Lefty simon says

Left wing means non Capitalist, and wanting the workers to own the means of production, against private property 

Left Wing means to the left of the Democratic Party (US) and to the left of Liberal progressiveness

Liberals 2.0ers support capitalism, Marxists and other leftists don't. Even though a lot of times there's overlaps when it comes to their views on social issues and us Marxists and other leftists goals on social issues, our goals are really different.

The liberal 2.0 ideal of equality is for to still be some sort of capitalist hierarchy but for it to be more diverse. So, for instance, the problem isn't the existence of class distinctions or inequality, but the fact that women and people in minority groups aren't equally represented in positions of power and authority.

The Marxist and other left wing ideal of equality is completely different and based on creating the conditions that provide a better quality of life for everyone. We have a problem with the underlying structure of society as its currently organized, not just the fact that it's mainly white men in positions of power within that structure.

Liberals want more female CEOs, drone pilots, etc. Marxists want to abolish those things.

Left wing also means you have to support one of more of these ideologies below:

Socialist (including here), Communist/Marxist (including Marxist Leninism and here)

Anarchist (non Anarcho Capitalist Anarchist), Left Libertarian (also Mutualist/Market-oriented left libertarianLeft Wing Free market anarchist-anarchistic socialism [Benjamin Tuckerite])/

Left Social Democrat (including pre policy regime SocDem) , Left MinarchistAnti Neoliberal (Post Neoliberal)  ,AustromarxismLuxemburgian (including AutonomismRev Spontex), Anarcho Libertarianism/Left RothbardianismInclusive Democracy

In the US, the Democratic party are not Left Wing (they range from soft center left/radlib to center right/right wing , the Democratic Socialists of America are center left to left center),  the Labour Party UK are not Left Wing (they are center left). Examples of left wing parties include the World Worker's Party, Socialist Equality Party (US),  PSL, CPUSA (Communist party USA), Broad Front (Chile), Social Convergence (Chile), Momentum

For me leftism is a set of analysis and goals  soca 101

The analysis (to oversimplify) says that people are the result of the social conditions that they face and so most of the inequality we see in terms of access to the means of production, discrimination, access to primary goods, income, job's opportunities and wages are due to the system and not the people. It also says that inequalities then are the result of oppression and exploitation. This is generally called constructivism and it's opposed to the right-wing "essentialism"

The goals are to create a society able to maximize well-being and to minimize the social costs to achieve it, able to create a system where solidarity it's the basic social relation, able to destroy all unequal, oppressive and exploitative social relations and where the economy is grounded to the needs of everyone. This is generally called socialism

Going off the old dichotomy used in the era of the French Revolution, being left-wing means being opposed to unjust hierarchy whether it be feudalism, capitalism chattel slavery etc

"Radical leftists" would oppose idpol outright and would see it as something conjured up by elites to distract the working classes from their blatant exploitation by profit-driven capitalists. The further left you go of the Democratic party the more you get to this point

What Americans call 'far left' is really radlib (Radical Liberalism). Which is the furthest left you can go without being leftist and without opposing capitalism and embracing workers owning the means of production (there are three extremes, far right, far left (Communism/Anarchism), radlib (Squad, woke , Twitter 'leftists' etc)

See this (second half of post) for more


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