
Hyper Shitlib ideology is an conomically centre-right, radlib anarchist and culturally class cooperative, neoliberal ideology that is the child of Anarcho Tyranny and the economic Anarchy of Capitalism.

Hyper Shitlib ideology believes in deranged property rights where the bouregois makes it so that property can be taken by people via direct unilateral usury exchange/trade from the past owner or via squatting adjacent methods

Rejects key elements of Lockeanism

It is a NIMBY ideology and preaches about 'muh natural rights' 

It is vulgarly individualist almost so individualist it is far collectivist hive mind (like so hot its cold)

It doesn't view property as legit if its a derivative of what it sees as 'wrongthink', which includes, if the property derives from charitable benefits, tax free mutual aide benefits, etc

They are against the common consensus that not only Socialist, Anarchist, Mutualist, Marxist,  left wing capitalism and even lean left Capitalisms (like Democratic Capitalism, Paternalistic Conservatism, Third Way Social Democracy etc) helps to abolish or reduce oppression by large corporations, wrongly claiming that furthermore the proletariat is the root of the problem it wants to solve. 

It also defend the Gilded Age from the left claiming that this time was tainted by massive white working class privilege to selected anti capitalist owners and communistic economic corporations. It wrongly states that opposing the Gilded Age is like opposing slavery abolishment

This supposed white working class 'privilege' these hyper shitlibs claim, came in the form of independent economics (independent of all political government" in which each worker will have the "right to the enjoyment of the gross product of his labours and thereby the means of developing his full intellectual, material and moral powers in a collective setting".) anarchism, tax-breaks,) , wage slavery abolishment or even alternate institutions (as in Kevin Carson's Left Libertarian Mutualism of Ben Tucker alternative) on certain industries. 

It believes that these alternative institutions (as in Kevin Carson's Left Libertarian Mutualism of Ben Tucker alternative) which were independent of the state with basically largesse should be permitted to be hijacked by the state/government or their cronies to eliminate benefits to the working class

However there obviously were certain alternative institutions at the time which did not get privileges from the state

It is a synthesis of Anarcho Tyranny and the economic Anarchy of Capitalism. that is, adopting neoliberal rhetoric and applying specific values of (the Dark Lockean ideology, for example) to create concepts that support said neoliberal sector while at the same time retaining an economic Anarchy of Capitalism. framework and calling for the exact same society. It also supports authoritarian bossism as a viable option to the vanguard and peopleist uprising  (As stated before).

Cases of legitimate confiscation of property

It justifies the seizure of "private" property through the a radlib twisted (i.e dark) version of the homestead principle, and since said property comes from people 'stealing money from the government' via worker unions, non petite bourgeois small businesses, collectives, co-ops and rags to riches to hyper shitlibs it isn't legitimately owned, and thus the rightful owners are the ones who apply the labour squatting to said illegitimate property and steal it. 

It believes that property previously given out by the government legitimizes its seizure of this property. 


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