Not a Liberal 2.0er
Who is not a Liberal 2.0er Republicans: Tea Party , Liberty Caucus , Bernie or Busters , #walkaway movement (including the r/WalkAway subreddit ), Susan B Anthony List, Republican party: , Radical Republicans , Independent Republicans , these type of Republican cons , Peter Thiel's New Right , Bull Moose Progressives Left Libertarian American Conservatives (Sheldon Richman thought) , Left Wing Paleo Conserv atives , Paternalistic Conservatism , One Nation Conservatism , Conservative Socialists , Conservative Liberals , Common Good Constitutionalism , TradCath , Christian Nationalism , Conservative Revolution , * A l t Fas ci sm Mov ement (*see here for more ) r/ShitNeoconsSay ,r/KotakuInAction, r/LeftCantMeme, r/EnoughCommieSpam, , r/Cringe Anarchism, r/Capitalism vs Socialism Promise Keepers , Liberty Hangout , IDW ...