Exhh crme

Our police are also being trained to be like the IDF which means our police are wrongly being militarized by one of the most advanced military in the world 

In February 1951, the ADL created a piece “The Policeman and His Role in the Field of Human Relations,” to a crowd of fifty police officers. The ADL saw the police as key to ensuring the civil rights movement didn’t get too radical (thus to ensure the ADL would keep its job since if the civil rights movement was 100 percent successful and the state was abolished leading to a stateless, hierarchies and classless society there wouldn’t be a need for the ADL since that society would be nondiscriminatory , inclusive and truly egalitarian)

In its 1964 report, the ADL mentioned “an increasing tendency toward extremism in both white and African American communities,” adding that “police forces and other law enforcement agencies have an increasingly crucial role these days in maintaining peaceful and harmonious relations in the community.” The report showed that the ADL had at that time provided trainings for “more than 130 top police executives from 31 states.”

The ADL has since expanded its trainings for the police substantially, while the ADL centers its cops in its “educational” materials and the ADL downplays the structural issues within US society. In the 1980s, the ADL’s “A World of Difference” program, supposedly intended to “combat prejudice” in schools, heavily featured the police whom the ADL ignorantly referred to as a “community organization”

Various anti-racist and queer groups were opposed to the ADL’s “A World of Difference” because it “presented a narrow view of bias that elevated the Nazi atrocities and minimized experiences from slavery to internment” and “taught Islamophobia rather than challenging it.” (in a way that I would want Islamophobia challenged) 

These groups also called out the ADL’s omission of anti-gay discrimination due and during the aids crisis from its programs . Because the ADL is invested in white supremacy, the ADL also opposed the most modest anti-racist policies that such groups have advocated, like affirmative action in college admissions which would have lead to less racism but as noted above the ADL would have been out of a job if anti racist and anti discriminatory policies worked like they claim they work

But resistance to the ADL’s racism from activists did not matter to the organization; it was set on working with the cops, which meant fighting racism and discrimination via the cops instead of through prevention 

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 gave the ADL an opportunity to expand its relationships with police in the US. In the climate of heightened anti-Arab and anti-Muslim abuse and Islamaphobia, the ADL increased its police trainings, arranging all-expenses-paid trips to the “National Counterterrorism Seminar in Israel” for US police and related agencies. 

By 2016, according to an annual report  “100% of major U.S. metropolitan police departments have sent participants to the ADL’s National Counterterrorism Seminar in Israel and the ADL’s Advanced Training School in Extremist and Terrorist Threats.” Through these collaborations, the ADL encourages domestic police to identify with Israel, to view Palestinians as “terrorists,” and to see those who speak or act in solidarity with Palestinians as “terrorist sympathizers”

Israel is frequently a point of reference for policing and counterinsurgency within the US. 

The US doesn’t needs Israel to teach it colonial brutality and counterinsurgency but instead , the two regimes continually exchange notes and tactics. 

The colonization of Palestine by Israel produces methods that can be applied not only in Jenin but also in Los Angeles and Baghdad.  The Israeli army called the fake Palestinian town that it built for practicing urban warfare “Chicago.”

The ADL of New England coordinates annual business trips to Israel to foster these exchanges. 

On these business trips, Massachusetts police officials learn about “counterterrorism” from Israeli state agents . The ADL of New England used the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings and the outpouring of anti-Muslim Islamaphobia that followed it as a pretext for expanding programs like that, similar to the national ADL using the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks for such measures

The ADL of New England sponsored Israel business trips for a lot of municipal police forces, in addition to sponsoring business trips for New England’s Homeland Security Department, US Marshalls Service, US Secret Service, various County Sheriffs’ offices, and university police forces. The ADL of New England’s director explained that these business trips are intended to align local policing tactics with Israeli ones:

“It is critical that Massachusetts police departments be able to equally prevent and respond to crime while protecting us from the threat of terrorism. The Israel national police have been on the frontline combating terror for decades and are able to share their firsthand experience in keeping the public safe despite multiple threats.”

Even when the trainings take place within the US, Israel is right there. 

Like in 2019, ADL of New England coordinated a “Law Enforcement Seminar” in Foxboro, Massachusetts which featured presentations from an “Israeli counterterrorism expert” on “The Ten Commandments of Counterterrorism” and “Actionable Strategies for Securing Events and Open Spaces in Communities.” 

The ADL of New England also created multiple dossiers on “extremism” which they shared with New England police departments. Furthermore, the ADL is listed as an “official partner” of the Boston and Massachusetts Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) programs – programs that, as the Muslim Justice League said, work to “falsely legitimize discrimination against Muslims and dissidents.” . This is because the ADL wants there to be more hate against Muslims because with more Islamaphobia,  ADL can come to the aid of Muslims on more occasions , the more times the ADL comes to the aid of Muslims, the more of a shield this creates for the ADL to shield the ADL from criticism of their Islamaphobic tendencies 


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