Tho not smemweewiao

Our Liberal 2.0 MSM wants to label anyone to the right of AOC or Joe Biden as 'extremists' or 'alt right' or 'far right' in order to scare people from finding out the truth about the Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats. It's the truth, they use labels like alt right and far right on non extremists like Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Rand Paul, Kaitlin Bennett, Steven Crowder, Tomi Lahren, Charlie Kirk, Peter Thiel, JD Vance, Mark Dice, Bari Weiss, Tim Pool, Joe Rogan, Candace Owens Mike Cernovich, Alex Stein, Chris Rufo  because they are threatened by them and their popularity so they hit them with smears. It's the truth . 

Prove that the people below wrongly smeared as 'far right' are far right. Prove that the people below who I complain about being smeared as 'right wing' are really right wing.  The nazis, KKK,  Andrew Anglin, Daily Stormer, Stormfront are the real far right. Nick Fuentes is hard right or fringe right but even he isn't far right

Smearing people below as far right not only is wrong and false but also delegitamizes them because they rightfully speak against the Uniparty ruling class corporate establishment. 

The above people are to the left of GWB (the guy who destroyed Iraq for oil), Chris Wallace, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Michael Medved, Dick Cheney, Bill Kristol, John Bolton on most issues.  If anyone is far right it is GWB, Chris Wallace, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Bill Kristol

Even though I loathe all of them, I 'like' (yuck) Charlie Kirk, Tomi Lahren, Rand Paul, Tim Pool, Mark Dice, Steven Crowder, Peter Thiel, JD Vance, Kaitlin Bennett, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Mike Cernovich, Alex Stein, Chris Rufo, Joe Rogan, Candace Owens a million times more than I like GWB, Chris Wallace, Mitt Romney (to an extent), Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Dick Cheney, Michael Medved, Bill Kristol

If the people below are far right, then far right is base, not extreme or that bad. If the people below are far right then that means the far right that means the nevertrumpers and neocons in the Republican party are far far right and then some. The people below are closer to being in the mainstream of the US than ANTIFA are (thus the people below are less extreme than ANTIFA at the very least):

Chris Rufo is conservative and right center or plain right wing. Anyone who says otherwise needs to stop being terminally online

Dave Rubin is conservative, right center or right wing. He is not alt right or far right and anyone who says he is is a Cultural Marxist

Hameer Jhavedi is a fool and is full of madness (madness as in her being insane) for falsely smearing Rubin as alt right. 

You would have to be mentally handicapped to believe that Dave Rubin is alt right or far right. 

So to the Liberal 2.0 morons, anyone who dares have their own views that don't mesh with Liberal 2.0ers views is an 'extremist' Like the Liberal 2.0ers have the only way forward for our country right? GTFO with the trash man. NO NO NO

Over 90 percent of Americans polled by Gallup said that Rubin was politically between right center and right wing. I love Dave's response here to that Cultural Marxist extremist Hameer's smearing of him 

Alex Stein is a right wing provocateur but he is NOT far right. 

Mike Cernovich is 'New right' not far right or alt right. He is also a hard conservative

Andrew Torba is not anti semetic. His site Gab through its very nature attracts that certain reactionary/alt right (and by extension anti semetic) crowd. He is a free speech absolutist who will stubbornly pass away on the hill like Ahab did trying to catch Moby Dick

Andrew Torba makes offputting , non Jewish friendly barbs about Jews sure, but he never engages in actual anti semetism himself. A better word to describe Andrew Torba is Christian Chauvinist , Anti Zionist on steroids and Cultural Reactionary

Steven Crowder is NOT far right. He is conservative and right wing or right center. 

Anyone who believes otherwise is out of touch with our society. 

Liberal 2.0 'reporters' Carlie Porterfield and Nikki McCann Ramirez are wrong for writing that Steven Crowder as 'far right' 

It would be nice if Rolling Stone and especially Forbes edited their story to remove 'far right' from describing Crowder and instead list him as Conservative, right wing or right center.

Our MSM has become more radically liberal that they now falsely see Steven Crowder as 'far right"

It is so sad that our MSM which is tasked with being neutral and unbias breaks that by falsely labeling Steven Crowder as 'far right'. That is as bias as you can get. 

Rolling Stone should stick to music. They covered the Kanye story fairly and decently but here they fail medium time.

The fact that Forbes is now smearing anyone to the right of Joe Biden as 'far right' or smearing Glenn Greenwald as right wing is comical and of course wrong. Forbes is right wing (Liberal 2.0 right wing) and greedy, racist capitalist pigs. They push for worker exploitation and income inequality like that stuff is going out of style.  

Glenn Greenwald is more left wing than Forbes and everyone who works at Forbes. Hey Forbes retards, prove to me that Glenn is right wing or even right leaning you stupid bojo fuckheads. I am going to Forbes HQ this year or next year to force Forbes to apologize for falsely labeling Greenwald as right wing and for them to edit that hit piece on him to list him as left leaning, moderate, or liberal.  

I won't confront Forbes or Rolling Stone about Crowder since let's face it Steven Crowder said dumb things about Jews recently and he is Alt Liteish but Forbes falsely calling Greenwald right wing is unforgiveable and I have to go to Forbes HQ and confront them for their hit piece of Glenn. It is the moral and good thing to do and Karl Marx would agree with me here

Forbes is a disgrace and needs to be shut down forever. It has become radlib and evil. Forbes is neoliberal trash. It represent everything I hate about politics

People who think Forbes has a liberal media bias are NOT NAZIs. That retard redditor who stupidly said that is steathly supporting Nazis by saying that since he is downplaying Nazis as much as you can by falsely saying what he did above.  These moron Liberal 2.0er fools are mentally handicapped if they think someone calling Forbes liberal is anything even remotely close to being a Nazi just by saying that.  

Glenn Greenwald is not far right  WIP

That redditor above should be involuntarily placed in a mental hospital for saying what he did above . He is mentally hanidcapped and it shows

I think that Forbes has a Liberal 2.0 media bias (and yes you can be right wing and Liberal 2.0 at the same time, just look at Mitt Romney, Lizard Cheney, Joe Walsh for proof), and if that makes a Nazi to that redditor so be it..  So if me saying Forbes is liberal makes me a nazi then fine I am a Nazi . Now what motherfuckers?

Gavin McInnis by his own words alone blurs the line between Right Wing Populism/Alt Lite and Hard Right. So he pretty much says he blurs the line between Right Wing Populism/Alt Lite and Hard Right .

Jordan Peterson is not far right. He is Traditional Conservative, and blurs the line between Right Wing and Right Wing populist-Alt lite. Jordan Peterson – has lectured on fascist and socialist totalitarianism –for so long. 

Tim Pool is not far right. He is between Center right and Right Center but adjacent to that

Maybe Tim Pool is liberal by European standards since in Europe liberals are right-wing. Tim Pool is basically Alex Jones these days. 

Tim Pool admitted that he has to make reactionary right wing, Alt lite and hard right wing talking points on social media to give them a voice since so many reactionary right wingers Alt lite and hard right wingers have been deplatformed. 

Using Timbah on Toats breakdown of Tim Pool, they say that a lot of his presentation style is crafted in order to deliver reactionary right wing, Alt lite and hard right wing content with a veneer of being a moderate

Or to put it cynically, Tim Pool is profiting off of the MAGA culture war grievance movement

Maybe Tim Pool was vaguely left wing back in the Occupy but now he is right center adjacent. Bad faith agitator engages in bad faith agitation for clicks and likes. exhibit 13,474,993.203

I don’t think that Conservative Ben Shapiro is a far right gadfy. Ben Shapiro is Jewish; Jews and neo-Nazis tend not to get on very well. Ben Shapiro is between Right Center and Right Wing

Cenk Uyghur and Ana Kasparian are left leaning or left wing. They are absolutely not even remotely anywhere near being right wing. Anyone who falsely labels Cenk or Ana 'right wing' or even right leaning should be thrown in a nut house for at least 1 month (I am dead serious). People who falsely believe that Cenk or Ana are right wing or right leaning are mentally ill and need extreme mental help.  

Cenk and Ana have constantly taken left wing/ left leaning positions for years and years, and if they rightfully criticize Democrats/Liberal 2.0ers, they earn that right because frankly if people on the left or left lean can't criticize Democrats /Liberal 2.0ers that means we are living in a modern day USSR or Benny Mussolini Italy or CCP China.

"Only the US corporate media could take the person in this video, Joe Rogan, and claim he's a far-right figure.

It happens in part because most of Rogan's critics never watch his show, but also because the media purposely lies and uses "far-right" to malign everyone they dislike."  Glenn Greenwald

"The media moronically calls Rogan "right-wing" because this is their only strategy for combatting the explosive growth of independent media taking their audience.

If they can convince people that everyone independent of them is "far-right," at least liberals will be captive." Glenn Greenwald

In other words:

"Hey, all you guys /girls who supported Bernie Sanders and have positions far to the left on key issues than we could dream of having: every time we use your name, we'll call you 'right-wing' because we have to make liberals stay loyal to us." 


Corporate media"  Glenn Greenwald

That became the strategy of failing corporate media when Donald Trump came along. They branded themselves liberal #Resistance and became captive to the DNC. Now, they have independent and heterodox platforms thriving and taking their audience, and all they can do is yell: "far-right!" Glenn Greenwald

Here's the life-long (center to center) leftist Russell Brand similarly reacting to now being regularly branded "right-wing" by an embittered media all because he's a critic of corporate media and is thriving on independent platforms like Rumble and his own show. " Glenn Greenwald

Reacting to why the media now brands him "right-wing" as his independent shows explode in growth, Russell Brand explains who really are the people who have abandoned corporate media and now rely on independent media. This is what scares the shit out of them and why they malign it  Glenn Greenwald

Rumble, Substack, Callin are all examples of thriving independent platforms that purposely set out to feature a wide range of heterodox and ideologically diverse voices: exactly what corporate media don't do. So they can't admit that's true, so call everyone on them "far right." Glenn Greenwald

"(By the way, the person who made that video compilation of Rogan is 


, who became known for amazing pro-Bernie videos in 2016. He is also now on Rumble, because of how often he was censored by Google's YouTube, so that of course makes him - say it with me! -- "right-wing.")"

Glenn Greenwald

Tomi Lahren is not far right. On women's issues she is left of Cenk Uyghur. She is also got some other liberal positions. She is between radically center right and right center (right center is between center right and right wing (right wing is to the left of far right)

Charlie Kirk is not far right. He is a textbook conservative, right winger.

Candace Owens is not far right. She is pretty Conservative liberal and is closer to right wing than right center.

Liberal 2.0 excuse time:

Russell Brand being on Rumble gives the media an excuse to label him right wing/far right
Over here and here they say staying in shape and fitness is a positive change but people are using those positive things in a fascist struggle (good things used for bad purposes). But of course they are wrong  (see here)
"@MSNBC that couldn't be fixed by everybody at MSNBC training jujitsu for a year.
After two years of telling us how to be healthy, the folks at MSNBC are demonizing fitness and health as right wing.  Got it." 


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