Social Liberalism 2.0 includes
I know Chile isn't the only country that's suffered greatly under neoliberalism but considering that we were THE guinea pig that that system was tested on via a US-backed fascist military dictatorship that lasted 17 years and killed thousands and tortured tens of thousands more, I get particularly enraged when the people who read/hear a new term and confidently go off of vibes to guess what it means instead of educating themselves on it act like it's social liberalism 2.0.
Also includes this and Lib Social Authoritarianism
Lib Social Authoritarianism is a variant of Liberal Social Authoritarianism which itself is a variant social liberalism. Lib Social Authoritarianism incorporates authoritarian democracy into it more so than Liberal Social Authoritarianism does . It even more than Liberal Social Authoritarianism believes that the political power of the president or any other important governing figure is significantly increased and political freedoms are weakened as a result for reasons that depend on the situation. This can be seen with FDR during WW2.
Pink Capitalist Communism, **National Liberal German Workers' Party ideology , Democratic Revolutionaryism, sufficient radically liberal-radlib and then some (in between radical liberal-radlib and very radlib), moderate Trotskyism , Obamized version of AOC and similar corruptions of Liberal Socialism (like Vaush when he is possessed by Liberalism 2.0)
Moderate left wing fascism, regulated capitalism/crusaderist capitalism
*Post-Modernism is sort of a common ground for former Communists to become more liberal (individualist, hedonists etc) and for Left Wing liberals to adopt the avant guard epistemology of radical thinkers. They do this by promoting radical theories and practices that involve liberation (i.e rules, norms, stable identities, hierarchies, borders etc).
**We might have called ourselves the Liberty Party. We chose to call ourselves National Socialists
Irresistible Liberalism on High Crack
Anti-Populism (Most)
Literally violent form of Anti Trumpism
- Modernized Woodrow Wilsonism-Adam Susanism
Christian Progressivism
Progressivist Demagogue Popularism (Some)
NeoCon Feminism
Liberal Hawk
- Pro-Involuntary Child euthanasia /Supports literal Infantcide being decrminalized or legalized
Pro-Gun Control
Social Denigrated Democracy (Some)
- *Postmodernism Way
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