Liberal 2.0ers suck

Liberal 2.0ers and non Liberal 2.0ers (like to the right) have switched places. While some of my views overlap or blur the line with the Liberalism 2.0 views below a bit (I agree with some aspects of Afro Pessimism, and I also am not a anti Prostitution hard liner as I am flexible in that area) I still echo the jist of what I write below in terms of how the formerly Liberal 1.0 views in each paragraph below in general are better than the Liberal 2.0 hijacked version

Prostitution is exploitative and it exploits women. It is ‘empowering’ only for a lucky, privileged few. In a more just world, relationships and sex should not be commodified and should not be reduced to monetary exchange so that the poor must sell their bodies to the rich. (Liberalism 2.0 version: ‘Sex work’ is the hip new cool thing and people ruthlessly exploiting and using each other is somehow ‘empowering’ and progressive).

Freedom of speech is vital and you should be able to light heartingly make tongue and cheek jokes of religion. Overly-puritanical people who get very very offended about things need to lighten up. (Liberalism 2.0 version version: Words are essentially ‘violence’ and jokes should be policed and scrutinized for problematic content. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Punch Fascists or people in red hats even if they're not doing anything just for standing around being rightist.)

Free movement of labor is a not perfect or even very optimal because it drives down wages and conditions for workers already in our country. (Liberalism 2.0 version version: Open all borders, no-one is illegal, ICE are literal Nazis. Just throw open the borders and let everyone in despite the terrible ecological and economic effects on poor people already in our country.)

Capitalism makes people lonely and isolates them. A better system would give people more social opportunities and greater social integration, which would lead to more fulfilling personal lives. (Liberalism 2.0 version: If you think you are owed sex then that makes you a literal incel member and sexist and probably a potential ‘rapist’, you are not owed anything, you need to work on yourself and pull yourself up by your bootstraps).

We should concentrate on class first in our socialist activism. Minority rights and people's individual identities are important, but that shouldn’t be the main focus, Power should go to the people at large, in particular the working people. (Liberalism 2.0 version: Power should go to whoever is the most oppressed persons, or whoever has the best minority identity collection, determined by a complex system of ‘oppression points’ that there is no consensus on (obviously dumb wokesters) and is incoherent called "modern intersectionality". The super best kind of activism is to focus everything on tiny, tiny minorities of people, who may or may not even be progressive, and to naively idealize these tokenized minorities. If you think class should be predominant in left activism, you are a Strasserist, one of those left-wing Nazis).

We should fight against and organize against the power of the state and of big business to limit ideas and speech. (Liberalism 2.0 version: The state investigating and jailing people for speech is good if we don't like that speech . Moreover, those Silicon Valley big tech companies are private businesses so they can silence censor whoever they like, freedom of speech isn’t acceptable there, and anyways, words are ‘violence’ (sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me) if people we don't like say them, so they deserve to get cancelled)

Race is in some ways an illusion and we should ideally attempt to transcend it and to judge people on their individual merits. 

Socialism should be internationalist and it should mostly look beyond people's individual narrow identities to what we have have in common on a class basis. "The workers have no country". (Liberalism 2.0 version: Trying to be identity-blind or not see identity is a ‘racist micro-aggression’. idpol is supremely important and we should relate everything to idpol and have idpol demonstrations and develop a idpol consciousness, while also explaining all history and culture through the prism of idpol. It is a ok to do inverted racialism and denigrate people on the basis of their race as long as their skins are white. It is perfectly fine to make blood-and-soil racial claims to land and culture as long as the people doing it are non-white.)


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