Exh nvcf

The nuclear family is after all sadly a staple of like every culture in the world as much as that is a tough pill to swallow

Extended families, though. Kinship networks are how people got things done before everyone was kicked off of their land and had to earn wages to purchase commodified, transactional social interactions, including purchasing food to feed their disabled aunt instead of growing it themself. 

We got SSI due to the fact that no one could afford to take care of anyone again. This included elderly, unemployed, and disabled who were just dying from crime or exposure.

Nuclear families just came about recently, relatively speaking, and they got that name because they are the smallest possible unit to still reproduce society. Extremely unstable, however.

As for the "family structure" part of the flyer, non-Europeans are usually even more patriarchal. For example, the Chinese are very patriarchal, as are the Arabs and even the sub-Saharan Africans.

Atlantic said basically, for a majority of the US's short lifespan thus far, we didn't use nuclear families. People lived on farms and in local communities, and were surrounded by grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings. 

People married local and never moved, living our entire lives in the same place. 

People had children for economic purposes (able bodies to work the farms). 

When the US started industrializing, this created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to not only move, but also to create enough money to be independently wealthy. 

Alone in these new cities and towns without extended family members around, people would eventually find love and settled down as couples. 

Because the money was good, these new families were able to only have one person who was working (usually the husband) while the wife stayed home. Because there was no economic reason to have children, the number of children in these isolated families dropped to only 2-4 per couple. 

Thus was born the nuclear family. Since that time, the conditions for a nuclear family have become less and less attainable. Single income households are becoming less common, not only due to great fact that women rightfully now getting higher education than men, but also because it is more common for both to work in order to live comfortably as wages haven't kept up with cost of living over that timespan.

There is really nothing about the nuclear family that is inherently white, other than that majority-white countries were the first to industrialize and those conditions led to the creation of the nuclear family

Interestingly, this first para feels / sounds like a vastly more natural and beneficial environment than the subsequent post-industrial type nuclear family model.

A lot of families today have two parents who are working and who are paying to put their children in daycare all day long. If someone steps back from that so called norm and truly think about it, it can seem so unnatural and messed up. Family life isn't really supposed to be like that.


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