Exh sslltns

Retroactive ideas  Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

Retroactive idea 1) 


There should have been a big chunk of land where the sea parts of the Mediterranean Sea are that stretches from Northern Lebanon, Haifa and the Gaza City to the west, Port Said to the North and Limsassol Cyprus to the South when that area was created. 

Then thousands of years ago, that land should have became the country of Palestine and then the Palestinians would have lived in Palestine from thousands of years ago through today and for thousands of years more.  

No Israelis or any other country or outsiders would have occupied Palestine ever and that Palestine would never become a territory of Britain or any other country.  

This Palestine would have been much bigger than Mandatory Palestine.  This would have also prevented countless deaths on both sides that were lost in the Israel-Palestine conflict since Israel would have (since 1948) all of Israel including the Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and the West Bank in this ideal world


Israel should have been reclaimed by the Jews centuries ago or as late as the 1920s.   


In 1948, a country called True Israel should have been created where Israel-Palestine is now . This True Israel should then have become a homeland for millions of Christians from Europe, North America, Middle East and worldwide instead of for the Jews who should have instead made the Jewish Russian oblast their homeland and moved there. The Christians replaced the Jews as God's people and became the new 'Jews' in God's eyes (according to Theology and Christianity)

Retroactive idea 2) 

It would have been cool if in BC times, God created hundreds of hypothetical what if religions to be his people (covering everyone on Earth) instead of just the Jewish religion and then God gave each of those hypothetical what if religions their own homelands. Because this calls for the return of Palestinian refugees, this entail mean threatening Israel’s Jewish majority. Naturally, the fact that this majority is only really artificially maintained by Israelis expelling the natives is never brought up.

It would further be cooler if in the late 1940s and early 1950s, instead of just creating Israel for the Jews, the UN etc also created hundreds of these hypothetical what if religious homelands for billions of people on Earth who belong to (and are descended from) each of those hypothetical what if religions to live in.

Modern ideas

Idea 1) The Palestinians should be given all of the land of the former Northern Kingdom of Israel/Kingdom of Israel Samaria (and live there as an independent nation but that land they live on should be renamed Northern Kingdom of Israel/Kingdom of Israel Samaria) while the rest of Israel should remain as part of Israel (any area that the Palestinians currently occupy that wasn't part of the biblical Northern Kingdom of Israel/Kingdom of Israel Samaria would then be given to the Jews and Israelis). 

What we call Israel now would be called Israel, Kingdom of Judah and Southern Kingdom interchangeably (like in the bible)

The descendants of the lost tribes of Israel who live outside of I-P would be heavily aided and encouraged (like the Jewish people were in the late 1940s and 1950s) to move to the reborn Northern Kingdom of Israel/Kingdom of Israel Samaria to live amongst the Palestinians in that independent state.

Idea 2) Another possible solution is to allow the Palestinians to give up their land to Israel but live on reservations throughout Israel like the Native Americans in the US currently do

Idea 3) Israel should consider going back to being as big as it was when it was the Kingdom of Israel united monarchy (the united Kingdom of Israel under David and Solomon in the bible) and allowing Palestanians and displaced groups to live client states within that reborn Kingdom of Israel in areas where there were client states in the Kingdom of Israel united Monarchy in the bible.Moreover in this Kingdom of Israel , there would be a fusion of something between *Far center Nationalism and Left Wing Nationalism with Imperialism

*Far center politics is basically thisthis and similar to Radical Centrism

Idea 4) Either 

Bring back the Canaanism movement and have them work with Israel/Palestine on a Allon plan solution (but with the Canaanism movement people replacing Jordan in this plan)


Based on this article (and taken with a grain of salt and should be in no way be used to protest Israel existing), create an Anarcho Monarchism system in Israel/Palestine and then install the Neturei Karta as a monarch dynasty counterposed against the state (Israel) as a representive not only for the Palestianians but for the Orthodox Jewish Anti Zionist people in Israel/Palestine who feel that the true Israel won't exist until the Jewish Messiah comes to Earth and restores the land of Israel, and reforms it himself and that the current Israel is more about Israelism and less about Judaism. 

If that didn’t work, then maybe a no state solution where Israelis and Palestinians live in a stateless society could come out of that

According to Christian scripture, God will restore Israel on Earth when Jesus comes,and based on world events ,that seems to be the direction our world is headed. The kingdom may be more spiritual and on a spiritual plane or literal (think X Files type supernatural). To balance the above out:

Idea 5) A fusion of a common three state solution idea  idea (including this type of three state solution) and the current status quo in Israel-Palestine

Idea 6) Let Palestine be independent but have the same relationship with and to Israel that Taiwan has with and to China

Idea 7) A binational solution (ie One Nation State) to the Israel-Palestine conflict, which could either be a twin regime federalist arrangement or a unitary state

Idea 8) I support as an alternative to a two state solution bringing back the Mandatory Palestine (and exactly like it was under that Mandate but if the Radically centrist and pragmatic BDS members negotiated with the people back then to draw up the Mandate for Palestine in the 1910s).     

Idea 9)  Israel and Palestine equally become constituents to a newly created United Mandate of Israel and Palestine the same way that England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are equally constituents to the United Kingdom

Idea 10) Give Israel/Palestine to the descendants of the Natufian (the Natufian were among the first inhabitants of Israel before the Canaanites and Jews)  were among the first inhabitants of Israel before the Canaanites and Jews) After doing this, Israelis in Israel would be strongly encouraged and given incentives to settle in Iran while Palestinians would be encouraged to settle in Kuwait, Syria, Jordan and United Arab Emirates. However, Iran would be forced to treat the Jews in Iran as fairly as King Cyrus treated the Jews in Ancient Persia. Iran would be forced to allow the Jews to assimilate in Iran exactly how King Cyrus allowed the Jews to assimilate in Ancient Persia.

Idea 11) A 2 state solution for Israel-Palestine that is based on Donald Trump's peace plan map.

However, I believe that the peace plan should have the Allied Bedouin Tribes be given the land that is marked for the Palestinians in that plan and thus that Palestinian state should instead be an Allied Bedouin Tribe state.  

Palestinians can still live in this Allied Bedouin Tribe state but they would be a Dependent territory and Associated State of this Allied Bedouin Tribe state in the same way that the Cook Islands and Niue are Dependent territories and Associated States of New Zealand.  The Palestinians would also be given a legal clause which allows them to secede from the Allied Bedouin Tribe state like how the Old South states seceded from the United States in 1861 to form the CSA. However in doing they would risk a Civil War similar to the US Civil War.

Idea 12) I wouldn't mind seeing Israel expanded to become Greater Israel and having an unrecognized Palestinian state (like how the Judean provisional government from AD 66-68 and the Free Lebanon state from 1979-1984 were unrecognized states)  located somewhere within Greater Israel

Idea 13) Thousands of Palestinian Christians (like in Bethlehem) were uprooted when Jews moved in and reclaimed Palestine from them in 1948. 

Maybe as reparations for that, Israel should be given to Palestinian Christians and become a Palestinian Christian state/country to make up for that steal. Both the Jewish Himyarite Kingdom,  Jewish princedom vassal state in Narbonne (Septimania),  Sitka, Alaska area, Northern and Western parts of the Eritrea and Ethiopia (which would force Israel to be more accepting of and welcoming to poc Jews and even poc non Jews), Council of the Four Lands (Poland) would then be reformed as Jewish states to provide continued homelands for Jews to offset this bold move

Idea 14) The idea in this screenshot


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