Flyer exh whi



This flyer seems like a huge, vague generalization.

Objective rational thinking and hard work are NOT “white supremacy" and are not wrong. Objective rational thinking and hard work are good and positive value

However while hard work is great and all, the idea that hard work is enough to lift most poor people out of poverty is corporate propaganda that is designed to ensure they won’t have to help the proletariat.

This flyer is overtly racializing what otherwise could be a meaningful analysis of the failure of class consciousness in the US and the unattainability by most Americans of the economic ideal 

What this flyer calls ‘whiteness’ is really bourgeois

This isn’t “whiteness", it is "Neoliberalism" or at least a staple of Neoliberalism (like see here). I am pretty sure that a lot of the things listed in this flyer are due to Capitalism more than anything else.

Like half of these things are just the products of Capitalism and really have nothing to do with race and culture. The other half doesn't even try to make a meaningful point. Science is not white, if anything white nationalists hate science more than any other demographic 

Rugged Individualism, protestant work ethic , status, power, and authority are all traits of Capitalism?

At the same time, I do acknowledge that Euro-centric science does have a downside in its tendency to reject non-European methods (like some medicine) out of hand regardless of its effectiveness. 

Your average white doctor likely isn't going to know how to treat culturally specific medical/mental conditions such as Dhat syndrome, but such things are still the scientific field even if the methods are worth challenging. Though all that existed before science also and it is not unique to the European culture.

If you spoke to any of these woke academics who push this type of wokeness, they would tell you that Whiteness is a construct of modern Capitalism. To them, Whiteness, means more than just the phenotypes of an individual.  

It's just so odd to relate these attributes in this flyer to classical European culture. As if modern capitalism had started in any non prominently white areas , rugged individualism would both have happened. There's nothing European about doing whatever it takes to survive in capitalism.

While I believe that attaching these values to whiteness is ridiculous, let us not pretend that much of this document has been used to excuse the worst consequences of inequality and to bolster the "objective" arguments for Capitalism

So that's why the academic jargon needs to be kept out of politics. You cannot reasonably build a movement which excludes "whiteness" but somehow includes "white people"

Is this flyer actually critiquing these traits as “white,” or instead only acknowledging that much of our social norms came from Christian, European traditions?

This flyer can be read through a prism as saying “We understand that these are innate parts of the fabric of society, but many of these are constructs born of a specific history and culture

This flyer pretends that working class whites aren't raised by single mothers at all which is ignorant

Almost all of this is shared by African American culture

It's so strange that these traits are associated with whiteness instead of Americanism as a whole. 

Talk to any African American homeowner over the age of 32 and you'll find that they value mostly everything listed on this flyer. Try telling a Nigerian immigrant from Africa that someone shouldn't be defined by their job, and see how receptive would be to that line of thought.

Some of these flyer traits they claim whites have are just bizarre and are outdated stereotypes that don't reflect modern  'white' culture. There are very few modern Western families where the Dad is the clear breadwinner and where emotions aren't shown (spend time with a Slavic, Mediterranean or Celtic-descended family and you will see how true that is)

This flyer is just American culture traits and really has nothing to do with race. It is also full of strawmen since it is trying to make it look bad, and still manages to fail to do just that. Though at best it is a caricature of middle class Anglo Protestant Conservatives. The the least-p charitable reading of this flyer is that it isn't criticizing whiteness, as much as it is pointing out its role as the cultural default.

Devil's Advocate : This flyer is not necessarily saying all of the stuff on the chart is bad, just that it's part of white culture Nowhere does this flyer explicitly state that to exhibit or practice these ‘white’ qualities is racist.   Nowhere does this flyer argue that these qualities are wrong or that exhibiting these qualities means that you are taking the side of white supremacy.

What this flyer is wrongly stating is that these qualities derive from White culture. Though I disagree with the majority of this flyer

This flyer basically reads like a primer on a different culture (like cultural competency stuff for school) . 
It is sort of interesting that they seem to think that white people are all wasps. But of course it is like a “we are not a monolith but you are” type of thing

I just think if this flyer were done a little more objectively it would be way more interesting to read.

Most of the more objectionable examples in this flyer are just traditionalist/conservative values that many people of all races hold and that many white liberals and leftists would reject

This flyer is an unironically good praxi for getting woke people to think critically about Western Capitlism through lens of woke flyer

Even when restricting “white” to mean only WASPS, this is flyer misses the mark

Though as mentioned above it could be seen as just Western or WASP culture instead of "white culture"... It fails to mention other Western inventions like socialism, communism, organized atheism.  Not only such things listed but also the opposition to them.

Isn’t this flyer just describing the cultural hegemony of Anglo-Americans (albeit in a very cliched, reductionist, and anachronistic way)?
If the flyer claims that these things are aspects of whiteness that must be internalized by non whites, then isn't this just really English culture being internalized by non-English peoples?

Anyway, some of these flyer points are too absurd and abstract or tautological to comprehend

Progress is always best, Intent counts, Winner/loser dichotomy, Orientation of Action
Always must "do something" about a situation, making Decisions

This flyer lists common things that are done in white majority countries. If woke people don't like it, then let them deal with that issue in the way they see fit. Countries that don't operate based on this program would be a culture shock to such woke people

There is nothing close to ‘bland’ about the American history of inventions, culture (i.e music, film) or the entire history of Western art, architecture and music

The "white is bland" meme is total intentional slander that has nothing to do with reality or with whites' self-conceptualization of their culture. It is baseless, wildly over-generalized, and insulting

As much as I disagree that you can/should paint some of the qualities listed in this flyer as uniquely the provenance of White people and White culture. 

This flyer is bad for mocking white people’s culinary preferences.

Rugged individualism is antithetical to Socialist ideology and should be resisted.

This flyer looks less like a cautionary list of so called "pitfalls" and more like a neutral categorization of apparent traits. Nowhere on the flyer is any of this said to be a bad thing. 

Obviously I do question the accuracy of the traits listed (that bland is ‘best’, or that rational thinking is wrong, etc.) but if we want to be able to talk about cultural difference, we need to be okay with this kind of talk.

Pretty much all of the traditional patriarchal Christian things applies more to American Latinos than to American non-Latino whites.

l am surprised that the flyer maker list hard working, intelligent, economical, contentious, low time preference, etc as Asian American traits as opposed to white Americans traits

Form a purely statistical perspective, outside of the direct references to Europe, do any of these points actually apply to white Americans more than to other racial groups?

This flyer is a case study in how idpol people take an essentialist, rather than a materialist, view of race. 

"Whiteness" to these idpol people is basically an energy or aura that surrounds people with Euro genetics; a force of nature if you will. So, to them, it is permanent and unchanging even when we all know is that it has changed and does change constantly.

Whiteness and blackness to these woke people has to be real, unchanging, and to be naturalised, if these woke people are going to manage to maintain their diversity consultancy careers

It is pretty similar to Latinamerica.  Plenty of latinamericans don’t really use the term to describe themselves, they just use nationalities instead. 

"Latino" is thought to be more of a mix of Mexican and Caribbean stereotypes. You can find Hispanic-American woke people trying to accuse real latinamericans of not being ‘true’ latinos because they do not follow la chancla, la abuela etc.

If an Argentinian or Brazilian person who does not even identify as Hispanic in first place came back from the US, saying stuff like la chancla and la abuela, they would be looked at weirdly.

That's because woke people don't understand "white culture" because they are either not white themselves, or have no cultural identity of their own, or a combination of both.

Science does of course have a lot of limitations and i do not think that the scientific method is even applicable to humans (psychology is seen by some to be pseudoscientific and not very useful)

However,  I think a lot of the critique about science neglects that there is some degree of progress that is being made. We would never have gotten to the Moon if we didn’t understand something about our world.

Yes white culture has been influenced by scientific thought. It's slightly responsible for why your local Internet rager thinks it's important that no one tell him he can't say offensive words.

I don’t really see this flyer as just an “emphasis” on the scientific method or objectivity or reason, but more of a weaponization of such things. 

There are a lot of whites like wealthy whites who see things only through their own very limited perspective and if they find something that is logical then anything that counters that is to them illogical. 

Like how rich people frequently refuse to understand how people become poor—(like when rich people 
don’t get that poor refraining from buying from Starbucks and investing in the stock market won’t help them not be poor anymore

Some woke people extend this out to racism, where they say that the people will that type of myopia which to them helps solidify white supremacy firmly in place. 

These woke people claim that if the only experiences that you trust that are “rational” or “logical” are your own experiences and you have never feared for your life from the police, they say that this follows to where you will probably assume that black people who are killed by the police did something wrong to deserve it.

White reason might look different from black reason in some regards (like race science laundering, phrenology etc) 

It is understandable that the ways in which irrationality accusations can be a sort of victim blaming (like But none of this line of thinking discredits "objective rational linear thinking" as a useful thing. This flyer wrongly and insultingly claims that things like statistics are foreign to black ways of knowing

The word "emphasis" in this flyer is slippery. It would be more clear, if this flyer specified emphasis over what. 

Its claim that white america overvalues scientific rationality is defensible to some people, yes, but it only has any force if you can clarify what it is giving short shrift to. 

Without a angle that is constructive (like white culture devalues x but x is actually quite valuable), it very simply appears to be denigrating decent and valuable things (like. "hard work.").

It is very odd that woke people can't help but paint a very flattering picture of the white majority they so clearly are trying to reduce to chariactures.

You know maybe until we abolish the nuclear family unit, single parent households are better in than non single parent households in the meantime??

The nuclear family is after all sadly a staple of like every culture in the world as much as that is a tough pill to swallow

Extended families, though. Kinship networks are how people got things done before everyone was kicked off of their land and had to earn wages to purchase commodified, transactional social interactions, including purchasing food to feed their disabled aunt instead of growing it themself. 

We got SSI due to the fact that no one could afford to take care of anyone again. This included elderly, unemployed, and disabled who were just dying from crime or exposure.

Nuclear families just came about recently, relatively speaking, and they got that name because they are the smallest possible unit to still reproduce society. Extremely unstable, however.

As for the "family structure" part of the flyer, non-Europeans are usually even more patriarchal. For example, the Chinese are very patriarchal, as are the Arabs and even the sub-Saharan Africans.

Atlantic said basically, for a majority of the US's short lifespan thus far, we didn't use nuclear families. People lived on farms and in local communities, and were surrounded by grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings. 

People married local and never moved, living our entire lives in the same place. 

People had children for economic purposes (able bodies to work the farms). 

When the US started industrializing, this created a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to not only move, but also to create enough money to be independently wealthy. 

Alone in these new cities and towns without extended family members around, people would eventually find love and settled down as couples. 

Because the money was good, these new families were able to only have one person who was working (usually the husband) while the wife stayed home. Because there was no economic reason to have children, the number of children in these isolated families dropped to only 2-4 per couple. 

Thus was born the nuclear family. Since that time, the conditions for a nuclear family have become less and less attainable. Single income households are becoming less common, not only due to great fact that women rightfully now getting higher education than men, but also because it is more common for both to work in order to live comfortably as wages haven't kept up with cost of living over that timespan.

There is really nothing about the nuclear family that is inherently white, other than that majority-white countries were the first to industrialize and those conditions led to the creation of the nuclear family

Interestingly, this first para feels / sounds like a vastly more natural and beneficial environment than the subsequent post-industrial type nuclear family model.

A lot of families today have two parents who are working and who are paying to put their children in daycare all day long. If someone steps back from that so called norm and truly think about it, it can seem so unnatural and messed up. Family life isn't really supposed to be like that.

Though I really only support the family unit being abolished as the norm, which very well lead may lead to the family unit eventually naturally being completely abolished and I would be ok with that. I am against the family unit being completely abolished by coercion or force

OMG, living my life day to day, getting on well with other people and functioning well within any type of society is exclusively ‘white’ and contributes to my everyday ‘oppression’ and I am sick and tired of being a victim of it!

Christianity is a Middle Eastern religion with its most holy sites located in Israel
African Americans are the most religious demographic in the US so Christianity is not a white characteristic.

The traits in this flyer are literally the building blocks of our civilization. Not just expanding civilization mind you,  just creating civilization in a rich soiled environment like the Nile river require saving seed (like "planning for the future" and also "delaying gratification") and also knowing when to plant the seeds ("objective, rational, linear thinking" and "cause and effect relationships"). 

These type of things took millennias for peoples around the planet to realize , like “when this star is up there, the person over there said that's when we should plant”

What is concerning me so much is that this intense focus on race without class intersectionality, or basically dismissing any class discourse as reductionist is going to give more fodder to the radical right. 

The constant hot takes, whether ironic or not of "white people bad!! white people have no culture and are responsible for the shame of the crimes of the settlers of the past half dozen centuries!!" and other such rhetoric, which I see a lot both online and in organizing is just giving power to the radical right.

I'm not a huge fan of Intersectionality (or at least modern Intersectionality)  when it comes to feminism (except in some areas like Post Colonial Feminism) because Intersectionality often seems to devolve into requiring women to consider everyone else's needs before their own needs, which seems to be exactly what the patriarchy wrongly usually demands of women anyway. 

But our discussion of race might (a huge might) use a bit of intersectionality. African Americans and poor whites are often pitted against each other by more powerful class interests. 

I don't think it is by mistake that those two groups aren't known for getting together well  together, which is sad because they likely have more in common than not and would benefit by each other up fighting for things that would benefit both groups, rather than claiming that all whites experience being white in the same exact way and treating class like it doesn't exist 

I struggle not to be a total political gloom and doomer due to this type of idpol that is in this flyer. Class issues feel more obscured than ever at the moment, and it feels like we're slipping further into a technocratic Neoliberal hellscape with increased racial unrest.

As this flyer seems to imply, African Americans may have a completely different way of looking at the world and of "knowing" (in their minds) that hard work, individualism, planning for the future are "white ideas" that not everyone shares. This type of thought feeds black separatism

Like, fine, but if your worldview is so self described as completely incompatible, it will not be enough to just have separate institutions, towns, etc. 

They would have to break away and found their own country. Then this creates a social experiment of seeing if a nation-state is sustainable on ‘non whiteness’ values

Seriously, let's just give the Woke Communists Portland, Oregon and some rural land around it and see how if they fare better. 

I obviously know, that as usual the Revolutionaries want to retain the benefits of the US while being legally not in the system to sustain those benefits.

Furthermore, I know that even the greatest countries have a lot of people living in them who only value hard work when other people are doing it.

Many people say that there is no such thing as white. They further say that within Europe there are so many differences in race-ethnicity (which itself is man made). That differences exist,  but the categorization is based on someone’s belief

This reminds me of the article What Whites Like


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