Link of matter blog 1 =The efforts, on the part of such around identities politics, to produce a coherent subject (and movement), and the reduction of antagonisms to a representable position, is not only the total circumscription of liberatory potential, but it is an extinguishment of rage with reform—which is to stake a claim in the state and society, and thus anti-Blackness. “. (This doesn’t altogether eliminate the possibilities for organizing he Bourgeois System also includes:

the establishment, *Deep State , Neoliberalism  American Left including especially Liberal

Canadian Liberal Democrats, Totalitarian Auth ultra ProgressivesMarxian Cultural Revolutionary Progressivism (Left Behind Progressive), Incremental radicalism, Liberal Infrastructurism (like here)

Whatchamacallit Leftism (Progressivism with Postmodernism and Marx Mao-ist paint)

Agenda driven, colonialist, big mother, type of Progres   Sorosism/Open Society Foundations Collapse

Anticommunism.png Anti-Communism

Anticon.png Anti-Conservatism

Antipop.png Anti-Populism

Synclib.png Big Tent Liberalism 2.0 =Neoliberalism (including Social Neoliberalism variant of reddit Neoliberalism and Washington consensus Neoliberalism, modern NeoliberalismNeoliberal left, etc), = Classlist vulgar Liberaltarianism:

Post Revolutionary Liberalism, True Liberalism, Lukewarm SocDem, center left timeless unity, bourgeois, thinking, crypto Fash Classical Liberal associatism, Reset Liberalism (Reset version of Classical Liberalism)

DVProperty.png Private (in a 'get off my lawn' sort of way)
DVCommerce.png Permissive =Social Liberalism 2.0 includes

Green Social Liberalism 2.0

I know Chile isn't the only country that's suffered greatly under neoliberalism but considering that we were THE guinea pig that that system was tested on via a US-backed fascist military dictatorship that lasted 17 years and killed thousands and tortured tens of thousands more, I get particularly enraged when the people who read/hear a new term and confidently go off of vibes to guess what it means instead of educating themselves on it act like it's social liberalism 2.0.

Also includes this and Lib Social Authoritarianism

Lib Social Authoritarianism is a variant of Liberal S Third Class Third Way/Third Wrong Way is:

The variants of Third Way which lead to this Neoliberal hot mess we are in now (see here) instead of going beyond it 

This type of Third Way includes:

Social Investment Statism , Neoprogressive hawkism, Regressive, proto denigrated Third Way, Social Liberalism 2.0

Neolib-Soclib synthesi (instead of the good type of synthesis between them that aligns with my political views in these blgos), latte statis  

Demlib.png Liberal Democratism 

AuthLibDem.png Authoritarian Liberal Democracy[2]

Atlanticism.png Atlanticism

Conmon.png Constitutional Monarchism (Most)  WSWW Why Socialism Albert Einstein meme Hyper Shitlib ideology is an conomically centre-right, radlib anarchist and culturally class cooperative, neoliberal ideology that is the child of Anarcho Tyranny and the economic Anarchy of Capitalism.

Hyper Shitlib ideology believes in deranged property rights where the bouregois makes it so that property can be taken by people via direct unilateral usury exchange/trade from the past owner or via squatting adjacent methods

Rejects key elements of Lockeanism

It is a NIMBY ideology and preaches about 'muh natural rights' 

It is vulgarly individualist almost so individualist i Ruling Class bourgeoisie (capitalist class)

(including transnational capitalist classism which is similar to transnational progressiveness), Globalization, Elitism/Power elitism, Neoliberalism, Anti Populism, the establishment, the deep state, Statist/Authoritarian

There still is a modern existence of a functional ruling class in 21st-century societies where political and socio-economic elites form a political adhesion group resistance/root pressure, modern alternatives to cohesion mentioned here within This is a work in progress and I have to find more perspectives and insight on this so be patient

The Ruling class also includes:

Movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs

The west is made up of anti blackness structures that continue to oppress blacks in new ways since so called emanicipation. These anti blackness structures are part of the below mentioned ruling class's plan to continue to criminalize and outlaw blackness + Ed Snowden still  Our Liberal 2.0 MSM wants to label anyone to the right of AOC or Joe Biden as 'extremists' or 'alt right' or 'far right' in order to scare people from finding out the truth about the Liberal 2.0ers and Democrats. It's the truth, they use labels like alt right and far right on non extremists like Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Rand Paul, Kaitlin Bennett, Steven Crowder, Tomi Lahren, Charlie Kirk, Peter Thiel, JD Vance, Mark Dice, Bari Weiss, Tim Pool, Joe Rogan, Candace Owens Mike Cernovich, Alex Stein, Chris Rufo  because they are threatened by them and their popularity so they hit them with smears. It's the truth . 

Prove that the people below wr Left wing means non Capitalist, and wanting the workers to own the means of production, against private property 

Left Wing means to the left of the Democratic Party (US) and to the left of Liberal progressiveness

Liberals 2.0ers support capitalism, Marxists and other leftists don't. Even though a lot of times there's overlaps when it comes to their views on social issues and us Marxists and other leftists goals on social issues, our goals are really different.

The liberal 2.0 ideal of equality is for to still be some sort of capitalist hierarchy but for it to be more diverse. So, for instance, the pro Relationships

See here

Taboo relations

See here

I am an Ethical Prude I am part communist and I ridicule liberal 2.0ers from a far-left/ alt left perspective. Liberalism 2.0 is the ideology of capitalism, free markets, representative d Professional left are leftists like Carl Beijer who Aimee Terese sh*ts on . Professional leftists like Beijer  are, quite honestly, far more insightf  NON Liberal 2.0 Progressivism is better than RadLib (Radical Liberalism),  Shitlibs, state liberalism lite (like turbolibs) etc

This is not progressivism, that is RadLib (Radical Liberalism),  Shitlibs, state liberalism lite (like turbolibs) (or if it is it is 'progressivism' it is only LIBERAL 2.0 progressivism)

Neoliberal Progressivism which blurs the line of being Non Liberal 2.0 and Liberal 2.0 share some Liberal 2.0 features like they don't like to hear about things that challenge their worldviews. Nobody does. But all progressives have money

Liberal 2.0ers like neo turbolibs are like liberals on reddit who immediately jump down your throat with something insane and detached from reality as soon as you post.

Because turbolibs see the world through a marvel filter   

femboy defend capitalism is the very image of turboliberalism (and I echo the SLS insults of that turbolib)

With how much co left republicanism, left federalism  

90s Nordic SocDem- Public Spirit Constitutional Socialism, New Libertarianism (counter economics with a Libertarian conscious) economics, Collaborative e-democracy in the conservative wing of a rebirthed retro 1960s type of Democrat Party 

The Republicans of the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s were a GREAT political party and I am fine with that incarnation of them. In particular the Rockefeller Republicans and Richard Nixon, who actually had some Progressive traits. https://www Blurs line of being Liberal 2.0 and non Liberal 2.0

Republicans: soft NeverTrumpers

Democrats: Blue Dogs (Blue Dogs who fall into all of these categories: center left, voted to condemn sociali Who is not a Liberal 2.0er 

Republicans: Tea Party, Liberty Caucus  , Bernie or Busters, #walkaway movement (including the r/WalkAway subreddit), Susan B Anthony List, 

Republican party:  , Radical Republicans, Independent Republicans, these type of Republican cons, Peter Thiel's New Right, Bull Moose Progressives

Left Libertarian Americ Who is a Liberal 2.0er

This meme is a visual embodiment of a Liberal 2.0er

Republican party: solid/hard NeverTrumpers, Lincoln Project (solidly to vastly)

Democrat party: The New Democrats, Center for American Progress Democrats, Democratic Socialists of America (rare radlib sects only), Communist Party of the USA (their Twitter and other social media only since their Twitter and other social media is being run by state department radlibs who wrongly scorn the US's working people)


ANTIFA (some), Wokesco Post Left Watch and its fanboys/fangirls

Radlibs who are similar to the radlibs exposed by the Libs of Tik Tok

Resistance Democrats (though to be fair it is better to be a Resistance Democrat and fight against DJT and MAGA than to be a depressed about MAGA/DJT nihilist)

Matty Wheelz (Twitter)  very image from Jacobin

The dangers of solving the problem of centuries-old oppression with race-/ethnic-based nationalist solutions is seen in the experience of the Zionist settlement and colonization of Palestine. Although the histories of Jews and the descendants of African slaves in the United States are nowhere near to being perfectly analogous, there are lessons in how each group has made sense of the injustices dealt against them through the sordid ages.

Israeli soldiers detain a Palestinian during a protest. (Aafar Ashtiyeh / AFP via Getty Images)

Jewish studies scholar Shaul Magid has written about the implications that Afro-pessimism’s fatalistic and metaphysical brand This tweeter is a bleeding heart, paternalistic biocentric (just like me).

You would think based on my blog that I would agree with this Tweet or like her Tweet, but while I am between understanding to her views and sympathetic to her views in this Tweet, she is obviously wrong on so many levels in this Tweet, that I don’t know where to begin.

How can you read this tweet and not come to the conclusion that people like her are being fed destructive ideologies?   (love animals more than whites and love them and poc equally more than whtes Some people, including some LGBTQ people say that someone is born LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) instead of being LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) by choice is equating LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) status with disability

For some LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender), people, it is a choice. I dislike the narrative that LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) are helpless victims of their gender and/or sexuality. Some of them chose, and so freaking what?

Some people , including some LGBTQ people say that it can be DAMAGING to the LGBTQ+ movement to relegate their gender and sexuality to something that is against their will (with some leftists saying that there is no gay gene, and that the Kinsey scale was debunked before it even got big).

Some exerts from that article: “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social believes in the core principles of liberalism, freedom and equality, whilst believing in elements of other ideologies in Wikipedia has at least a somewhat Liberal 2.0 bias. But I have seen enough Wikipedia articles on politics to know they that Wikipedia is not a Liberal 2.0 echo chamber . As per Wikipedia user Pudeo , Wikipedia is a lot less Liberal 2.0 bias than Big Tech, Reddit etc. Wikipedia goes left and Right of Liberalism 2.0 but it is Liberal 2.0 (until I decide to move Wikipedia left or right myself)

 "The way the terms "pseudoscience" and "fringe" are used on Wikipedia, is now akin to jewtagging. It's really quite disgusting. In the Wikipedia coverage of a lot of these areas in which I feel such psuedoscience/

From ADL “* In the above definition, the term “white supremacy” refers to the systematic marginalization or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges people who identify as white. It does not refer to extremist ideologies which believe that white people are genetically or culturally superior to non-whites and/or that white people should live in a whites-only society     How is that not white supremacism? How can we take the ADL’s reporting on white supremacy seriously when they fundamentally change the meaning of it like that?

The ADL'S definition of racism is itself racist because it ‘privileges’ white people in its definition.

Here is my favorite contradiction “acknowledging white-supremacy as a problem is white-supremacist" LOL you can’t make this s**t up if you tried

“Though many believe that race is determined by biology, it is now widely accepted that this classification system was in fact cre kid snow boat good tpye of sneakers alternative
pink bearable nike sneaker w small logo from russian prn film venn diagaram…how do you feel about the big capitalists, the Stinnes, Klockner?…Only in alliance with Russia, Gentlemen of the “folkish”  To fellow feminists, be like Peri. : Bloodthirst Gender Disobedience 

Antifeminism and Insurrectionist Non-dialogue 

by Lilith 

The insurrectionist milieu has situated itself as an iconoclastic force within anarchist thought. 

Its critique often seeks to analyze and subvert the subtle leftism of much allegedly radical thought. 

This is important. This is valuable. However, I find it disturbing that, in the midst of this, there lies gross generalizations, ignorance toward the material being criticized, and outright refusal to acknowledge the multifaceted nature of many frames of critique. With this piece, I will focus on the critique of feminism in the works of Feral  Faun/Wolfi Landstreicher, as I find it to be generalizing, misinformed, and thus far without consolidated response from anarchists or feminists. 

One of the key texts produced ttp:// 


ery time I have helped in a demonstration 

of self-defense, there is one person who 

ALWAYS says, “But I could never do that 

to anyone!” What they are thinking is, “I 

couldn’t ever put someo


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