016 — “Schopenhauer as Educator” commits Nietzsche to a post-political position. INDEX WORDS: Nietzsche, Political theory, Culture, Aristocracy, ...

OR (from here)

"In the ninth dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In the tenth and final dimension, we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered. Beyond this, nothing can be imagined by us lowly mortals, which makes it the natural limitation of what we can conceive in terms of dimensions."


like from here

Following the discussion of the criteria that might lead one to consider a new field a matter field or a modification of spacetime and gravity (or a new gravitational and/or spatiotemporal degree of freedom), we shall—after introducing SFDM in more detail (section 4)—apply these criteria to the case of SFDM (section 5). We shall argue that the often unquestioned assumption that every field is either a matter field or a gravitational/spacetime field is put under severe pressure by SFDM. In particular, we will argue that the newly introduced scalar field in SFDM is both a matter field and a gravitational/spacetime field. This result will then be the starting point of the second companion paper (Martens & Lehmkuhl, forthcoming), where we will unpack the interpretational questions raised above, both in the context of SFDM as well as in the broader context of charting (the neighbourhood of SFDM in) the space of theories.

OR like : Can We Share a World Beyond Representation? https://www.e-flux.com/journal/106/314167/can-we-share-a-world-beyond-representation/


https://www.e-flux.com › journal › can-we-share-a-wo...

... of others” has created a form of “reified subjectivity” that enables a spectacularized, uncommitted, and “post-political” position vis-à-vis the world.

OR (from here)

"A: As said above, "transcending space and time" is a very vague statement by itself and can mean multiple things depending on the context in which it is made, as well as how this characteristic is portrayed in the first place. However, if it is specified that they "transcend space and time" in the sense that they exist on some higher level of reality that is qualitatively superior to a spacetime continuum in nature, then they should be put at Low 1-C, assuming the continuum in question is one comprised of four dimensions. 

The answer may vary depending on this factor.

It is perfectly possible for a statement like transcending space and time to mean that a character is simply "untied" from the universe's spacetime, and is thus unaffected by alterations in the timeline and similar meddlings. It's not exactly uncommon for time travel (Or any action / process that affects something through different points in time) to be described as "transcending time and space." 

Transcend space and time can also refer to a spacetime continuum being different to a "regular" spacetime continuum (Say, a strange-looking reality that may hold a few different physical laws, for example) or slightly do be more complex than a regular universe, even significantly so, but not qualitatively superior. Something A being said to "transcend" something B in real life can refer to the former being superior to the latter in some qualities in a notable way, but still roughly compatible. 

It does not necessarily mean transcendence not in an immeasurable way that would be graphically indescribable, such as A's qualities being superior to B by infinite amounts. With this in mind, statements of realities or beings with transcendence over space & time/the universe/etc., on their own, are not assumed to refer to qualitatively superiority, unless of course further context may elaborate on and contextualize this.

It should also be noted that simply existing in some alternate state of existence that lacks time and/or space is not really grounds for any tier in particular, as lacking such things does not translate to being superior to them, and would most often overlap with abilities like Acausality or Nonexistent Physiology. A good example of a case like this is Dormammu (Marvel Cinematic Universe), who is stated to exist in a realm "far beyond time," yet never actually displays any superiority over it, and is in fact vulnerable to time-based abilities due to his timeless nature."

An other side political position also includes post positions such as Opaque contexts, having a Top/Bottom political position instead of a left liberal 2.0 right one , adhering the viewpoint 'Not left , not liberal 2.0, not right but Forward' and something similar to political Triangulation

An other side political post position also means a position of experimenting with ways of building autonomy that are also anti-essentialist and that recognize the heterogeneity of supposedly static categories. So an other side post political position would have a negative affirmation of identity or other political issue in order to prevent any positive affirmation of another identity or other political issue

An other side political post position also incorporates stuff from the Fourth Political theory (4pt) to give a post political position on issues (including an Epistemic Democracy)

Like maybe a "Beyond/transcend the left, liberal 2.0 and right but against the center" view

"Constructing the 4PT we arrive to the rediscovery of the Pre-Modernity understood not as the past, but as the a-temporal structure of principles and values belonging to the different philosophical Universe (where exist Eternity, God or gods, angels, souls, devil, end of time and resurrection of dead). The concept of past (as as something that is not any more) with pejorative connotation is essentially Modern concept based in its turn on the negation of the dimension of Eternity and absolutization of the time (becoming). The Pre-Modernity is not the past. The Pre-Modernity is society, culture, Weltanschauung and political system constructed on the fundamental belief in the Eternity. The Modernity denies that - hence its chrono-centric epistemology.

In the context of Modernity we are dealing with Cartesian subject. Its actual normative interpretation is liberal one -- individual. So we need to deconstruct this concept of individual making appeal to the pre-modern understanding of human being and its essence." 

This is like with Afro Pessimism where this political post position tries to negate the negation

Like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_S%C3%B8ren_Kierkegaard:

In Kierkegaard's meaning, purely theological assertions are subjective truths and they cannot be either verified or invalidated by science, i.e. through objective knowledge.[18] For him, choosing if one is for or against a certain subjective truth is a purely arbitrary choice.[18] 

He calls the jump from objective knowledge to religious faith a leap of faith, since it means subjectively accepting statements which cannot be rationally justified.[18] For him the Christian faith is the result of the trajectory initiated by such choices, which don't have and cannot have a rational ground (meaning that reason is neither for or against making such choices).[18] Objectively regarded, purely theological assertions are neither true nor false.[18]

exempleary perople

calm, committed to parents, seek understanding, seek harmony, not anxious, takes high road, makes demands of self, accomplish what they say, cherish excellence, cherish fairness, neither for or against anything, slow to speak & quick to act, respectful, do not let mind stray, seek balance (source;Quizlet)




As part of the ongoing ‘transvaluation’ of established literary values, we have successfully argued and accepted that texts, authors, genres and social groups other than the canonical ones ought to be studied as part of the syllabi. 

In other words, we are past the phase of ‘restricted entry’, and objects of study have democratically multiplied. But there has been no corresponding rethinking, at least to the same degree, on what more can be done with the old and the new entrants. Somehow, originality in research has come to mean writing theses and books on less-canonical works. When we decide merely...

Like this (from https://ndpr.nd.edu/reviews/identities-and-freedom-feminist-theory-between-power-and-connection/): twithstanding, there are ways that "home" also denotes a domain of experience that is necessary for all human flourishing. Feminists, she accordingly urged, should not reject the value of home, but rather should demand that its benefits -- a space of personal meaning, security, and needed privacy -- be available for all and not only for the privileged few. 

Weir rehearses the early critiques of the dangers of "home" with some sympathy. She then discusses Young's response to them and argues that we should move beyond for-and-against arguments in order to view "home" as a locus of values that transcend such dichotomies. 

"Home," Weir argues, may be a site for connections in which we both accept the risks of conflict and where we may, in freedom, expand the self in "loving" relationships: "freedom is precisely the capacity to be in relationships that one desires: to love whom and what you choose to love" (57; 

Weir's emphasis). She argues that in creating such new political "homes" for ourselves within movements of "feminist solidarity" we also engage in creating new forms of "transformative identification with ideals, with each other, and with a feminist 'we'" (61).

See here for more. It is also similar to a placeholder view


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