International military

I am above average on foreign policy

"The problem is, the world is no longer about nations. That’s just how divide us into fearing each other. Race, creed, color, none of it matters. The worlds really just one big corporation, and at the end of the day the people at top only care about more Green and more control."  Jimmy Dore

I am generally Anti War and Anti Military intervention for the reasons that Mark Twain was anti war (Lockean love of liberty and anti government with touches of a Zell Miller antiwar’ streak in me). We need end the practice of endless wars  . The only war ideally should be class war 

If I sound more ‘pro war’ than other Leftists, just remember that Peter Kropotkin supported war against Germany . My reasons for being more pro war than you would want is for the same reasons that Kropotkin was pro war 

The US National Security State needs watchdogs and critics. However, all too often, the some of the people who decide to take that task upon themselves like Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Julian Asange etc decide that if the US National Security State does some bad things (which they do), then they follows that line of thinking with in their eyes Vladimir Putin must be a ‘stand-up good guy’ because he rightfully opposes it. I try not to fall into that trap

So, I try to be such a US National Security State watchdog and critic , I am more like Robert Wright and less like Glenn Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Julian Asange etc.

I am against the US military painting pride colors on drones and other bombing machines, especially ones they use to bomb other countries with.That is wrong on SO MANY LEVELS. 

Joe Biden and the militaty are literally USING pride colors and the LGBTQ movement as props to shield the US military industry complex from being seen as the warmongering imperialists that it usually is. This tone deaf, shameful repugnant usage of pride colors on military weapons thing will never undo the US military's history of homophobia. Two wrongs don’t make a right

The US killing people in foreign countries that the US has NO BUSINESSES being in is horrible and no amount of pride color virtue signaling can change that. Shame on Joe Biden (who is supposed to be easing on being a cheerleader for imperalism and war) for that. I will never vote for a President who does such stupid things ever. He lost my vote 

I am going to petition the military to stop putting pride colors on drones and other bombing machines they use to bomb other countries with.  Our US military better stop doing woke things like that or else

Joe Biden isn't as much of a warmonger, imperalist, warhawk, neocon as I thought , as I mention here (I also in that post credit him for reducing drone strikes)

Meleah Martin seemed to have attacked pro life people and voter id laws and that hit me the wrong way . 

She , other Liberal 2.0 military members and the NPR just don’t understand that pro life people think they are protecting the rights of UNBORN babies by restricting abortion, the bible to them even says this. The pope is even pro life. 

I can’t criticize military people like her vocally attacking pro life laws (as long as their vocal views on abortion are to the right of my abortion views) or anti gay laws, all military people have a right to express their opinions on anything. 

She and the NPR are using strawman and hyberpole by saying the US is restricting ballott access. People need ids to do so many things, see here for more of my thoughts on this

The military should allow military people to transfer to any military base they want for whatever reason, including to be in a blue pro choice k pro LGBTQ state.  

Being supportive of pro choice laws does not mean the military has to at the same time say that being pro life or trying to save what pro life law people delusionally see as unborn babies is extreme or restrictive. 

Germany bans abortion after 12 weeks or gestation, so why aren’t American military members like Meleah Martin protesting those restrictive abortion laws?

But I am rabidly against military members criticizing the supreme court decision that ruled in Coach Kennedy’s favor. Any military member who criticizes that pro Coach Kennedy ruling by the Supreme court is a traitor to our country and should be court martialed since there is no place for religious bigotry in the military

The military should ideally be apolitical . If the military can’t help themselves from being ‘apolitical’, then at the very least the military should not make it seem that being pro life is extreme or anti choice even if restricting abortion access is anti choice nor should they say that requiring ids to vote is wrong or extreme 

I was tepidly to barely pro military and pro veteran despite being anti war . But now I no longer support the US military.  Though I do continue to like how paternalistic the military is to people in need.

I know the Navy only used that drag queen in a desperate ,out of the box attempt to recruit Gen Zers (due to a recruiting crisis), but while I certainly understand that and even give them a slight benefit of the doubt, but I am still against them using a drag queen to recruit (in a agree to disagree sort of way) or even being associated with drag queens none the less  

I agree generally and with a grain of salt with this article on issue. The US military is about strength and that is the opposite. They are normalizing these sick, decendent depraved acts like drag shows when they should honor their commitment to stay apolitical. UGH

The US military no longer fights for our rights, they fight for a treason ideology of wokeness.  

The US military have been infiltrated with wokeness that will destroy this country from within. "If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within."  former US President James Madison

The military is now full of BETAs . These warmonger, imperialist goons known as our military go to other countries and randomly murder people for US oil, power etc and are nothing more than hitmen who are hired by the US government to do their dirty laundry (like they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine etc)

Shame on them. The current US military would be a laughing stock to the US military from as recent as 20 years ago.

I am more than concerned with our military adopting the CRT and similar woke ideologies (military should be apolitical) . It is fine they read various political books of various ideologies like Mark Milley said but that should be as far as they go.

I am against the military banning military people from using the terms 'sir, ma'am' etc. Those terms are timeless, totally harmless, respectful and polite and banning them is wrong, woke and a threat to military readiness.  I mean banning those words is dystopian, stupid, senseless.   

It's the fucking military, if some SNOWFLAKE military person finds the word 'sir, ma'am' etc offensive maybe they shouldn't be in the military in the first place. Our military is for the best of the best, not for woke BETA snowflakes

I will encourage every military member to keep using those terms and to defy their superiors. The military is suppose to fight for our freedom, when their freedom of speech is stolen, that means it is only a matter of time before our freedom of speech is stolen

I agree with all of the complaints that Angela Reading complained about in her Facebook post here and here. Nothing she said was offensive, wrong or bad. It is so pathetic and mind boggling that Christianity , Islam, Judaism and prayer was considered too controversial for schools but this degeneracy is considered ok for schools. I would take religion in schools any day over this degeneracy

There is no reason that 6 or 7 year olds or even 9 year olds should ever hear the words polysexual or pansexual. Yes all people are deserving of love and respect, kids should respect differences, show kindness to all, respect and understand there are various family structures but kids should not be forced to learn about and accept concepts of sexuality, at least like that South Jersey school in elementary school.

Now those woke bullies are trying to ostracize her, smear her and bully her to force her conformity. This is what these twisted, Liberal 2.0 monsters do. I am going to create petitions to get every person who signed the petition to get Angela Reading fired, to be fired themselves. People are allowed to have different opinions

The military is suppose to be about fighting for our freedom including freedom of speech. Now these military goons are actually trying to take away our freedom of speech. Her post on that Facebook group should not have been removed. The police and military making her remove it is 1984 Orweillian and is something you'd see in CCP China, not the US where FREEDOM of SPEECH is a thing.

Christopher Schilling is a traitor and he should be court martialed.  He is a bad faith actor who hopefully doesn't represent the military. He is a disgrace and a troll and I don't want him fighting for my rights. I would rather have my rights taken away from a foreign enemy than to have such an intolerant fascist protect my rights

It essentially said I didn’t think my 7-year-old was age-appropriate to be exposed to words such as polysexual and pansexual,” Reading told Carlson. “I said that all people are deserving of love and respect. My post was very explicit about that. Still, it prompted this response and it’s really scary that in this country we can’t have a right to speak and raise concerns about our public education system.”

*Not because of the above things but because I am part Anarchist, I want our military to eventually be abolished along with the state and police state because militaries are naturally hierarchical. 

(*However the military becoming woke only reaffirms this view of mine that the military should be eventually be abolished)

Any anarchist defense would rely on the broad participation of the people in resistance. In an stateless society , volunteer militia would spring up spontaneously when the society are attacked in order to defend themselves.

In a stateless society, the very concept of "the" military, as a static structure that exists regardless of circumstances, would be replaced by something that is much more fluid. 

This would be to align with non-coercive, egalitarian consensus, instead of the usual meaning of "all against all"--were the organizing principle of global society, then warfare itself would be a thing of the past. 

In a stateless society, in a village, commune, either there is no military or everyone is the military. Because everyone would have a stake in the community's continued viability, everyone who is able would want to participate in the community’s defense in whatever way each is able, when defensive action is necessary. However, there wouldn't necessarily be a "standing army"

I sort of believe that in a stateless hierarchyless society there might still be a need for generals and leaders like in the 1930s Manchuria and Korea

The State is dominated by the military-industrial complex and this is the largest threat for society's liberty and prosperity

Until then, here is what we should be doing to get us to this post military utopia:

I support the abolition of the war empire which includes us ending the terror war, bringing home all the military personnel, and shutting at least all foreign bases. 

I call for a policy of armed neutrality in every conflict where the US is not directly attacked. 

I support the non-corporatist defense transition and security services from the hands of the State to the market whenever and however practical, which includes more pro gun laws. 

I support peace and trade (to an extent) with all countries and alliances with zero except as noted in my blogs. 

It would be nice to have a reduction of nukes. 

I reject non-defensive war versus State actors, and I reject war as a vessel to pursue justice against non-state aggressors. I generally reject the first use of sanctions, since they are a form of siege and so an act of war. I reject corporation subsidy via taxpayer-funded security and intelligence stuff. I reject the State’s use of proxy entities to carry out any of those actions.

Donald Trump NEVER called our dead fallen imperialist warmongers  brave military heroes ‘losers’ or ‘suckers’ (see here). That Atlantic hit piece which said he did say that stuff is nothing more than a Liberal 2,0 hit propaganda and lies meant to ruin Trump’s image even more. Even if Trump said that, so what? When children like Trump say dumb things ignore them and they won’t say dumb things anymore

I am Anti Imperialist (including Anti Western Imperialism). To quote Rosa L “Imperialism is the political expression of the accumulation of capital in its competitive struggle for what remains still open of the non-capitalist environment". Libertarianism is partly why I am Anti Imperialism. Imperialism is high stage Capitalism

This blog post from another blog has some good points about American Thought imperialism through social media

Fred Hampton predicted that if the black liberation struggle didn’t take up Marxism, the result would be imperialism and he was right (see former President Barack Obama's imperialism during his Presidency for proof)

I especially oppose wars that impose western values on non western countries 

I am a non interventionist. I am tired of the US and its allies playing moral cop to other countries.Who are the US and its allies to play moral cop and tell other countries how to act?  We need to move away from free markets and interventionist foreign policy. I am in opposition to all kinds of state interventionism in foreign affairs except in ways I outline in these blogs

The US being like that stigmatizes those other countries they warmonger and imperialize in by propping up the US to look better than they are and making those countries look worse than they are

The US needs to focus on the US and preserving our values 

Our tax money should not be spent on American intervention saviorism or wars, that money should be spent to make our country better domestically . Let the EU and other countries do what they do. 

They are more than capable. Not every international incident should revolve around the US. America needs to help America the most. It is the United States of America not United States of Earth

I admit that underlying and systematically I view at least a few US interventions in other countries being something that is in between being 1980s Anti Villianish (which is similar to Anti Heroish) and being a silver lining in showing that the US isn't afraid to do anti politically correct things like intervening in the affairs of other countries even though said acts are still wrong and warmongering. I am ok with satirical American exceptionalism

Even though I am a non interventionist, I can between endure and go along with (holding my nose) some Left Interventionism or even Left Neoconservatism (like Vaush Neoconservatism) with a touch of Woodrow Wilson doctrine when there is a need for the completion of unity and both for the palingenesis of the political system (similar to 4pt) and the organization of the economic, legal and social system, for a profound change  


if there is an extremely obvious threat to other countries and Left Neoconservatives would support Left Neocon intervention. Keep in mind there is a vague connection between Left Neoconservatism and Trotskyism

This means I can between endure and go along with (holding my nose) for the US protecting Democracy in other countries and standing up to tyrants in other countries when I perceive an obvious threat to those other countries. 

My rationalization is that is how the US was created and what it was founded on (people in the British ruled 13 colonies standing up to the British tyrants and fighting for the creation of our Democracy known as the US)

This way the US can promote self determination to other countries and non Liberal 2.0 democracy instead of Liberal 2.0ism

I retroactively support the unilateralism that the US had in the 19th century

I believe Isolationism has its uses and is better than Imperialism, warmongering, unilateralism, Globalism , Globalization, Transnational Progressiveness etc. 

Though I also believe that the US should make alliances with other countries to protect the US and our citizens. I am much closer to supporting Isolationism than I am of supporting the opposite of Isolationism

I support policies in pursuance of which Americans will with resolution and common sense insist upon our rights being respected by foreign powers

So maybe based on above I have a slight strategic autonomy streak in me

I support third world anti colonial movements from the last century and beyond and their fights for independence

I support National Liberation movements

I want the US to make all of their territories independent

I am against American Universalism

I am Anti Globalization. I am anti-authoritarian  and Globalization is authoritarian . Globalization is wrong in part due to greedy, monopolizing corporations like Nike, Walmart, Disney, Dominio’s, McDonald’s, Dairy Queen, Target, etc operating in so many countries, which then Westernizes or Americanizes said countries which is basically cultural imperialism.  

Globalization is wrong because it spreads neoliberal capitalism

The rise of the bourgeoisie has led to globalization. To quote Karl Marx from the Communist Manifesto "In place of the old wants, satisfied by the production of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes. In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations. Just as it has made the country dependent on the towns, so it has made barbarian and semi-barbarian countries dependent on the civilised ones, nations of peasants on nations of bourgeois, the East on the West.... Though not in substance, yet in form, the struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle. The proletariat of each country must, of course, first of all settle matters with its own bourgeoisie."

I am Anti Globalism (partly because it doesn’t stay in its lane, and for some of the reasons that many unions in the US are Anti Globalism)

Globalism is a problem since it is a mega-state that forces every country to give up a piece of their culture and identity in the name of a so-called "world unity and that is wrong

I am against colonialism

I am Anti NATO.  NATO should be abolished . I support this Anarchist alternative to NATO just like Adam Something supports NATO

NATO is bad because they are Neoliberal, they exist primarily to uphold class society (I want us to abolish classes), and they use imperialism (especially western imperialism) to try to force NATO values onto other countries which is wrong. NATO is also horrible for it justifing war for its own self interests in the name of ‘human rights’.

NATO is headed by the US who invade and topple countries for their own economic gain which is wrong

NATO is further wrong for colonizing its member states by tying them into US military .More insight on the negatives of NATO can be found here

I was and am still against the Patriot Act

I am against Military drafts

If people can't compete on the front lines, they should learn to get tougher to overcome it, not have the standards lowered for them.

I supported former President Ronald Reagan’s military spending as a kid before I came to my senses

I support the Peace Tax Fund – H.R. 1947. Religious freedom means freedom from senseless wars and violence

I support the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act

I value peace among the various countries on Earth.

I am against this Neocon warmonger trying to get the US involved in more endless and senseless conflicts and wars. We need to abolish the state and by extension the military once and for all to free us from US warmongering

I am against the Open Skies Treaty

I support America’s sovereignty 

I give my blessing to some Democratic guerilla like factions from our planet throughout history but I have major issues with the ham-fisted strategy of some urban guerrillas. I feel that urban guerilla methods are patriarchal pretensions 

I am against domestic drones 

I am against wireless surveillance.

I believe we should defund the NSA. But only after we get the NSA to break up the Proud Boys forever and to put all of those Proud Boy goons in prison where they belong. The NSA are our best weapon to destroy the Proud Boys once and for all. 

This can be done by the NSA using non stop wireless surveillance on the Proud Boys to catch them in the act, expose them and thus aggressively dismantle the Proud Boys forever

The Proud Boys are dangerous because, unlike other hard right-radical right groups, the Proud Boys are covertly and snarkily white chauvinist and anti jewish, and if they are not fully dismantled even more bigoted groups than them will pick up that type of covert and snarky white chauvinism and anti jewishness which will then make it harder to prevent normalizing that garbage. The longer the Proud Boys are around the more our country goes to hell

The Proud Boys are goons who are anti drug for the WRONG reasons (Liberal 2.0 reasons instead of for Left Libertarian reasons) and the NSA needs to take them down.

I pretty much more or less echo this article by the SPLC on the Proud Boys. The views expressed by Cassie Miller in said article meshes with gender abolitionism/gender rebellion which I support   

"These two contrasting roles of masculinity and femininity work together to form the system of patriarchy in which males have power over females. Gender serves to demarcate the reproductive class and the non-reproductive class, and establishes the social inferiority of the former by giving the latter a series of social advantages. 

Masculinity is constructed to keep men in the dominant position so they can benefit from the exploitation of females; femininity is constructed to keep females in a subordinate position, fostering dependence on men, so that our reproductive functions (giving birth and raising children) can be exploited by males. Thus, all females experience gender as a system of oppression that relegates us to the role of sex object and baby incubator, and prevents us from living up to our true potential."

I am against FISA. At worst there needs to be s reform of FISA to force the government to stop spying on Americans. These BLATANT violations of our civil liberties should NOT happen again. The postal service should be abolished due to that FASCISM of trampling on our rights

John Bolton is a warmongering, *neocon, *imperialist, *colonialist and arguably *globalist

John Bolton THREATENED to run for President in 2024 if the Republicans/GOP don’t disavow and dump Trump. 

Seeing how horrible Bolton is and his decades of warmongering, *imperialism, *colonialism and other blunders which destroyed countries and countless innocent lives, the Republicans/GOP should disavow and dump Trump, for no other reason than to prevent John Bolton from making good on his threat to run for President and potentially destroy our country as President like he has destroyed other countries and our military through decades of *neocon warmongering, *imperialism, and *colonialism

“John Bolton, a notoriously mendacious enemy of all living beings on the planet, is discovering what every other great Republican hope of the Resistance has: liberals (2.0ers) will eagerly lap up any piece of hysterical Cold War propaganda if they think it can be leveraged against Donald Trump.”  Max Blumenthal

“Donald Trump is 100% right that Bolton wanted to start World War 4. So your brain must be 80% bong water to campaign against the neocons, then hire Johnny Bolton, along with Genocide Abrams, surfer dude Mikey Pompeo & every FDD Likudnik that Uncle Sheldon orders you to appoint. Trump drowned in the swamp.”

These articles hereherehere also reflect some of my views on John Bolton

Counterpoint:  *It's likely a stretch to call John Bolton a neoconservative, imperialist, or even a colonialist or globalist. It's true that John Bolton favors foreign intervention, at least a lot more so than most conservatives, but that is just the only issue where he agrees with neocons. 

For instance, he strongly supports U.S. sovereignty and is against efforts by international organizations to take away or redefine sovereignty. 

These articles below show quite obviously that he's more of a nationalist than a globalist (in fact, in the 2000 article, he rails against globalism by name): here and here Also, Bolton is vehemently opposed to the EU, hereherehere and he supported Brexit. Globalists think that John Bolton is not one of them, see here

Because of all this, I believe that John Bolton is a nationalist conservative who displays that nationalism in a more interventionist type of way than the majority of populist-nationalists. Moreover, if you look at his career, Bolton mentored Clarence Thomas, campaigned for Barry Goldwater, involved himself with the NRA, and wrote a forward for a book by Pam Geller and Robert Spencer. This resume seems to show that he's "a traditional conservative who is merely more interventionist than paleo-cons"

John Bolton also was against US involvement in Bosnia

I don't believe it was racist or Islamaphobic to remove Ihlan Omar from the foreign relations committee. It was a wrong move but it was a partisan move without any overt hints of racism or Islamaphobia 


Ilhan Omar wasn’t stripped from committee because she was a woman of color; the GOP ran a Somali woman against her. She was targeted for the same reason Jeremy Corbyn was in the UK: the liberal NEOCON lobby’s money (who don't give a damn about Israel or Jews).  No mention of this or Palestine by AOC & Squad.

Alexandra Pelosi’s HBO hagiography for her mother spins Nancy Pelosi as heroic for shouting down antiwar protesters and refusing to impeach her friend, George W. Bush, over lying the US into Iraq.

Alexandra Pelosi on how George W. Bush is a "father figure," a "source of support," and a "great friend" of her mother's despite him having lied the US into Iraq

George W Bush is a warmonger, imperialist pig who should have been impeached by Nancy Pelosi (and later thrown in the Hague for his crimes against humanity in Iraq). I wish I could have joined those fellow anti Iraq war protesters in March 2007 in their die in outside of Nancy Pelosi's home rightfully calling for GWB to be impeached (I was busy moving to Florida at the time) 

The fact that the Pelosis are so close to GWB tells you all that you need to know about who they prioritize more between neocon neoliberal filth (GWB) and Progressives and leftists. They are trying to makeover GWB's image to further their evil, neocon, neoliberal, social fascist goals since the Democrats are becoming as Authoritarian as the Republicans were in the 2000s (the Republicans are so Authoritarian they're anti statist like so hot they're cold) and it has to be called. But you can't put lipstick on a PIG (GWB)

(though it is cool in a cringe way to see Nancy Pelosi defend GWB by not impeaching him since that is not something you would expect to see)

Balloon views here. "An F-22, which costs $85,000 an hour to fly, used a $450,000 missile to take down a $12 hobby balloon belonging to the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade, all so Biden could prove his manhood to Majorie Taylor Greene."  Though China should not be sending spy balloons over our country. We should shoot down any and all spy balloons from China over the US but sometimes our country goes overborard with this stuff

I echo Ryan Grim here (from Ryan Grim DESTROYS New ‘Rising’ Cohost Majority report video) and he is correct.  I also support this thread on it

I support Julian Assange and I want him to be free and all charges dropped against him (or at worst have him pardoned). He is a hero for his wiki leaks exposure of corruption and crimes (including war crimes) committed by fascist governments like the US.  I echo articles about Julian Assange here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,  here, here

Like all people outside the Liberal 2.0 cult bubble, Assange is being punished for exposing the dirt of the Liberal 2.0/west political machine got him into hot water. We've seen this time and time again. Assange is a martyr and is being persecuted by corrupt authoritarian tyrants simply for being the messenger (they are shooting the messenger so to speak)  #FREEASSANGE @FreeAssangeNow

I support Edward Snowden and the amazing work he did in exposing the illegal things that the evil and corrupt three letter agencies in the US against our citizens

Snowden is a brave hero for exposing that stuff. The US should drop all charges against Edward Snowden expunge his record (or at worst have him pardoned) and maybe give him a Presidential medal of freedom for his heroism. See this article , this article, this article, this article for more along with this post

Also more points I agree with on this here, here

The US is an evil, corrupt fascist country who is one of the worst countries on Earth. I am on #teamSnowden

Julian Assange and Edward Snowden have all of the right enemies (i.e Liberal 2.0 scumbags especially the neocon, warmonger, imperialist RETARDS like the NYPost, Washington Post, etc). I side with Assange and Snowden over the US and West

The word "tankie" used to mean something. It described a phenomenon that's pretty fringe in the 2020s but for sure does exist.

But lately the meaning seems to have drifted to "anyone who wouldn't personally ride a bomb onto the Kremlin like Major Kong at the end of Dr. Strangelove." (in reply to warmonger imperialist neocon Michael Paulauski wrongly and falsely smearing the DSUSA and Squad as pushing 'tankie bullshit')

If we want to see real 'tankies' look no further than the US military industrial complex, neocon warmongering imperialist colonialist machine (like here)

I am against military industry complex oligarch John Brennan. Brennan is a divisive, partisan, neocon, imperialist, colonialist, bigot
I echo these articles on him by NYPost , here, here and Glenn Greenald (along with Meghan McCain, the LP etc). Brennan was wrong to go after Libertarians and non Neoliberals. 

The only good thing about John Brennan is him being a former Left wing Marxist and him believing that UFOs are aliens. That does not give him an excuse to trash leftists or to be a neocon warmonger. Oh I also agree with what John Brennan said here, John Brennan is totally correct, he should be ashamed and embarrassed about who he is

I love and am a fan of CIA director William Burns. He is a smart, fair ,diplomatic, level headed and savy intelligence guru. He is leagues better than James Claptrap, John Brennan, etc. I echo John Brennan's praise of Burns here (broken clock moment for John Brennan) See here for more

Warmonger, imperialist bigot Lindsey Graham is absolutely wrong to call for the US to bomb so many countries on Earth that the Babylon Bee has even mocked him for it

I echo every post in this subreddit criticizing Lindsey Graham's blood thirsty warmongering wet dreams

I am glad however that Lindsey Graham and pro Israel Democrats united on the Israel-Hamas conflict and put their differences aside for that. While that is one of the few issues I see a lot of  sides forming side alliances and weird pacts on which makes such come together stuff not helpful,, at least it shows there is still some unity along different avenues of political theater. I echo what new SOTH Mike Johnson said about bipartisanship in Oct 26 2023 which is in line with that.

Whatever happened to diplomacy? Peace? I talked about this with my NEOCON dad, and he said I didn't make a good enough argument on this to sway him. He said we are only bombing other countries to help our troops who are stranded there and under siege. 

But those troops should not be there in the first place. Enough with America being the policeman/policewoman of the world, we have enough issues at home like migrant crisis, mass shootings, inflation, possible recession, out of control crime and homelessness etc that we need to focus on America first and foremost.

People who trash/dehumanize innocent people from Russia, Iran , Palestine should (with the permission of the W.H.O/UN only) go to said places since as Mark Twain said travel helps overcomes prejudice 


See here


See here

Asia (expanded) and Middle East

See here


See here


See here


See here


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