Liberal 2.0ers unintentionally helps right wing extremists and play right into their hands just like Liberals in Germany in the 1930s unintentionally helped the NDSAP and played right into their hands or worse
Marxist theory says that fascism tends to follow the failings of the left to secure gains. Reformism and liberal 2.0 politics drag leftist politics to a screeching halt in times of pressure, and then chauvinistic movements come along to fill the gap.
This is exactly what is happening with Liberalism 2.0. We are entering a new era of economic insecurity where basic needs are becoming more and more inaccessible.
In politics, as in physics, each action has an equal and opposite reaction. The Liberal 2.0ers do not know what type of monster they are creating. If this continues without resistance, 45 will prove to have been a foreshock for an unspeakable menace. Angela Nagle’s book Kill all Normies expands on this and I generally echo everything she wrote in that book, as does this and this here, here, here
This new strain of Liberalism also includes vulgar individualist liberal ideology, increasingly bureaucratic governments, and big tech all morphing into a world that is at once tyrannical, full of chaos, and without value and morality systems that give human life richness and meaning. If we don’t stop Liberalism 2.0 we will end up in a top-down controlled state.
Everyone knows the absolute threat of the Right wing but much less knows the threat of the Liberal 2.0 which is its own brand of badness
Of course unlike Glenn, I agree more with these SLS posters said in this post on that topic than I do with Glenn above
The soy-left represents a strata of the non-productive PMC. It is the same mileu that made up the temprence and womens suffrage movement in the 1920's; the social reformers; woman's liberation etc. They later made up the church ladies of the 1980's. They are essentially a feminine strata of moralistic busy bodies, who love 'fixing' and regulating working class people, imposing their morobund social views on them and correcting their grammar and language.
The uptight spinster school teacher of the 1920's, who would berate proletarian kids for their poor grammar, is now the pink haired, obese feminist grad student who corrects blue collar workers on their uncouthness and improper gender pronouns. (well at least traditionalism like that can stay alive just with pmc soy left paint /s)
I have seen every alt right tropes that leftists discredited unironically used by neoliberals by simply twisting it for woke purposes. Alt right used "West is best"? Neolibs do this.
Alt right laughs at "We should improve society somewhat"? Neolibs do this.
The Liberal 2.0 were already wrongly framing the anti war protesters as right wing before it was happening. I mean they have been framing all protests negatively since the early 2020s, then Ukraine and they're building on top of that: "the upcoming protesters this winter will be the same people who protested against fill in the blank etc" ... It is really dystopian how divided our society is at this point, there is the obedient government sheep and if you're not one of them you must be one of the extremist terrorist dissidents. All parties pretty much align (except for the ring wing which consistently sits at 10% even throughout the early 2020s) as do all MSM
Even Left Wing MSM are framing all dissent as right wing even on clear leftist issues. Then there's all this twisting of reality, so much double speech/inversion. It's getting reeeealy ugly in the neoliberal NWO in the EU. And Germany is especially self hurting, with politicians who report to the US on a weekly basis (their foreign minister), while the population is kept in check with a completely corrupt press and their idpol narratives.
But instead they blame non-existent, far-right Naughtzies as usual.
“the bourgeoisie and their accomplices, the educated classes, the lackeys of capital, who consider themselves the brains of the nation. In fact they are not its brains but its shit." Vladimir Lenin
"The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. They desire the existing state of society, minus its revolutionary and disintegrating elements. They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat. The bourgeoisie naturally conceives the world in which it is supreme to be the best; and bourgeois Socialism develops this comfortable conception into various more or less complete systems. In requiring the proletariat to carry out such a system, and thereby to march straightway into the social New Jerusalem, it but requires in reality, that the proletariat should remain within the bounds of existing society, but should cast away all its hateful ideas concerning the bourgeoisie.”- The Communist Manifesto
Liberal 2.0ers weaken the Democratic Party with unpopular cultural attitudes
Since some leftist, progressive and liberal trans rights activists regressively promote the gendered nomenclature practice, which fulfills a conservative function in that it bolsters the oppressive, inegalitarian gender construct, such trans rights activists are indeed right-wing, regardless of whether they identify as such. Like all fauxgressives, they unwittingly advocate right-wing ideas under the false impression that they're actually progressive.
Keep in mind that the term "right-wing" (which is synonymous with political conservatism) is ambiguous. Most broadly, conservatism seeks to maintain (or "conserve") the status quo, whatever it may be. Since the first class societies formed some 10,000 years ago and generated widespread economic and general social inequality, conservatism has been characteristically anti-egalitarian; it has thenceforth functioned to preserve this highly unequal state of affairs.
Here, I am using the term in this latter, more narrow sense of anti-egalitarianism.
"you're arguing over something you've invented yourself"
False. The term "right-wing" (conservatism) is variously defined as "the view that certain . . . hierarchies are inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable," "a political and social philosophy [whose] central tenets . . . include tradition, hierarchy, and authority," "the intellectual justification of inequality and privilege, and the political justification of the authoritative relationships such inequalities and privileges demand," etc. This is in line with my definition and application of the term, which is evidently not some idiosyncratic take on the topic, as you seem to imply.
"You have far too much time on your hands. All you're doing here is wanking, you're not achieving anything other than giving yourself a reason use terms like vis-a-vis, nomenclature, fauxgressive etc and waffle on."
I really don't get the point of these kinds of useless comments in debate. They do not strengthen your argument; if anything, they detract from it.
As I stated above, these tactics are all you people rely on, because actually addressing criticisms of your view would force you to accept its untenability. Ya'll are fanatics, not genuine truth-seekers.
"All I've said is respect trans people's wishes, that's it."
And that's all you can do: Offer simplistic takes.
"Please don't reply, it's tedious."
This is quite the candid remark, one that I did not expect. What you're basically saying is that fauxgressives like yourself are averse to defending their views because they feel that doing so is tedious. I concur; the mental gymnastics required by adherence to fauxgressive ideas must be tiresome indeed, as they are all untenable.
If nothing else, at least you're honest.
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