War exh



Woah woah woah where did you invent this alternate reality? Socialists oppose the US's escalation of this conflict; socialists oppose the seemingly endless handouts to the military industrial complex and the financial takeover of Ukraine by the IMF; socialists oppose the death, destruction and immiserating of Ukraine and the people of Ukraine just to satisfy the US's imperialist ambitions.

If you have a plan that involves ending the war, that involves negotiations, that involves Ukrainians no longer being killed, then that's great! All I've seen from the so called mainstream American "left" is calling for endless war, sacrificing as many Ukrainian lives as is necessary to ensnare Russia in another Afghanistan style quagmire. The longer this conflict goes on the more people will die, the harder a peace deal will be to reach.

I oppose the bombing of civilians and the invasion and/or subversion of a sovereign country which is why I condemn both Russia and the US for their longstanding proxy war over Ukraine, it's why I condemn the US's interference in Ukrainian elections in 2004 and the US's installation of a non-elected interim prime minister in February 2014 who fully sublated Ukraine to the US's imperialist project and started a civil war. I also oppose the blunt and violent Russian reaction to US meddling. I also oppose the Ukrainian bombing of civilians in the Donbass after the events of 2014.

I want a realistic path to peace, I don't want to pretend that giving Raytheon a blank check to blindly ship weapons to who knows who in Ukraine is going to magically end this very real and tragic geopolitical conflict like its some kind of Saturday morning cartoon where the plucky underdog always comes out on top.

What's truly bizarre to me is seeing so many self proclaimed "socialists" who seem to be falling for the exact same style of propaganda that led us into Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria in just the last 20 years. The US and it's imperialist organs like NATO and the IMF are and have been not only the greatest opponents of socialism in history, but are the single greatest threat to any nation's sovereignty on the planet (including Ukraine which after 2014 became the most corrupt nation in Europe, the most indebted nation to the IMF and had brutal neoliberal reforms forced on the people). Russia is for sure a kleptocratic bourgeoisie state that is no friend of the international socialist movement, but taking the US's side (calling for continuing shipments of weapons and not allowing negotiations) is like siding with the T-Rex against a Velociraptor when they're playing tug of war with a human being in their mouths.


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