Taboo views

This post and link provides some unique insight into all of this, along with this link. Also note that sex is powerThis exert exposes how power is sexy and how that sexiness in our society upholds patriarchy and male power over women.

I agree with this exert here  "What Is Not Sex-Negative Feminism"

"Which brings us to our second ‘not’: sex-negative feminism is not moralism. If there is a critique to be made of sex – which I believe there is – then feminists must make it on political, not moral grounds. Sex is not wrong, or nasty, or shameful, or dirty. Sexual desires are not immoral. The eroticisation (as found in sexual cultures such as BDSM and much of heterosexuality) of systems of domination and submission is not morally wrong (although this should not stop us from identifying and criticising where appropriate the political characteristics of public celebration and perpetuation of eroticised views of those systems).

An exemplar of criticism that is not moral but political is the Antipornography Civil Rights Ordinance drafted by Dworkin and MacKinnon to allow anyone injured by pornography to fight back by filing a civil lawsuit against pornographers. Dworkin and MacKinnon differentiate clearly between moral and political opposition in the explanatory book, Pornography and Civil Rights: A New Day For Women’s Equality (the following quote is from the subsection named, ‘Pornography and Civil Rights’):

Law has traditionally considered pornography to be a question of private virtue and public morality, not personal injury and collective abuse. The law on pornography has been the law of morals regulation, not the law of public safety, personal security, or civil equality. When pornography is debated, in or out of court, the issue has been whether government should be in the business of making sure only nice things are said and seen about sex, not whether government should remedy the exploitation of the powerless for the profit and enjoyment of the powerful. (emphasis mine)

Whatever you may think of the approach (personally, I am in full support) you must distinguish it from the view that “pornography is dirty”. As Dworkin and MacKinnon address the issue, it is the injury and abuse of women that are “dirty” (this is, perhaps, an understatement); pornography and the industry around pornography are understood to enable (or embody) this injury and abuse; and they must be fought on those grounds.  

Also see here for more similar thoughts I agree with and to expand on that a bit

I am against Polygamy, Polyarmy and open marriages being legal in our current society but I want us to abolish the family unit as the norm or completely since as a Marxian Leftist, I support the bigger picture of our society being a collective, decentralized free society which includes polygamy, polyarmy etc being the norm etc. So I want us to become a Marxist Leftist society first then make polygamy, polyarmy and open marriages legal and as normal as the family unit. But NOT before that.

Monogamy is better than those systems as shown by science. Children suffer when they have parents who are Polygamous, Polyarmous or in open marriages. Polygamy et al cheapens love. If people in marriages want more they should get a divorce first.  But onc

Sadly, a significant amount of gay, straight curious and bi people don’t find the concept of monogamy enjoyable.  

If that is true (I don’t think it necessarily is, just saying..), I wonder if legalizing Polygamy/Polyamory before we abolish the family unit as the norm or completely but just for same sex couples only would fix that issue? (Polygamy/Polyamory would still be illegal for straight couples) Though I do not want to know the answer, never mind. I am just musing 

My views on Pedophilia generally match Josh Hawley's views on Pedophilia along with Law and Order SVU's views on Pedophilia.

If I had a close relative or a close family friend who did Pedophilic things to me when I was a toddler, child, pre teen or teen , I would forgive them and not report them for what they did to me. In fact, I wouldn't even care that they did those Pedophilic things to me back then

While I can see where the USA today was coming from with their article on pedophila (I empathize with non pedos who sympathize with pedophiles) and appreciate the USA Today article on pedos humanizing them and trying to be compassionate toward them, the USA today missed the mark. 

The USA Today did not balance that out by being more humanizing and compassionate about and toward children who are certainly more of a victim than pedos are. People who stick up for pedos have no idea that damage and horror their actions cause on our young children. Though maybe 1 or 2 salvageable ideas came from that USA Today article the rest was pseudo nonsense

I believe we need to get tougher with them not softer (or at the very least, appear tougher than we have dealt with Pedophiles and Pedophilia for the last few decades but in actuality deal with the same as we are now without dealing with them less tougher -like how 'colder than absolute zero' is really still above absolute zero) . 

Pedophiles are child predators that need to be stopped from doing that since by doing so less abused children will grow up to be pedophiles. Children need to be protected from them as this is a youth rights issue . We want to keep protecting our kids from them.

Pedophiles are not born that way, not every person who does things we don’t like is born that way

Pedophilia is a very serious and terrible act and Pedophiles should not be coddled by the far Liberal 2.0 . 

The far Liberal 2.0 should not allow pedophiles under their tent as in doing so wrongly, unknowingly and homophobicly lumping Pedophiles in with gay people which degrades the Queer community (due to them being associated with Pedophiles by being in a big tent with them). Though I won’t stop Liberal 2.0ers from embracing pedos, its their waterloo. 

I support keeping the sex offender database . However, pedophiles should be symbolically given the chance to self register as sex offenders before they are officially registered (and if they don't then they are officially registerd). 

Basically like if a CEO of a company is accused or a felony and they are given a chance to resign on their own accord and if they don't resign they are fired (forced resignation thing). . Children need to be protected from Pedophiles. 

Though I am fine with pedos being put on a Sex Offender registry database regardless (but people in that database who were between 18 and 24 due to them having consentual sex with minors 16 or 17 (for the 18 year olds)  16 and a half to 17 (for the 21 year olds) should not be in that database (or at absolute worst, while not being in that database they should still be monitored like pedos were monitored in the pre Sex Offender registry database days). Even though I wouldn’t mind seeing the age of consent lowered to 16 or 17, I think this type of Scotland age of consent laws would do more harm than good, but I will wait to see how that plays out before condemning it further

I would like the sex offender database to be replaced by a social credit system (like the one in China) that gives convcited Pedophiles the lowest possible scores (or lower) which would be implemented in the US 

It would be just like China's system and would give everyone scores based on everything that China's social credit system currently gives scores for but tweeked to give Pedophiles lower scores than in China) to replace the Sex Offender Registry database.  

Pedophila is evil and wrong and should always be illegal . I believe the US needs to have a war on pedophilia to prevent children from being sexually abused in a way that will drastically cut pedophilia by at least 20 or 30 percent. 

Instead of sticking up for pedos, our side should instead try to stop children from being sexually abused. This will prevent many pedos from being pedos in the first place (since being sexually abused as a child leads to most pedos in Pedophiles)

Pedos also need religion (i.e SBNR, Judeo Christianity,Buddhism etc) counciling to fix their issues and release their inner demonic nature . Mainstream techniques that currently are used to cure pedophiles should be fused with such values to be used on them (voluntarily) so they have no excuse.

Pedophiles just thinking pedophilic things without acting on them is a sin in Christianity since in Christianity God says thinking of doing sinful acts is the same as doing sinful acts (we should all apply this thinking to our own lives too and not even think of doing sinful acts) . 

Even outside of religion having that stuff in your heart is wrong since there is no guarantee they won’t act on those urges

In a more ideal world (ymmv), we'd teleport a lot to most pedophiles from the US who are currently in prison or on parole (or who are close to being put back in prison) to Emerald City in the Oswald State Correctional Facility in the late 1990s/early 2000s in an alternate reality where the HBO tv show Oz is real. 

This way those pedos can be dealt with by the anti pedo Oz inmates (in that reality and time period) the same way that that pedo inmate was dealt with by those same anti pedo inmates on Oz (though we'd give those pedos we were tranferring to the late 1990s/early 2000s Oswald State Correctional Facility's Emerald City in that fictional reality a fighting chance by trying to give them advice and training before we teleport them so they have as much of a chance to survive and at times thrive in that prison like how Beecher survived and thrived on Oz during the show's run). 

Moreover those pedos would have Sister Pete and Father Makula to give them counciling to further help them break free.

They'd only be in that place for a year or possibly more (keep in mind inmates in Oz's Emerald city have a lot more freedom than normal inmates here do). 

If they survive that, they will be released and can live anywhere they want in that alternate reality version of the US that the HBO tv show Oz takes place in, assuming they find a job, get a place to live etc like other people do in that alternate reality version of the US in that time period.

Then those pedophiles can continue to fight for their so called 'rights' but in that alternate reality version of the US that the HBO tv show Oz takes place in and they'll always be 20 something years behind us in our reality since besides teleporting them to that fictional alternate reality where the HBO tv show Oz is real, we also sent them back in time (to the late 1990s/early 2000s).  

If they get their rights in that alternate reality version of the US that they demand here, better there than here. Out of sight (or out of reality and time period) out of mind.

However, at the same time, we need to find more uplifting and compassionate but no less condeming ways to help pedophiles not feel hated in very specific ways or possibly at all, to tell pedophiles that their vice are no worse than other vice but still point out their vice are against natural law and left unchecked can cause immense damage to our youth community

One idea is to have Pedophiles are forced to go through Wilderness therapy and then navy seal or military training to learn discipline and restraint and then electroshock therapy to learn discipline and restraint and control . 

If they get through that, they should get a lot less prison time when they are released (like maybe 17 percent of their prison time shaved off, and have their sex offender status be a little more hidden in databases than is now (while mentioning their training and therapies). 

Another idea is encouraging pedophiles to go into group therapy and connect with other pedophiles would be a win for everyone.Under this system, pedophiles would also be encouraged to go through Sgt Slaughter type curing pedophilia boot camps, pedophilia conversion therapy and possibly as a last resort, empathetic, 'encouraged' self impotence (assuming it can be reversed in the future) to stop being pedophiles.

Yet another idea is having all pedophiles being segregated when they are out of prison (separate yet equal). We could create separate bathrooms, beaches, pools, stores, etc just for Pedophiles. Pedophiles should be banned from using all non pedo bathrooms, beaches, pools, stores etc, just like in the South during Jim Crow.

Pedos who show major improvement and show at least some proof that they are cured or almost cured can have relations with a parent who has children, but children who are 15 and older only, and while they are being (loosely) supervised only.  They also would be on Sex Offender Database probation at times as long as those pedophiles agree to use QR code system like in Australia in the early 2020s in conjunction with that.

As it is now, I do not fight against convicted pedophiles who are free dating or marrying people with children if it is technically legal for them to do so. If those people are dumb enough to allow those pedophiles to date or marry them, they get what they deserve. 

Any non jailed Pedophile who can convince at least 75% of the thousands of the most anti pedophile activists on Earth from the last 50 years that those pedophiles should be able to have relationships with single parents who have children and that beyond a resonable doubt they wouldn't do any pedo things to those children and wouldn't be a threat to those children, would win my pragmatic yet regreful and slight just short of support for them having those relationships with said single parents

Related to that, I only compassionately lean not support (instead of being against) for what happened between Liam's character and the young girl in the Good Mother movie

I have no idea if Michael Jackson committed pedophilia or child abuse. He could done things better for sure no matter what he did or didn’t do. I've heard all sides of it. But I will always be a Michael Jackson fan regardless.

Though I am somewhat open to maybe in a few decades from now, conditionally supporting the implementation of a widespread (or extremely more widespread if such a system already exists) Catch a Predator type of anti pedophilia system across the country that has Chris Hansen type people confront pedophiles right before they act and deal with them in the same way that those pedophiles on that show were dealt with (even if some of them are dealt with like the predators in the first 2 episodes were in very rare cases).  

However, as it is now, I am fine with our current system of catching/arresting Pedophiles and legally dealing with them. 

Pedos are not minor attracted they are sick in the head and attracted to degeneracy and evil

I will not judge the Reddit mods like drewiw, Aimee etc over them allegedly dabbling in underage relationships with minors. It’s not my place to judge them, only God can judge those reddit mods. Let he or she who is without sin cast the first stone at those reddit mods. But I will say that being a pedo is as evil as you can get. Pedos are monsters who sexually abuse people 

I am against Ron Darthsantis putting pedophiles in prison for life without parole and especially for trying to use the death penalty against pedophiles. To be sure pedos deserve a lot of time in prison (at least a dozen years in prison give or take a couple of years, though how long for me is abstract and fluid), but life without parole/death penalty is extreme. 

Desantis is uncompassionate towards pedos and he doesn't realize why pedos do what they do. He doesn't want to help them he wants to punish them which shows he is tyrant and authoritarian . Why pedos are disgusting trolls and predators they have a huge sexual problem and mental problems and if anything Florida should go easier on them than harder

I am against people under 18 viewing Onlyfans and uploading things to Onlyfans. It is evil, wrong, disgusting  for teens under 18 to view Onlyfans and to upload stuff to Onlyfans. Onlyfans destroys the innocence of kids under 18 and I won't let them happen.  

I am going to force every politician in the US to ban anyone under 18 from viewing Onlyfans and from uploading things to Onlyfans. I will never allow kids under 18 to view or upload things to Onlyfans ever. Over my dead body

Onlyfans will destroy the lives of anyone who views or uploads things to it under the age of 18 (when they grow up).  It is pedophilia to allow kids under 18 to view and upload things to Onlyfans and I will risk my life to make sure that no kid under 18 ever views or uploads anything to Onlyfans ever

Kids can't buy cigs in the US until 21, can't vote til 18, can't consent to sex in some places til 18 but these pieces of shit politicians and sites allow kids under 18 to interact with Onlyfans and that makes me want to kill myself. I will not allow that to happen ever again. Any parent who allows their child under 18 to view or upload things to onlyfans should be forced to lose custody of their child. 


At minimum the age of consent for porn should ALWAYS be 18 years old. Any lower than that is literal sex abuse, statutory rape and absolutely evil. I will do everything in my power ,even illegal to make sure that the age of consent for porn NEVER gets lowered below 18.  Society today is warped into trashing age of consent laws for non porn sex being 18 or above so it would be hypocritical and retarded to not extend that to age of consent for porn

I am against Pornography and from a moral perspective I want Pornography to be over regulated indirectly by the government so much the porn industry collapses or at minimum porn is demonetized by isps and webhosts . We need to follow the NYT model of pressuring the porn industry to change , but so much so that they collapse from the pressure

One way I will do that will be to tell porn sites and porn studios to ban all porn videos that mention or are themed after Halloween and St Patrick's Day and any porn site and porn studio who does not agree to this I will personally do everything in my power to shut those porn sites and porn studios down forever.

I halfway condone people watching porn during the pandemic lockdowns only but that doesn’t mean I support it

Porn is something made and distributed and sold, and therefore technically is subject to over regulation and restriction if we so desire. If it's right for the government to regulate economic activity and right great racist and homophobic wrongs for the "common good", why can’t the government do that also for pornography too? 

Though I recognize that some good-faith [big tent] opinions on this issue after all I am anti statist and left libertarian which can be seen throughout my blog and this section in particular

But Pornography has nothing in common with Libertarian values

Pornography is not free speech it is truly just obscenity, not art or free speech. And its toxic impacts can last a lifetime.

I condemn the men who exploit and abuse women in pornography

The only reason people , including fake Christians watch porn is because its addicting, not because they think its morally right. Most men are capable of literal sexual abuse, so most men being addicted to other sexual abuse like porn is not surprising . But that is no excuse. Excuses only make our society worse

I support the advocacy by Trafficking Hub

Pornography is evil, exploitative, degrading, immoral, and wrong. Pornography objectifies women (making their shallow features more important than their inward features which is sexist) and causes mental issues and spreads STDs and degeneracy. 

It is anti woman and treats women poorly and cheapens love.

Moreover pornography leads to issues for men and women porn workers and even death. 

I support Fight the New Drug, and their anti porn advocacy like with their correct “Porn Kills Love” billboards . They are stylish and tech-savvy, Fight the New Drug rightfully focuses on the practical harms to people, relationships and families. They are “non-legislative and non-religious,” which is good and a more Libertarian way to fight against porn .

I have no problems with post liberals (Natcons) in the Republican Party like JD Vance trying to make Pornography should be illegal. 

The hard fact is the government already enforces morality by :

forcing private bakeries to make lgbtq cakes for same sex couples and transgender people even if the baker is against same sex marriage or Transgenderism,  enforces morality by implementing CRT policies, enforces morality by tone deaf , overkill, hollow acts like the Crown Act, enforces morality by teaching the CRT and Equitable Math in schools, enforces morality by arresting people for using the wrong pronouns (UK), forces morality by stupidly cancelling student loans, enforces morality through quota like Affirmative action (which is commendable), enforces morality via lockdowns and vaxxes 

So if the government can go that far with enforcing morality they might as well ban porn too since porn being legal is worse than that other stuff not being implemented (otherwise they come off as partisan hypocrites)

I support banning teenagers from watching pornography at MINIMUM as this article suggests . Maybe by doing so we can start to dredge our culture of the porn infestation that has plagued it for too long. 

We need to recognize and convey the horrors of how pornography is harmful to women and leads to increased violence against women. 

Pornography is bad and appalling because of its tendency to use coercion on women (physical, psychological, economical etc) to do sex acts, even if women are seen to be having a good time (which they aren’t because pornography objectifies women). 

Women aren’t there by choice, that ‘happiness’ is not natural but coerced and artificial and that seriously bothers me.

Pornography as a word comes from the W word and that word reflects just how negatively women are treated in the Pornography industry. 

Bottom line is, Pornography is wrong and must be abolished because it is patriarchal propaganda. We must stop Pornography from infecting normal people with its mental insanity before it turns our youth into pedos, zoophilia and degenerates

We need to get the word out that Pornography is wrong and put pressure on the porn industry to shut itself down forever because porn is patriarchal propaganda. 

Pornography is not morally acceptable, and the vast majority (like 61 percent) of Americans agree with me (despite what fake rigged polls by. My criticism of it is bipartisan. Pornography is so bad its good

Pornography is exploitation and it is oppression against women, queer people and children. In Bangladesh during their liberation war, Maoists bombed the HQs of pornographers.

Porn normalizes violence against women and that fills our prisons up with abusive dudes who can’t not watch porn and help women constructively

It's good Pornhub deleted millions of their abusive and exploitative videos. I am neutral on the credit card company cancelling Pornhub since while its good they did something anti Liberal 2.0 for change (cancelling pornhub) they used cancel culture to do that and I am against cancel culture. I am glad the Onlyfans is banning pornography

 Until we abolish porn, it must depict women positively

“The values expressed in pornography clash so obviously with the family concept, and they potentially undermine the traditional values that favor marriage, family, and children... Pornographic scripts dwell on sexual engagements of parties who have just met, who are in no way attached or committed to each other, and who will part shortly, never to meet again... Sexual gratification in pornography is not a function of emotional attachment, of kindness, of caring, and especially not of continuance of the relationship, as such continuance would translate into responsibilities, curtailments, and costs..” Dolf Zillman

Researchers like Zillman believe that pornography causes unequivocal harm to society by increasing rates of sexual assault, see here and Simmons, Catherine A.; Lehmann, Peter; Collier-Tenison, Shannon (April 2008). "Linking male use of the sex industry to controlling behaviors in violent relationships: an exploratory analysis". Violence Against Women. 14 (4): 406–417. doi:10.1177/1077801208315066. PMID 18359877. S2CID 19294687.

I agree with this article and this article

Pornhub should be shut down forever or only do Anti porn , wholesome videos with family or post family values.  Porn is so bad its good

I sort of slightly empathize with the Salon article writers view on the Pornhub-Girls Do Porn thing. 

Though some fellow Leftists claim that there is no unethical consumption under Capitalism (within reason) which includes creating and consuming pornography. So by abolishing Capitalism we can more effectively abolish pornography but until then just wait it out (wait it out as in allow porn to continue to be as legal and widely available as it is now until we abolish Capitalism at which time we can effectively abolish pornography but not before) So from an anti statist and Left Libertarian perspective only I agree.Also see this. Ironically Americans are stuck at hone as much now as they were back then. 

I hope we can at least try a hail mary via extreme bribery and reprogramming to get all in person porn banned forever forcing virtual porn (i.e NON IN PERSON PORN) to be the only way people would be allowed to do porn videos. 

This would mean the only legal way for people to do porno would be virtually, where the porn people are at their homes and physically separated from each other by dozens ,hundreds or thousands of miles, and where they see the other porn person they are fucking over the internet on their screen instead of in person

In my one of my past lives, I was addicted to sometimes splurging on trap porn (ie PG rated femboy -over 18 porn- the type that Lot would not condemn to only barely condemn)

I am fine with BDSM and erotica (to an extent) which I feel should fully replace pornography in the future. I am a fan of BDSM and there is something stimulating and savage about it

I am against kids and teens being exposed to and doing BDSM not that I need to say so

I am against public fetishography and I want it to be illegal forever

Orgies are sick, disgusting and emotionally and physically harmful . Science proves orgies cause longterm pain and suffering to anyone who engages in such sick, degenerate, perverted acts. Orgies spread germs, disease and other harmful things and are among the most sick things ever. I plan on abolishing orgies everywhere on Earth forever

I am against legalizing public orgies and public sex. People should never be allowed to have orgies or sex in public ever. I am against private orgies too. I am against people going to prison for years because of it though.

I am also against private orgies. I want them banned too. At minimum I will get all in person orgies banned forever forcing virtual orgies (i.e NON IN PERSON ORGIES) to be the only way people would be allowed to have orgies. This would mean the only legal way for people to have orgies would be virtually, where each orgy participant is at their homes and physically separated from each other by dozens ,hundreds or thousands of miles and where they see the other orgy participant they are fucking over the internet on their screen instead of in person

I am going to blackmail and bribe the governments in the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and China etc to force them to ban private and public orgies forever. Those countries like most others locked down their citizens during the virus and imposed social distancing, masks etc. 

So it would be hypocritical , awkward and inconsistent for them to allow people in their countries to engage in orgies ever again after their tough restrictions during the virus . I will bribe the police snd Fbi in those countries to break up every public and private orgies in those countries to cleanse those countries from orgies

In most alternate realities there was no in person orgies that happened anywhere on alternate reality Earth in the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s, etc.THE MANY WORLDS INTERPRETATION IS PROOF I AM CORRECT

I wish eternal pain and suffering on any person who has engaged in orgies sin pce 2021 or who will do so in the future

There is nothing wrong, immoral or sick with people having a foot fetish. If Liberal 2.0ers can accept gays, trans people, porn, bdsm and drag queens (and to a much lesser extent pedos) then they are hypocrite retard phony bigots if they don't similarly accept people with foot fetishes.  Foot fetishes are a form of addiction or mental health issue so anyone who has a problem with someone having a foot fetish is also abelist. 

Anyone who criticizes people who have a foot fetish has to also criticize gays, trans people, porn, bdsm, prostitution and drag queens otherwise they should be caned 

It is healthy to have such fetishes and there is nothing wrong, weird or sick about someone having them. Those type of Fetish people should get the same compassion from progressives and the left  that LGBTQ people get from us

Jacina Arden is a whore slut for allowing orgies to take place in NZ and especially for promoting them.

I can defend Ben Shapiro defending the 2020 film Cutsies but the movie bombed so badly and will fade into obscurity so soon , I won’t even bother.

I am against sex tourism and I want to get sex tourism banned forever

I would be between condoning and fine with the age of consent being 16 all over, not that I would push for that (but only for 16 year olds dating someone 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 as long as its consensual)  .

Or at the very least I support countries and states where the age of consent is 16 staying 16. 

I support the age of consent being 17 without conditions (meaning I am fine with 17 year olds marrying 30 somethings).  But I can live with the age of consent being 18. I am absolutely against the age of consent being raised to over 18. Biological clock is real, digital clock is fake. Britney Spears did just fine when she was 18.

Though 16 being age of consent is fine insofar as it protects those teens from stupid shit like distributing "child porn" if they snap and share a nude selfie.

I think it fine and acceptable for 18, 19, 20 21 year olds to marry people in their 30s, 40s, 50s as long as its consensual . Freedom of association is a good thing


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