Self defense for women



ery time I have helped in a demonstration 

of self-defense, there is one person who 

ALWAYS says, “But I could never do that 

to anyone!” What they are thinking is, “I 

couldn’t ever put someone’s eye out!” The 

problem is, they aren’t thinking beforehand: 

“Could I do that to stop someone else from 

hurting me? From hurting someone I care 


That’s the real question. When we are 

talking about self-defense, we are NOT 

talking about picking fights, walking up to 

someone and beating them up, or what¬ 

ever -- we are talking about doing what you 

have to, to stop someone else from hurting 

you or someone you care about. It wasn’t 

YOUR choice to be forced to defend your¬ 

self. The other person made their choice to 

hurt you - but your body is YOURS, and 

NO ONE has the right to control you -- to 

hurt you. You DO have the right to do what¬ 

ever is needed to stop them from hurting 


The point isn’t to hurt the other guy, de¬ 

stroy him, or whatever else TV and movies 

may tell you - the point is to stop them 

from hurting you. Efficiently, with a mini¬ 

mum of effort, a maximum of effect, and a 

minimum of danger to you and the people 

you care about. 

I really can’t emphasize enough how much 

of self-defense is in the mind. Example, for you 

women out there: Ever been at a party, or at a 

bar, or at any place whatsoever when some guy 

comes up to you and puts his arm around your 

shoulders - and you didn’t like it? 

What did you do? Did you stand there, 

and laugh it off ~ but feel uncomfortable? Did you 

try to slowly edge out from under it, or contrive 

something so that maybe he would go away? Or 

did you sit there, and take it, and try to be polite 

and talk to the guy - even though you either 

didn’t know him or didn’t like him -- and DEFI¬ 

NITELY didn’t want his hands on you? 

There are a LOT of women who would say 

the above has happened to them. And that those 

were EXACTLY the way they reacted. Does it 

make them feel good? No. Were they allowing 

other people to presume upon them, to make 

choices for them? Yes. 

Is that normal? Yes. Unfortunately. Is it 

right that women should have to do that? No. 

That is YOUR body, those are HIS hands. 

His hands do NOT belong on YOUR body unless 

YOU choose to let them. But it is HARD for some 

women to allow themselves to think that way 

- everyone is trained to be polite, to not make 

waves, to keep quiet and just deal with it. 

It is ALL RIGHT to look the guy in the eye, 

stand up straight, and say in a clear, FIRM tone: 

“Get your hands off me.” You don’t have to be 

belligerent, angry, homicidal -- you just have to be 

certain. And 80% of the guys out there will imme¬ 

diately take their hands off you. 

You don’t have to be scary about it ~ just 

firm. And if you are, chances are that the guy will 

take his hands off you, and you will STILL be able 

to sit there and talk to him (if you want) or talk to 

others -- because it didn’t make a scene. 

But to do that, you need to understand that 

your body is yours - and YOU make your own 

choices. And that no one else has the right to do 

that for you, without your permission. 

But, unfortunately, some guys aren’t going 

to listen the first time. For those who won’t listen 

at all, I have some simple techniques for you to 

use. However, many just need to be told again - 

in a clearer way. 

In 90% of situations, violence is not neces¬ 

sary. (And, in many situations that seem to have 

incipient violence, 90% can be de-escalated. But 

I digress.) It just means that you need to explain 

yourself more clearly - and I do not mean by put¬ 

ting the person in the hospital. 

If you are sitting down, stand up. If you are 

standing, step to the side (not forwards or back¬ 

wards - sideways generally is easier to slip the 

grasp) turn and face the person, and again, say 

(louder, but again, don’t act angry or belligerent) 

“I said once, take your hands off me. I will say it 

one last time: take your hands off me.” 

Most every guy at this point will do so. 

Most guys aren’t complete idiots, they are just a 

little thick sometimes. 

The point here is simple: certitude and 

voice tone can make all the difference. Being 

able to trash someone in a fight is nice, but hey, 

the best fighter in the world can slip on some 

spilled beer and get murdered. But if you don’t 

fight, that’s not likely, hmm? And notice -- the 

women doesn’t seem “bitchy” or whatever nifty 

word gets used by drunk guys who get turned 

down. She just says no. Period. 

Notice, in all of these cases, I’m talking 

casual “attacks”. (Which is a hideous term - how 

can an attack be “casual”?) However, sometimes 

people get attacked, raped, beaten, murdered, 

whatever, by people who deliberately set out to 

do so. They catch you off-guard, and that’s it. 

Boom. I can’t show you how to stop people like 

that in three easy lessons. Later on, I can give 

you some simple techniques to use -- and they 

are effective. But they aren’t perfect - nothing is. 

To truly defend yourself, you need to train, and 

most people don’t have the time or inclination to 

do so. (And in the end, even with training, you 

can’t be 100% safe. It doesn’t work that way. But 

you CAN increase your chances a thousandfold.) 

The techniques I can tell you, and that you 

could learn from a weekend seminar, will help 

you get out of “casual” attacks, and the medium- 

type attacks, where someone just gets out of 

hand, or starts a fight, or is stupid and grabs you. 

Even then, no training is perfect, and without 

practice, no one gets good. But the most impor¬ 

tant part is still the mindset. 

Just reading these won’t do you much 

good. Practice with someone. Anyone. Even if 

you only take 15 minutes once and try these 

things out three times each - that’s something. 

They are simple, and effective on anyone. But 

to know what you are doing, you need to TRY 

THEM. (I don’t mean go beat someone up -- I 

mean practice with a friend. Sheesh. :) (And the 

more you practice, the more chance you will have 

when using them. 

Simple Techniques for Self-De¬ 


A few thoughts, first. 

1) Disclaimer: Nothing works all the time, folks. 

None of this stuff is guaranteed. You make your 

own choices, and do what you decide. I’m not 

telling you what to do. And if you practice with 

a friend full-force like an idiot, what happens is 

YOUR fault. Don’t be sorry. Be controlled. Don’t 

be stupid. Think. 

2) This stuff works (yes, I know what I said 

above) but: a) you need to know when to use it, 

b) you need to have the confidence to use it, and 

c) sometimes, it just isn’t enough. People, like I 

said, this little dabble won’t teach you to defend 

yourself in all situations. If you want to know 

how to do that, take a self-defense class, take a 

martial art - but do something. Do NOT think that 

just because you read this (or anything, for that 

matter) that you can handle yourself in any situ¬ 

ation, because you “read that self-defense thing, 

and know a couple moves”. 

3) These techniques are for escape and eva¬ 

sion. There are other things you can do with 

them, but the main idea here is to give yourself 

some room to run, and some time to do it in. 

Simple as that. 

These are NOT for attack. These are nasty 

~ that’s what makes them work. You do NOT 

walk up to someone and just do any of these. 

These are for defense. 

Finally, one tactical thought: Women, if 

a guy grabs you, where will you probably try to hit 

him first? 

I bet you said, “I’m going to kick him in the 

groin. Of course.” Would like like to know the one 

place you should NEVER attempt to first strike a 

guy? The groin. 

Why? Simple. Every guy in the world has 

been kicked in the groin at least once -- and 

he KNOWS that if a female gets mad at him, 

that is the FIRST place she is going to try to hit. 

Plus, every self-defense class in the world trains 

people to kick the groin. And every guy out there 

knows it. It’s a great target - for the second or 

third shot. But not the first one -- he’s expecting it. 

Standard Targets 

There are certain points on the human 

body where no matter how big you are, how 

strong you are, or whatever, it STILL hurts to get 

hit there. This is, of course, where we want to 

strike. Here is a diagram (a VERY basic diagram) 

of the human body. The red points are where you 

want to strike. 

Strike Points: 

The nice things about these is that you 

already know where they are, and what they do. 

You’ve known since grade school. (You may not 

admit this, but it’s true.) If you poke someone in 

the eye, in the throat, hit them with a palm on the 

bridge of the nose, strike to the groin, kick them 

in the front or side of the knee - these will all 

hurt, distract, whatever - and it works on every¬ 

one. None of these points are covered by muscle, 

fat, whatever - size and condition does not mat¬ 

ter. The only thing that matters is how hard you 


Striking eyes and throat: 

Put index and third finger together, curl 

others to palm. Do NOT hyper-extend your fin¬ 

gers, merely hold them rigid. Strike (think like a 

spear) straightforward into the eye or right above 

the hollow of the throat. Don’t strike directly into 

the hollow - strike about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch 

above it. (Note: you can also strike these points 

using only the thumb). 

Bridge of the nose: 

Hold out your hand, and spread your 

fingers wide. This tightens the hand, and pushes 

forward the palm side of the large knuckles. Feel 

how hard they are? Push your hand forward and 

strike with that area right below where the nose 

joins the brow ridge - basically the center of the 


Groin areas: 

Many ways you can strike here: Knees, 

feet, or hands. 

Knees: If using a knee, simply bring it 

upward as hard as you can - but think of the end 

of your knee as a point -- and drive that point into 

the groin. If your hands are free, before striking, 

grab the attacker’s hips, and pull the attacker into 

the strike as your drive the knee. 

Feet: Simple. Bring your instep up into 

your attackers groin. However, if you are too 

close for that, but too far to use a knee, kicking 

straight up and striking with the shinbone of your 

leg works just fine also. 

Hands: Swing your arm in a straight-arm 

upward strike into the groin, either using an open- 

hand palm strike, or a closed fist -- the closed 

fist strikes just the same as the open palm strike, 

except the fingers are curled - still a straight-arm 


Striking the knees: 

Striking the knee is something self-de¬ 

fense classes always teach, because it is a seri¬ 

ous weak point on the human body. However, it 

can be harder than it sounds. If striking the front 

of the knee (the kneecap) drive your HEEL for¬ 

ward into the kneecap, and drive it far forwards 

- just tapping it won’t give you enough time to 

1 * 1*1 

Note: all of the knee attacks can be difficult 

without practice - AND, you will be off balance 

more than if you were using a hand technique. 

So, they work - but practice them. Don’t try 

something and fall over. That’s not a good thing. 

Now, remember, the idea here is not to 

destroy your attacker, beat him up and drag him 

by his collar to the nearest police station. Your 

mission here is to ESCAPE UNHARMED. That 

is your goal. So, if you hit him once, and he’s 

clutching his eyes and can’t see, then run. No 

jsense staying around and 

iving him time to recover, 


You might have to 

hit him a couple of times, 

and do some serious dam- 

jage - but as soon as you 

Tnave a chance, GET AWAY. 

That’s your goal. Get away 

unharmed. Remember - all 

you are doing is stopping 

this person from harming 

you. Do what is necessary, 

then escape. 

get away. If striking the side of the knee, there 

are a couple of different ways to do it, but the 

easiest (note: this is according to me) is to sweep 

the INSIDE of your foot in a circular motion, strik¬ 

ing the side of the knee - and strike hard, again. 

(That was for if you were standing in front of the 

attacker.) If you are standing beside the attacker, 

pick up your foot, and drive your heel sideways 

and downward (at about a 45 degree angle) into 

the side of his knee. Hard. 

Martial Arts for Self- 


I think the martial arts 

are great: I enjoy the ones 

I do, I like the ones I see, 

and I think that just about 

every single martial art out 

there has at least SOME 

very good things about 

it - if not a LOT of good 

things about it. However, in 

this section, we are talking 

about martial arts for self- 

defense purposes, which is a very specialized 

thing - and not all martial arts have strengths in 

this area. 

Now, in general, all martial arts will help 

you prepare to defend yourself, at least indirectly 

- you will be in better shape, more flexible, more 

able to withstand punishment, and have more 

control over your body. These are all good things. 

However, being a football player will do 

much the same things. To me, for a martial art to 

be a good self-defense art, it needs to do several 


* It must directly teach you simple, efficient 

ways of dealing with common attacks. 

* It needs to prepare you for eventualities 

- meaning in class, you need to deal with the fact 

that in self-defense, no matter what you do, there 

is a chance (sometimes, a GOOD chance) that 

you are going to get hurt. 

* It needs to teach you when to react, when 

NOT to react, and when to attempt to de-esca¬ 

late. (Some people might jump on me here - but 

seriously folks, sometimes it is a complete waste 

of time to attempt to de-escalate.) 

* MOST IMPORTANTLY, it needs to teach 

you the correct mindset to stand up for yourself, 

be in control of yourself, and to have the self-con¬ 

fidence to know you are worth defending, which 

allows you to do so. 

* Also, (personal bias) since most people 

who wish to learn self-defense will not stay in 

the martial art for years and years, my opinion 

is that the art should immediately start teach¬ 

ing basic self-defense, in the first few weeks of 

class. (If you are going to advertise yourself at a 

self-defense course, then students should start 

learning that - as opposed to waiting to add the 

self-defense curriculum until the student is “firmly 

grounded in the basics” about 2 years down the 


I love Aikido, and think that Tai Chi is won¬ 

derful. However, are they good self-defense arts, 

in my opinion, according to the criteria above? 

Not really. 

If you have taken Aikido or Tai Chi for 10 

years, and practiced diligently, conscientiously, 

and continually, and thought about what you 

are doing with regards to self-defense, there is 

a fairly good chance that you will be just about 

untouchable. On the other hand, after one year? 

No. The way those arts are taught, the general 

mindset of the art and the things those arts em¬ 

phasize do not teach self-defense -- at least, not 

right away. 

And most people can’t wait 10 years to 

learn to defend themselves. I highly recommend 

both Aikido and Tai Chi - there are some VERY 

important things you can learn from them. How¬ 

ever, immediate self-defense is not one of them. 

Things to check 

When attempting to find a martial art 

that teaches self-defense, there are a couple of 

simple things to look for. Each martial art is differ¬ 

ent, and moreover, each instructor teaches their 

martial art differently -- so WTF Taekwondo 

at one place might be completely different 

than WTF TKD at another. You just have to 

go take a look. 

Attend a class - take a look. What do 

you see happening? 

Are people practicing practical self-de¬ 


Are people practicing reactions to common 

self-defense situations? Or are they do¬ 

ing rote forms, practicing flying spin kicks, 

or using archaic weapons that you could 

never carry on the street? (Remember, 

your point here is self-defense - you are 

not looking for instructions on how to use 

a halberd. If the art teaches that as well, 

fine, but that is not the primary goal of your 


Are the lower belts practicing simple, ef¬ 

ficient ways to deal with attackers? 

Or is it just the higher belts who are work¬ 

ing on self-defense? Yes, all beginners 

need to work on basics -- however, you 

should ALSO see them working self-defense 

techniques. After all, if you join, that is where you 

are going to be -- and you are here to learn to 

defend yourself. 

Is the instructor teaching a mindset in ad¬ 

dition to the moves? 

Can you see the instructor making sure 

the students are understanding that they aren’t 

learning to beat up on people, they are learning 

to stop people from hurting them - and that it is 

OK to do whatever is necessary to accomplish 

that? (I’m not talking only about being able to 

seriously damage someone here - I’m also talk¬ 

ing about the other end of the spectrum, so that 

people who are being harassed, manhandled, 

etc. -- but not directly VIOLENTLY attacked, know 

how to deal with the situation - and are building 

the self-confidence to do so.) 

Optional, but a good idea: Does the martial 

art (and the instructor) teach self-defense reac¬ 

tions in a way that makes sense to you? 

Meaning, the way that particular martial 

art reacts to an attack -- does that fit the way 

your mind works? Do the reactions make intui¬ 

tive sense to you, in the style in which they work? 

Does it fit the physical limitations of your body? 

Example: 1) a very tiny person might become 

VERY good at judo -- but won’t be able to do 

much in the way of self-defense in only a year. 

Size can make a difference. 

“Size and strength don’t matter.” 

NO. Sorry. It is true in a way, but not really. 

Let’s explain that a little more clearly. 

Size and strength don’t matter - true, yes, 


Provided you take your martial art, practice 

it diligently and accurately, for an extended time. 

Provided you understand the difference between 

street situations and class situations, self-defense 

and point sparring, and provided you learn the 

self-defense mindset. 

If that is true, than yes - when you are a 

4th or 5th degree black belt, it won’t matter how 

big your opponent is, really. (Unless they ALSO 

are a 5th degree. Then it might matter, but not 


And yes, for certain techniques it doesn’t 

matter how big or strong the other person is. 

Poke them in the eye, jab them in the throat, 

lock back the knee, etc. -- size won’t matter. So 

people aren’t lying when they tell you size doesn’t 

matter. Not necessarily. 

But don’t believe it never matters. 

When you are just starting out, it mat¬ 

ters. When you’ve only been doing it awhile, 

it matters. When you are sparring people in 

your martial arts class, it matters. 

I wish it wasn’t true, (since I’m 5’8” and 

140 pounds) but a big guy (or girl) has a definite 

advantage in most fights. That’s simply how it 

is. If you take two people who have been taking 

the same martial art for about 6 months, and put 

them in a fight, MOST LIKELY, the bigger guy is 

going to win. You put a 6’4”, 220 pound street 

thug up against a 5’2”, 110 pound female yellow 

belt in a streetfight, the guy has the advantage. 


Though that doesn’t mean he is going 

to win. 

A good big guy, in general, will beat a good 

small guy up to a certain point of experience and 

knowledge. Beneath five years (and actually way 

beyond that, but I don’t want to dishearten you 

too much) size makes a difference. 

Size does matter -- and so you have to 

adjust your techniques to your situation. If I’m 

fighting against a guy twice my strength and size, 

I’m NOT going to try punching him in the chest. 

(Which I really wouldn’t do anyway, it’s fairly 

useless, though it looks cool in movies.) I’m also 

definitely NOT going to stand there and attempt 

to trade punches with him. I’m not going to use 

strength moves, I’ll use soft tissue techniques 

(no matter how strong you are, your muscles 

will NOT cover the trachea) and I will NOT close 

with him until I have him stunned or off balance, 

because if he grabs me, I’m in trouble. (Not dead, 

not yet, but if he’s that much stronger, even if he’s 

an idiot, he can do serious damage.) 

A small person can defend themselves 

against a big person. But it’s an uphill battle, 

make no mistake. The trick to winning is fairly 

simple: Be smarter, and be nasty. 

A big person (mostly, but not all) has relied 

on their size to get by - most people don’t need 

much more than that to win, especially the type of 

person who would attack you on the street. And 

since you can’t beat them at size, you have to 

beat them at BRAINS. Because if you don’t, you’ll 

get killed. 

In martial arts, it ISN’T about size or 

strength - it’s about using your brain to make 

your body do what you tell it to, effectively. In self- 

defense, the application of martial arts is simple: 

Do what is necessary to keep yourself from being 

hurt. What that means against bigger people is 

simple - you are probably going to have to up¬ 

grade the seriousness of your techniques, and go 

for soft tissue (fairly damaging) targets instead of 

simple disables. Because your margin for error 

just went down -- a big guy hits harder than a 

small guy. 

So the ending conclusion? In time, size 

won’t really matter. But no matter what, you must 

still keep it in mind, because even if it doesn’t 

matter, it still makes a difference. (And in the be¬ 

ginning, it matters, too.) 

Do You Need a Weapon? 

Most martial arts experts agree an armed 

fighter almost always has the advantage over the 

unarmed fighter - even if the unarmed person is 

proficient in empty hand self-defense. 

One obvious lesson is to avoid any con¬ 

flict against armed opponents. The other is that 

maybe you should consider carrying a weapon. Is 

this an option for you? 

What if you are absolutely against using 

weapons of any kind? There are a number of 

choices you can make in the “non-lethal” catego¬ 

ry. Some of these items receive heavy promotion 

and they seem like they should work. Unfortu¬ 

nately, many of them don’t work at all and can’t 

really be considered weapons. 

On the other end of the force spectrum, 

some self-defense weapons - like high- 

power rifles or combat knives - might not 

be the best choice for you either. Surpris¬ 

ingly, your choices will mostly come down 

to three types of weapons; impact weap¬ 

ons, edged weapons or projectile weapons. 

Rule of Thumb 

Still you ask yourself, do I need a weapon? 

The rule of thumb is that you should use a 

weapon to defend against another weapon. 

In other words, you employ deadly force to 

protect yourself from deadly force. Defend¬ 

ing yourself from someone with a weapon 

with only empty hand techniques could be 

the most challenging task advanced fight¬ 

ers will ever undertake. For the average 

citizen, it is almost entirely catastrophic. 

For me, I think of weapons like my spare 

tire in my car. Of course I hope I never 

have to use it, but I want it with me when I 



There are a number of considerations 

when choosing a weapon: 

Practicality. How useful is it? Can you 

carry it with you? It would be difficult these 

days to carry a six-foot staff to work, on the 

bus or in your car. On the other hand, fire- 

arms are portable and more powerful than other 


Expertise. How well can you use it? 

Effectiveness. Tear gas may be effective 

for some situations while firearms may be effec¬ 

tive for others. 

Concealment and carry. Your weapon 

won’t do you any good if it’s not with you. (A rea¬ 

son why empty hand expertise is so important, 

you are never without your natural weapons. Also 

a good reason for working with improvised weap¬ 


Intimidating effects. Certain weapons, a 

shotgun for example, may produce enough shock 

value to make your opponent think twice about 

attacking. Although, it would be hard to imagine 

anyone who would not be intimidated by any sort 

of firearm. 

Generally, weapons fall into a few broad catego¬ 


Impact weapons are those used primar¬ 

ily for striking. This category includes night stick, 

ashtrays and beer mugs. You can also put flexible 

weapons like nunchaku and chains here. They 

are really a type of impact weapon, but their real 

advantage lies in the tremendous power gener¬ 

ated by centrifugal force. 

Edged weapons are obviously those 

designed to cut, slash or stab. Knives, swords, 

machetes and broken glass are included here. 

Projectile weapons are anything that is 

propelled across a space allowing to reach an 

opponent without actually having to be in touch¬ 

ing range. This includes firearms, crossbows, air 

tasers, and pepper spray. 

Below are some weapons with which you should 

be familiar and some which you should forget: 

Pepper Spray/Teargas/Mace: This is a great 

weapon that easy to use and that you can carry 

with you at all times. 

Baton/Night stick: This is a good impact weap¬ 

on if you have the training, but how many of you 

will go out and become proficient with a night 

stick. Warning: if you use your baton just like a 

hammer or a club you’ll probably have it taken 

away from you. What you will want to consider 

is one of the heavy, ‘C’-cell police flashlight from 


Handgun: Probably the single most equalizing 

weapon anyone can possess. There is a plethora 

of information surrounding firearms. There are 

continuing and raging debates about effective¬ 

ness of different calibers, makes of weapons and 

so forth. Don’t be intimidated. Educate yourself. A 

female firearms instructor named Paxton Quigley 

has a great book out called Armed and Female 

which is simply outstanding. Another great book 

on the subject is Massad Ayoob’s In the Grav¬ 

est Extreme. Both cover all you’ll need to know 

about this weapon. Get good advice and test fire 

a number of handguns until you find one you like. 

A super important point here ~ Don’t let anyone 

talk you into a more powerful handgun than you 

are comfortable with. If you feel anxious with 

your weapon you won’t practice. And if you don’t 

practice, you won’t be competent. And if you’re 

not competent... 

Shotgun: The 12 gauge shotgun has been 

called by Massad Ayoob the most destructive 

device a civilian can own short of a hand gre¬ 

nade. If you are smaller, a 12 gauge might be too 

much to handle and even a 20 gauge still kicks 

a lot. There are a number of 410 gauge models 

that you might feel comfortable with. You should 

consider this weapon for home defense, but you 

won’t be able to carry it with you anywhere else. 

Rifle: Typically a modern rifle is overpowered for 

most urban self-defense scenarios. A rapid firing 

.22 rifle can be a good weapon. If you live in a 

rural environment, rifles are probably the ultimate 

“reach out and touch someone” device. 

Knife: Knife fighting is a particularly savage form 

of combat. A knife is such a lethal weapon that 

just flailing away with a kitchen knife can produce 

dramatic results. I have met some very proficient 

and very deadly knife fighters. However, for the rest of us mere mortals, I would not recommend tak¬ 

ing up knife fighting -- your handgun is about the same size as a fighting knife and you don’t even 

have to get close to your attacker to use it. Plus there is an old saying that you “don’t want to take a 

knife to a gunfight.” 

Key Chain/Key Spike: This looks good and even sounds like a good weapon. These are the long 

chains which you put your keys on or those key rings with the spikes which come out between your 

knuckles. Unfortunately, the chain is hard to control unless you have previous experience with flex¬ 

ible weapons. The spikes which come from between your fingers are only effective if you have a good 

punch. My recommendation would be to pass on both unless you are working on serious martial arts 


Stun gun: This, too, looks like it would be very threatening and would require very little strength to 

use. In reality, however, you have to hold it against someone in an unprotected area. The small con¬ 

sumer stun guns don’t do much more than sting real bad. Don’t believe the ads that say it will instant¬ 

ly drop an attacker to his knees. 

Improvised weapons: Environmental weapons can be found everywhere. You just have to open 

your mind to recognizing them. Basically, if you can smash somebody with it, cut somebody with it or 

launch it at someone, you’ve found yourself a weapon. 

Improvised weapons can include: pen/pencil, beer bottle/mug, ashtray, hammer, chair, scis¬ 

sors, screwdriver/ice pick, pipe/club, shovel. You might even consider throwing rocks if you can. 

Don’t laugh. One bouncer claims someone hurling ashtrays like frisbees in one club in which he 

worked wreaked incredible damage to innocent bystanders and property as well. 

Weapons are Part of Your Self-Defense System 

When you are required to physically defend yourself or your loved ones, you have to have a full spec¬ 

trum of options. This will most likely progress from empty-handed techniques to an impact weapons, 

to an edged weapon and then, finally, to a firearm. I don’t know of any martial artist who advocates 

NEVER using a weapon


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