
Showing posts from June, 2023

Bebebe Bourg

The  Bour geois Sys tem  also includes: the establishment , * Deep State  ,  Neoliberalism 2.0 ,  A nt i P opulists - Anti Radical Statists     bourgeois-democratic revolutio   * notes Actual Deep State not the 'Deep State' boogeyman-strawman the right wing dream up


  American Left  including especially Liberal Canadian Liberal Democrats, Totalitarian  Auth ultra Progressives , Marxian Cultural   Revol utionary Prog ressivism ( Le ft Behind   Progressive ), Incremental radicalism, Liberal Infrastructurism ( like here ) Whatchamacallit   Leftism  (Progressivism with Post moder nism and Ma rx   Mao - ist   paint ) Agenda driven, colonialist, big mother , type of Progressivism that is the opposite of the type of Anarcharistish Left Progressivism of Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Foucault, and Noam Chomsky Recoiled Forwardism ( New Democrat Majority , Students for a Democratic Society), The far Liberal sects of the Labour Party UK Collectivist , social interventionist  , Progressive Internationalism  type of Progressivism Direct People Imperium


    Sorosism / Open Soc iety Foundations   Collapse  Anti-Communism  Anti-Conservatism  Anti-Populism   Big Tent Liberalism 2.0   Corporatocracy   Globalism   Radical Auth Cen terism   Pink Capitalist   Oligarchy   Plutocracy   Popperism   Pro-Europeanism   Libe ral   Shadowism   Schroder Social-ism

neo lbbbborori

Neo libera lism  (including Social Neoliberalism variant of  reddit  Neoliberalism and Washington consensus Neoliberalism, modern  Neoliberalism ,  Neoliberal left , etc),

bourgeois sweet tra

 Classlist vulgar Liberaltarianism : Post Revolutionary Liberalism, True Liberalism, Lukewarm SocDem, center left timeless unity, bourgeois, thinking, crypto Fash Classical Liberal associatism , Reset Liberalism ( Reset  version of Classical Liberalism )   Private  (in a 'get off my lawn' sort of way)   Permissive   Dispersed   Tolerant  (as in woke inclusionary tolerant)   Normative   Neoteric


Social Liberalism 2.0 includes Green Social Liberalism 2.0 I know Chile isn't the only country that's suffered greatly under neoliberalism but considering that we were THE guinea pig that that system was tested on via a US-backed fascist military dictatorship that lasted 17 years and killed thousands and tortured tens of thousands more, I get particularly enraged when the people who read/hear a new term and confidently go off of vibes to guess what it means instead of educating themselves on it act like it's social liberalism 2.0. Also includes  this  and Lib Social Authoritarianism Lib   So cial  Authoritarianism is a variant of Liberal Social Authoritarianism which itself is a variant social liberalism. Lib Social Authoritarianism incorporates authoritarian democracy into it more so than Liberal Social Authoritarianism does . It even more than Liberal Social Authoritarianism believes that the political power of the president or any other important governing figure ...

onon owaay

Third Class Third  Way /Third W ro n g W a y  is: The variants of Third Way which lead to this Neoliberal hot mess we are in now (see here ) instead of going beyond it  This type of Third Way includes: Social Investment Statism  , Neoprogressive hawkism , Regressive, proto denigrated Third Way , Social Liberalism 2.0 Neolib-Soclib synthesi (instead of the good type of synthesis between them that aligns with my political views in these blgos), latte statist neoliberalism,  Left-wing opponents of this type of Third Way argue that it represents social democrats who responded to the New Right by accepting capitalism.  This type of Third Way most commonly uses market mechanics and authoritarian ownership of the means of production and in that sense it is fundamentally liberal democrat capitalist. In addition to opponents who have noticed this, other reviews have claimed that this type of Third Way social democrats adjusted to the political climate since the 198...


    Liberal Democratism     Authoritarian Liberal Democracy [2]   Atlanticism   Constitutional Monarchism  (Most)   Devolutionism   Green Liberalism  Pro-Europeanism   Third Class Third Way/Third Wrong Way                  N ew L ef t   ne o-li berali sm  (i.e  this syncretic-fusion of cringe neoliberal ideologies ) Factions :   Classlist vulgar Liberaltarianism   Orange-Book Liberalism   Republicanism




Hyper Shitlib ideology is an conomically centre-right, radlib anarchist and culturally class cooperative, neoliberal ideology that is the child of Anarcho Tyranny  and the economic Anarchy of Capitalism. Hyper Shitlib  ideology believes in deranged property rights where the bouregois makes it so that property can be taken by people via direct unilateral usury exchange/trade from the past owner or via squatting adjacent methods Rejects key elements of Lockeanism It is a NIMBY ideology and preaches about 'muh natural rights'  It is vulgarly individualist almost so individualist it is far collectivist hive mind (like so hot its cold) It doesn't view property as legit if its a derivative of what it sees as 'wrongthink', which includes, if the property derives from charitable benefits, tax free mutual aide benefits, etc They are against the common consensus that not only Socialist, Anarchist, Mutualist, Marxist,  left wing capitalism and even lean left Capitalisms (like ...


Ruling Class   bourgeoisie (capitalist class) (including transnational capitalist classism  which is similar to  transnational progressiveness ), Globalization, Elitism/ Power elitism , Neoliberalism, Anti Populism, the establishment, the deep state, Statist/Authoritarian There still is a modern existence of a functional ruling class in 21st-century societies where political and socio-economic elites form a political adhesion group resistance/root pressure, modern alternatives to cohesion mentioned here  within our societies via social stratification  and rise of our expert obsessed society . This all breeds ruling class , western liberal universalism  Modern examples outside the West include Russia (under Vladimir Putin) which is as ruling class as the Russian Empire was a century ago and as a EU France is now (like Vichy France in the early 1940s) It can be seen through reading Kevin Carson's analysis of the "new class" through the NrX concept of the "...


This is a work in progress and I have to find more perspectives and insight on this so be patient The  Ruling class  also includes: Movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs The west is made up of anti blackness structures that continue to oppress blacks in new ways since so called emanicipation. These anti blackness structures are part of the below mentioned ruling class's plan to continue to criminalize and outlaw blackness Moreover patriarchy is directly tied to the below mentioned ruling class' and the only way to abolish patriarchy and give true equality to women is to abolish Capitalism, neoliberalism and our current apparatus  This is the political payload of idpol and I am against it: to bait the working class into supporting the class enemy while also cementing an alliance between the ruling class, the Liberal 2.0 upper middle class, and members of "diverse communities." However, some aspects of Idpol are good because it makes the ruling class look like totally w...