Youth and disabled

I am a Youth rights activist and I support children’s liberation

We need to emphasize the degree that the state is not the protector of children but that it is responsible for threats to their freedom including via compulsory schooling etc. This also explains why I support homeschooling (see below)

I am against paternalistic state action against children which interferes with their freedom

All Americans should be required by law to attend 8 years of medical school and to get their M.D

This would end hierarchies that doctors have over the rest of us non doctors since everyone would have a M.D and thus doctors won’t feel they are smarter than us when we see them 

I wouldn’t mind seeing pretty encouraged to semi mandatory Sixth Wave Feminism and Seventh Wave Feminism courses being at taught at colleges to offset those bigoted White Karen courses being taught at colleges and to help get our country ready one day to embrace Marxist like Feminism  (pretty encouraged to semi mandatory for students majoring or minoring in specific subjects)  other part

I would like colleges to have feminist camps on combating misogyny patriarchy to better help students defeat misogyny and patriarchy

I fight against youth poverty and poverty in general

I am against educationism 

I feel that we should picket the board of education across the US to fight for better quality of education for students in schools that perform poorly 

Here is a good article to understand Gen Z better

I want the US college system to create re-education interment camps and then for colleges across the US to involuntarily throw Conservative students into said re-education interment camps in order to re-educate Conservative students to become left wing

I would never want a child of mine to be in TODAY's Republican Party and what they stand for, hypocrisy, demonizing, lies and bigotry, why would any parent want that for their child?? …. Do better!!

I am sorry that Lauren Boebert have such an incorrect understanding of love. We lefitsts and even Liberal 2.0ers love even the most defenseless

The majority of conservatives tend to hate or to resent anyone different than themselves, they hate or resent POC, trans people and gays, even though the Bible says to love one another, so where does it say to judge and hate/resent??

The UN is Anti parent

I am against teaching kids 8 and under about masturbation in school. THAT IS WRONG, DISGUSTING, SENSELESS AND EVIL. It is an attack on our children by pedo 'minor attracted' advocate and foolish and naive UN people and must stop

THE UN are technically paraphiles FOR TRYING TO SEXUALIZE OUR CHILDREN. They are STEALING our children’s youth and we must stop the WHO and UN from this theft. It is basically pedophilia lite

We should not allow any child 8 or under in the US or Canada to be taught masturbation in school ever. 

I urge every parent in the US and Canada to go to schoolboard meetings and force your schools to ban masturbation teaching to children 8 years old and under,  no matter how aggressive you are.  

Children are not mature and their brains are not big enough to learn about masturbation and grasp that concept before they are 9 years old. COMMON SENSE PEOPLE

As for teaching kids between 9 and 11 , masturbation I abstain from giving my view on that but I would never allow any child between birth and 12 years old in my family learning masturbation in school

Do not allow your children 8 and under to be sexualized by these regressive , deluded pie in the sky people in school. I stand with the Christian Institute on their opposition to the Who trying to force kids to learn about masturbation in school. That article above exposes the hypocrisy of the Who

I support the Christian Institute forcing Warwickshire County Council in England to remove that pedophilic  “All About Me” disgusting program, that they WRONGLY implemented by about 200 primary schools, as Children absolutely should not be “encouraged masturbation and included ‘gratuitously graphic’ sexual images.

I support parents being allowed to choose the religion of their child under 14 and I am against the UN’s draconian reverse clerical fascist authoritarian denial of that parental right. Teens 14 and up can choose their religion with influence from their parents

I am against the UN’s child’s “right to be heard” ANTI PARENTAL RIGHTS bill . Children should NOT be allowed to seek governmental review of any parental decision with which the child disagreed. 

I am against the best interest of the child principle , the government absolutely SHOULD NOT have the ability to override every decision that is made by every parent if a government worker disagreed with the parent’s decision.

Parents decision to ground their child should NOT be overturned by the government. Parents have every right to prevent their children from going on class trips without the evil government overruling them. 

If the government cannot trust parents to raise their children, then our governments are in opposition to us and the very values of our society and that is further proof we must destroy the state, government and UN. which I want us to aim for. Brand new day lead the way destroy the state, there is nothing we won’t do, I will show you how. 

When we abolish the nuclear family/family unit as the norm, and especially if abolishing it as the norm leads to the nuclear family/family unit being abolished outright with decentralized free association replacing it , then children will be raised collectively and that is MUCH BETTER than the UN’s right to be heard and best interest of child laws. A collective of adults can help children and uphold their rights way better than the state can

I look forward to us abolishing the state and government as that will literally prevent the government from controlling our children through their evil, authoritarian, anti parental laws like the right to be heard and best interest of child laws

Because of the UN and the Who trying to destroy our schools, I urge every parent to homeschool their children to give them true freedom and liberty

Let’s take away the parental rights of every UN person who supports their draconian,authoritarian, fascist anti parent laws, let’s see how they like that. Let’s sexualize the child of every parent that works for the UN. But  we won’t do that, we’re better people

These Liberal 2.0 anti parent brutes like the UN are first rate HYPOCRITES, they whine about children being ‘separated from their families under Donnie Trump (even though family separation and kids in cages also happened under Barack Obama and Joe Biden), they oppose the rights of children to drive, fight in wars, work full time like adults , gamble, but through their uber hypocrisy support children learning about masturbating, negating their parents decisions they make over them, choose their own religion and gender etc.  HYPOCRITES

How come the UN and other Liberal 2.0ers who preach about youth/children’s rights as mentioned above don’t want to protect the rights of unborn children in the mid term and third trimester from being aborted?  Hypocrite much?

I believe that parents have a right to set rules for household conduct, as the proprietor of the household, until children move out and take up living on their own. 

I believe that parents have no right to physically aggress against children. Children should be able to legally prosecute their parents for injuries committed against them in the name of discipline by their parents

I believe that if children don’t like how their parents are treating them that children should have an unconditional right to end their parents’ guardianship at any age where they are physically capable of running away, 

I feel that this right should also include the right for the child to strike out on their own (with them being allowed to become Transgender or have an abortion without adult or parental consent) or to take up with any foster parents who agree to take them in. 

Neither parents nor the State should have any right to force runaway children to return to the guardianship of any adult against the child’s will

However, I can spin the UN’s right to be heard and best interest of child laws as the governments being paternalistic toward children (I support Libertarian Paternalism and some aspects of paternalism after all. 

So maybe the government are being like extra parents for children which is defensible) , big brotherish toward children (big brothers are cool like Wayne from Wonder Years, Michael Brody in Jaws 2, etc and governments helping kids like big brothers help their younger brothers can be seen as cool too) and nanny statist (governments being nannies gives them an excuse to override parents since nannies have similar authority over children and no one complains about nannies)

Sometimes college diplomas are meaningless in that they do nothing to help graduates get work . Such graduates feel alienated from their work due to this since they can't find work

I believe that the Eastern European education system has some salvageable elements that can be used as a model for the US

I support removing the inequality in the education system including equality of access, a creative fiscally responsible, Libertarian way to fix student debt, fighting fraud of many for profit universities etc. I also support a tax reform added to our constitution to fix issues related to distribution of wealth and power .

The government should fund universal pre school indirectly through privater than private versions of NGOs

I support some slight decentralization of education. I am ok with opt outs on testing and reimagining the Boards of Regents

I support expanded work based learning systems for high school students so they are prepared for life after high school/college/grad school and since it adds more work for them in school sort of making up for them being deprived of working more hours in school. 

I am also open to a K-10 model reducing the span of school to get young people ready to work

We need nuanced ideas to help teachers do their jobs without worrying about the left firing them for not towing the line. To do this, we must focus on restorative justice and building community relations

We must help students thrive in school. To do so we must increase funding for vocational training, socio emotional learning. This would include, trauma support, change adjustment, loss, economic vulnerability and similar hinderances to their success.

To address holes in our graduation rates where they exist, we need to find and apply new pathways to keep students and young people engaged while as mentioned above preparing them for the future. We must use philosophy over money to achieve this. New ideas to do these things is a must.

There is a value in school choice. We need a nuanced approach along with promoting collaboration between charter (private) and public schools, so different school systems can learn about what is working and implement some of those alternative models that are attracting and catering to various types of students in our communities. 

School choice should not be viewed as a financial thing but instead promote public schools collaborating with award winning charter (private) schools on their school models that resonate with young people which bridges gaps, inspires and lights a fire under modern day students

Private (charter) schools are good too because they can meet unique student needs in a relevant way including resource classes, electives and gamified learning etc etc.

I support school choice (ie vouchers) for personal reasons (since I wanted it when I moved to my new town 1997 but couldn't get a voucher). Moreover , school choice (ie vouchers) allow African American students and BIPOC students as a whole to go to better schools so it benefits them which is also a major reason I support it

I support charter schools and homeschooling and I encourage parents to do that. I take some of Broad Front Chile’s views on private schooling and apply it to my views on private schooling

In our future stateless, classless, egalitarian society, community (i.e private) schooling (likely with opportunities for hands-on learning of topics of choice, led by others in society) and homeschooling would be the only forms of schooling since public (i.e public as in federal sector) schooling would be abolished when the state is abolished

Or maybe there would be no schooling at all in such a society.

Communities would take responsibility for providing the appropriate education for the kids which can include a quasi-school institution, home based education, or (a la modern High School students) old UK secondary modern style, or the UK college kind of education. Like here

Unschooling but a community effort I think.

We need  ‘reimagine’ Academia ( maybe even trying new concepts for learning beyond our high school years (maybe expanded life long learning centers?). To quote Samuel Clemens "I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first two thousand people listed in the Boston phone book than to the faculty of Harvard University"

I support more youth wings being created in political parties that currently don’t have them

Since I am a youth rights activist, I support this type of home based enterprise child work that is in the link below (as long as its voluntary) and only if the children are over 6 and get paid as much as adults .It would prepare them for adulthood and instill values in them. Children have a right to work

I oscillate every now and again to view child labor in general like viewed here and here. Children would learn more on a job site than in public schools. 


I believe that school truancy should be decriminalized

Personally, I believe children who misbehave should be lightly spanked like kids in the lightest way possible as long as there is no bruising or injuries. 

Legality wise, I have a triangulation position on parents spanking children who misbehave

Homework is a great concept and I support homework always being part of going to school. Class projects done away from school are a good supplement to homework. 

If I was a poc kid who was a racial justice activist (or just someone who was awake to injustice) and I was suspended for protesting the curriculum or similar things I would think that I was suspended for being black. But then I would come to my senses after further introspection 

Between systematically and deep down inside, in a more just and or perfect world, I believe students who disrespect their teachers should be suspended and if they don't want to come back to school then let their post suspension volunteer abscence be decriminalized. 

Because disrespectful students really should be suspended since suspending disrespectful students is the best thing for them and is a time honored method to correctify their behavior.  

But , suspension for students is not ideal because students who are suspended are left at home, often unsupervised during school hours. 

Suspension is like a reward for students. Furthermore, they miss valuable class time being suspended. One alternative for suspension is for students to attend school from 8:30 am to noon Saturday and or Sunday for each day of the suspension. 

In light of that, I believe that disrespectful students should be put in detention with a 3 strike rule that leads to suspension. It is wrong for students to disrespect their teachers

I pragmatically support zero tolerance rules in schools for students because I will railed on by Liberal 2.0s if I oppose zero tolerance policies. I pick my battles

I am non hostile to open half hearted to school prayer for students and teachers but only if its done like was done at my high school (after school in parking lot) and for all religions. I can learn to not make a fuss or about prayer in public schools but at the same time I would not want the constitution changed to allow that 

I believe the national driving age in the US should be lowered to 14 or 15. Youth rights, if they are old enough to choose their gender or get abortions without their parents they should be able to drive. 

I condone Wilderness Therapy being used for behavior modification for kids, teens and even adults.

Summer camps are NOT concentration camps.There is NOTHING wrong with having summer camps. Summer camps are a great thing and more young people should attend summer camps


My views on Pledge of Allegiance issues is militantly moderate and match views on that from Mediations of a Militant Moderate

Here are some views I sort of agree with on schooling

I am against colleges removing studies of ‘dead white males’ from course of Western history and similar studies but if doing so would give them an excuse to tear down statues I will throw in the towel on this issue

I have no issues with schools using older textbooks to teach students. Older textbooks are better in some ways due to our country’s decline in teaching the essentials since older textbooks push students to succed more

I believe that children need to be taught ways to better differentiate between colors. When I was a kid, I always was drawn to the clear differences of each color (like when I viewed different color bumper cars , different color gas station pumps, different color toy letters-toy numbers etc)

I have some significant issues with Native American students learing about the Americanized version of their history in school instead of the real version of the story so I hope and pray that Native American students learn in school the real history of the European barbaric imperialist colonist land stealing they did to Native Americans in the US centuries ago 

But I don’t go beyond hoping and praying for this change to happen in our school systems. This is because it is a uphill battle for me since whites imperialized and colonized the US (illegally) they got to unfortunately write the history of the US-Native American wars and relations from the 1500s through the 20th century including burying and destroying a lot of records of their evil acts toward Native Americans. 

If the Native Americans had held off white colonists they would have been able to tell their side of the story and their truths about whst happened in the history books and media . 

But I do encourage students to read what we have now of the true story of in their own time or in afterschool study groups to give them more perspectives even though that doesn’t tell a fraction of the evil that European colonialist imperialists imposed upon Native Americans for centuries .

Professor Maitland Jones should not have been fired from NYU. It is wrong to fire a teacher or professor because they are ‘too hard’. Firing Professor Jones is a violation of academic freedom

Those cottled students who whined about him being hard should blame themselves for their bad grades, not Professor Jones. The tone of those excerpts from the petition sounds a bit like the type of woke hyperventilation about student well-being that we’ve seen a lot in the past few years. So I wonder whether the rest of the petition had more similar to that. See this for more. Though here are good counter points that pokes holes in the criticism of Jones being fired

I am against schools teaching sex and gender dogma to preschool kids

I believe that the Tuttle Twin books should be taught in all schools and in school libraries across the US and Canada

I am not crazy (but not against, just nitpicking here) about gender studies being taught in schools that don’t have majority female teachers. In schools which do have that, I more than support gender studies being taught and would be open to more relevant and gradual teaching methods in teaching such subjects to kids

My views on military recruitment on campus is militantly moderate and matches views on that from the book Mediations of a Militant Moderate

Dr Ray Blanchard wrongly said that “if parents want their childhood-onset gender dysphoric kid to desist, and if their kid is still very much below the age of puberty (which varies, but like younger than 11), they should (nicely and patiently) have the kid be a member of his/her birth sex but only if doing so is in the best interest of the child

That they should consider maybe finding a therapist if this is hard for them and the kid. They shouldn’t allow their kid to engage in behaviors like cross dressing and fantasy play as the other sex. Above all else, they should not let their child socially transition to the other sex.”

But I disagree with Dr Ray Blanchard above. I am against gender roles, and I am lukewarm center center left on cross-gender behavior. 

I am fine with girls getting short haircuts and boys playing with dolls (I played with my moms barbies and doll house, stuffed Miss Piggy Happy meal toy as kid , and I wanted the pink barbie power wheels jeep power ride, an easy bake oven and the kid sister doll as a kid).

Ray Blanchard’s ideas above are like a sort of slippery slope and are wrong

Parents should not force their children to conform to the gender stereotypes associated with their sex

Play acting different roles is a big part of being a kid, and doing so can help kids develop not just imagination but also empathy. This also rightfully breaks down gender stereotypes. 

Also making certain toys and clothes off limits to kids will just increase their allure anyway. I can’t see what’s wrong with that type of play or, among older children, experimenting with presentation, as long as the child is kept grounded in reality. Teaching kids the difference between fantasy and reality is vital. Also not all time is playtime

Like if a male child play with dolls, parents should insist that the male child is "playing daddy" or that "he is a stay at home dad," thus making a true distinction between being a mommy or a daddy, while admitting at the same time that both should engage in childcare

For stubborn traditional parents , if they can’t help themselves from discouraging extremely young kids from adopting "cross-gender" interests (which some parents do so that their kids feelings of alienation towards same-sex peers will not increase). 

This should be not be done through shaming but instead by redirecting their interests while not actually verbally labeling any interests as for girls or boys. But, this would allow for freedom of play (i.e cross gender interests) after the kid diversifies their interests and are able to make same-sex friends.

Or if the parents are able to find any same-sex children who share their kid’s cross gender interests and temperant then that would be more optimal than the above advice 

All toys are a phase, or middle schooler kids would be satisfied with toy letters and rattles. So girls playing with boys toys and boys playing with girls toys are fine since those are phases 

Radical Feminists are at least correct for their view on gender roles (that its ok for boys and men to do gitk and woman things and vice versa), see here

I am against this teacher removing photos of MLK Jr and former President Barack Obama from their classroom. MLK Jr and former President Barack Obama are role models


Karl Marx always valued children and Marxist values of love,charity, faith can be found in the hearts of children. I believe the children are our future, treat them well and let them lead the way

Kids should read the Tuttle Twins books since those books teach great lessons for kids.

I am against the 'Everybody gets a trophy culture'  It make it hard for kids who become adults to deal with adversity

Kids hould be respectful to their parents, teachers and adults. Kids should always be polite and not lie ever

I also don’t like how children are treated as property by their parents which is due to arbitrary ageist rules

While I feel the harassment that Alex Stein got at Penn State recently is justified due to him similarly sexually harassing and dehumanizing AOC (and similarly trolling others), I believe his chilly reception at Penn State may have gone a bit overboard

These Penn State students are rude and their actions makes Alex Stein wrongly look like a victim 

There seems to be like a bunch of assaults caught on film in this short video. I have never seen college students this unhinged before, so our country may be in trouble.

The amount of hate that appears in the hearts of some of these college students is just amazing. It is almost like they are possessed. There is so much true evil in the world

If these college students represent the future of the US etc, then the US is screwed.

Colleges are influence a lot of students to be Liberal 2.0. People pay A LOT of money to attend. They churn out people who many times are not the best that they could be (to put it mildly and in a PC way). Maybe this video shows why we might need to at least consider slightly raising the voting age

There could come a day in the future when reality will hit these Liberal 2.0ers revolutionary ‘progressive’ SJWs like a high speed rail freight train. They will call out for help, and on that day, I fear people will not take their calls seriously because of antics like they displayed in this video.

Their hate is truly Satanic. No exaggeration.

If the college Republicans are now wrongly considered to be the ‘radicals’ on campus, then all I can say is , I never thought I would say such a thing, but then, here we are.

However Alex Stein and his GOON squad were bullies and thus worse than these students. Stein and his goons were wrong to use mace on the protesters. That is abuse and evil

Mental health

"Disability Justice

Almost one in four people in the nation have a disability, yet ableism in our national infrastructure and legal system treats disabled people like second class citizens. That’s why we must expand and reform Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), ensure that Medicare for All includes coverage of community-based long term support services, and pass legislation like the ASAP Act which seeks to make all public transit ADA-compliant and accessible. " Justice Democrats

If any group of people need the idpol and SJW saviorism treatment its mentally handicap and disabled people. Mentally handicap and disabled people have had their own horror stories that are overlooked in attending to the needs of other oppressed and marginalized groups. 

We need to fix our mental heath crises in this country. Mental health has to be taken more seriously by the voters, government and UN. Joe Biden should be commended for moving us in that direction

I am would be like Jeb Bush on Terri’s law if I had proof that people who are comatose like would go right to heaven or to their next life after they die, then I would be liberal on that issue  on Terri's law. Otherwise I am mixed to Christian Democratic on that law

I support more social change toward disability by in a dead center way, setting an example in the private sector

I am against involuntary commitment and outpatient commitment

People who have a mental illness should be treated equally and exactly like we treat everyone else. I empathize with people who blame the world for their problems

But they should get help with , and treat their mental illnesses instead of embracing their mental illnesses as a essentialist identity that they refuse to treat and get help for. (I am talking about cases where people are selling the idea that it is okay to have mental illness, but not in way that they are getting support from community to deal with the problem

It is not “political “emancipation” or “empowerment” of the individual for a person with a mental illness to give up and settle for having said medical illness without trying to get help for that mental illness. Having mental issues is serous and people need to get help for and treat their mental illnesses.

Having a mental illness is not something normal but I consider everyone with a mental illness to be normal despite having that mental illness. Having a mental illness is not an identity and is not what someone is Problem is not in you but in the world. A mental illness is a real illness , it is a condition that is preventing someone with a mental illness from having a fully functional life. 


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