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Some people, including some LGBTQ people say that someone is born LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) instead of being LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) by choice is equating LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) status with disability

For some LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender), people, it is a choice. I dislike the narrative that LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) are helpless victims of their gender and/or sexuality. Some of them chose, and so freaking what?

Some people , including some LGBTQ people say that it can be DAMAGING to the LGBTQ+ movement to relegate their gender and sexuality to something that is against their will (with some leftists saying that there is no gay gene, and that the Kinsey scale was debunked before it even got big).


Some exerts from that article: “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors.”

"Scientists are asking whether homosexuality is natural when we can’t even agree exactly what homosexuality is.”Grzanka agrees. “If you know anything about social constructionism, then you know these sexual categories are very recent. How then could they be rooted in our genome?” Our desires may express themselves in many different ways that do not all conform to existing notions of ‘gay’, ‘straight’ or ‘bisexual’.This is one of the best takeaways of Ward’s Not Gay, a penetrating analysis of sex between straight white men. Gay men make up only a fraction of the US population — yet Ward says that there are many men not included in that number who engage in homosexual behavior. Why, then, do some men who have sex with men identify as gay, and others identify as heterosexual? This question interests her far more than ‘how were they born?’.

Ward stresses that not all straight-identifying men who have sex with men are bisexual or closeted, and we do a disservice if we force those words on them."

“What would it mean to think about people’s capacity to cultivate their own sexual desires, in the same way we might cultivate a taste for food?” she asks. Ward thinks this question is the next frontier of queer thought.


Here is an exert: “Challenging both the fear of homosexuality and the ideology of immutability that attempts to refute that fear depends on a very different set of assumptions: that being gay is just fine, thank you very much; that gayness is not a problem to be understood, or solved, or even tolerated; and, more to the point, that there is a positive benefit to an expansive and open approach to human sexuality and gender. In other words, the framing of "gayness" as an issue of nature versus nurture or destiny versus choice misses the point about sexuality and about civil rights. It's not our genes that matter here but rather our ethics.”

​Anecdotal evidence isn't the same thing as empirical evidence. Some LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) did not choose. But there are cis hetereosexual people who did choose. They choose to be heterosexual. There are also LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) people who also chose to be homosexual. It's not fair and does the LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) community a disservice to force them into the bisexual category

So the framing of 'gayness' as an issue of nature vs nurture or destiny vs choice misses the point about sexuality and also about civil rights. It's not our genes that matter in this situation but rather our ethics,

No matter if someone chooses to be LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) or can’t help if they are, they are deserving of equal rights that non LGBTQ people have, its not genes that matter, but ethics

Though the vast majority of people becoming gay by choice could really instead be them just being sexual fluid . To quote Prince “ She said, "Are you gay?"Kinda took me by surprise, I didn't know what to do, I just looked her in her eyes and I said, "No, are you?".  Prince, "Uptown," 1980


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