Animal rights

Object-oriented ontology is bull****. There is no such thing as Human Priveledge and if there was such a thing I would fully support Human Priveledge since Humans are superior to non human objects

 I support animal welfare in a Humane Watch , Theodore Roosevelt sort of way

I support Animal Welfare. Animals shouldn't have their fur be used for any purpose (they should keep their fur). It traumatizes and depresses me seeing images of animals on fur farms. Ditto for animals being used for testing and factory farms. We have to protect them. I support Germany adding Animal welfare to their constitution and Great apes getting rights

I pity people who want animals to have equal rights to humans since seeing animals being lower than humans feels like hierarchal and 'speciesist’ (like animals are dehumanized by not being equal to humans).

If I was in a world that was as conservative as 16th century Earth or 17th century Earth I would be more open to Biocentrism and supporting equal rights and full emancipation for all animals on Earth

Humans are obviously superior to animals (which is saying a lot since animals are aofreaking awesome in their own right). I am superior to every animal on Earth but I don’t hate or even dislike any animals on Earth. I am unapologetically a speciesist. HUMANS are the BEST species on Earth 

Humans built cities, countries, empires, inventions like Nuclear bombs, space probes, electricity, internet, TV, radio ,computers, AI, satellites etc.What the fuck have animals built? The vast majority of REAL scientists say humans are superior to animals.

We should value our own species and our species interests way over animals. It is natural to put someones own species interests over another species interests, to do otherwise when humans lives are worth more value than animals lives is lunacy. Deep down we all are speciests and that is a good natural thing.

I would save 1 human over dozens of cows, fish, deer, horses, and other animals. Those whacky far left lunatics never say animals are speciest, you know why? they are anti human and anti God. Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

We shouldn’t care if animals die naturally in the wild, and should not try to interfere with nature to stop animals being killed by other animals to do that would be to stop the circle of life (except if climate change or overbuilding caused such potential harm ,then I abstain on intervention to help animals in those rarer cases) . I would NEVER for example try to stop a hawk capturing and killing a marmot 

We shouldn’t give animals equal rights to humans or even any rights at all. Just update and improve animal welfare laws to protect animals from unnecessary suffering (like in Germany)

Gorillas/Great Apes and dolphins should get even more protection from unnecessary suffering than most animals but even they shouldn’t haven’t have equal rights to humans and you can at least somewhat make the case that arguably they shouldn’t really get any rights at all. Humans are also superior to gorillas/great apes and dolphins too. 

But to give credit where credit is due, dolphins have better communication skills and both dolphins and gorilla/great apes can have iqs near 100. 

I am not offended by the AAT programs being held to ethical standards of behavior to those granted to human children and others who are unable to provide formal consent, in order to avoid exploitation of the animals involved in the program. 

Though I believe the animals in the AAT programs should not be treated the same as humans (but they should not be abused or hurt). This article also echoes my viewpoints.

But in the bible, God tells us that humans are above animals and have more value than animals but we are to protect them.  God gives us dominion over the animals Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

Animals can’t evolve into humans anymore, but we can make animals live more ‘evolved’ lives by caring for them. God called on us to look after animals like he looks after them. Humans are way better than animals which means we need to protect them more. We are all part of the eco system Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

“Likewise Luke, records Jesus telling His disciples, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

So while we humans are above animals and we are more valuable than animals, as we obviously should be (since God made us to be superior to them and we are superior to animals), we are to protect them and not abuse that role, hence why I have my views. Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual

I do pray that all animals after they die, get to live at least one life as a human (or as an intelligent life extraterrestrial of a species I feel is equal to humans on Earth) on Earth or another planet after they die and before they go to the afterlife so they can finally be equal to humans on Earth (i.e so if and when each animal dies they will be reincarnated as a human or intelligent life extraterrestrial of a species I feel is equal to humans at least once before going to heaven and when they do they will be equal to all humans on Earth) 

This way we can say there are no human rights more than the rights of future humans on Earth now (for humans means animals, since all animals currently on Earth would reincarnate after they die to live at last one life as a human before moving onto the afterlife). Nothing is here except the power of nature

The ecological crisis that is happening is partly due to humans treating other humans like **** and dominating over them way too much which spills over to the negative way we treat animals

We need to be at one with the centrality and interconnectedness of nature. It would be much better for animals if there were fewer humans not that we should do so

It is haunting and depressing that humans have been killing animals for food and for so long (unlike animals us humans don’t need animal meat since we have vegan food etc). I am an on again , off again vegan

A life is a life, regardless of whether it is human or not. This is a Jainist viewpoint . Although I do prioritize human life under all circumstances, I also believe that it's twisted and wrong for people to immediately disregard any wrongdoing towards animals just because they are edible

I am against Zoophilia and it should stay illegal forever. Science has proven that Zoophilia causes disease and death.

I am against Critical Animal Studies and I want Critical Animal Studies to be blacklisted and censored from society since it is all lies

I am between believing animals should be in circuses and me having a Big Tent views of having animals in circuses (while recognizing that some good-faith (big tent) opinions on this issue) . Either way animals should then be put on wildlife conservations sooner rather than later after their hopefully very brief circus runs. 

I fully support the existence of Wildlife Conservations

There is nothing wrong with riding on Elephants or Camels as long as the person is light and the Elephant or Camel is in top shape and not on them for very long.

I support bull fighting (ideally humane bull fighting) and the Calgary Stampede using live animals.

I support horse racing being legal 

I am against hunting animals for sport 

I retroactively support the sport and food hunting that was done in the bible and during biblical times. 

I also support sport and food hunting that is done in other solar systems, galaxies and universes by intelligent life extraterrestrials on their planets (as long as those ETs kill those hunts quick) 

I encourage hunters who hunt for sport to use air soft guns or laser tag hunting instead of real hunting on animals as they are about to die naturally (without hurting them or speeding up their death) so they can 'hunt' without hurting animals. Though they would have to find when said animals are about to die naturally to do this pseudo sport kill

I support hunters using millennial new age loving compassionate hunting done by liberal and progressive millennials to hunt food 

It causes me depression and sadness seeing any animal being killed for sport. Hunting for sport makes me depressed. In a perfect world, I would want to end hunting for sport forever and to make it so no innocent animal is killed ever again 

Those animals make our Earth great and for them to be savagely murdered by hunters is barbaric, archaic and flat out cruel. The joy of knowing that no innocent animal is being killed for sport and that they get to die old would naturally offset the negatives of a hunting ban. 

If I went to other realities and I saw all future hunted for sport animals from our reality as humans in those realities hunting animals for sport themselves (with guns) and I came back to our reality, then I would support hunting for support (since those animals that hunters in our reality would hunt for sport ,as humans in other realities hunted other animals for sport themselves)

I would be more supportive of  hunting for sport if there was ever a worldwide famine since animals killed for sport could be used as food in emergency situations during those famines

I do not get upset at all about animals dying by accident (including Steve and Marcy’s dog in MWC season 1)

I am not against fishing, but I am not a stan of people fishing at all since I feel fishing is murder (though I am fine with people doing catch and release, or mercy killing a fish). But I am non resistant to people fishing and if I was lost at sea or on a deserted island, I would happily catch and eat tons of fish a day to stay alive

The type of fishing outside of those 2 things I am fine with is fishing that was done in the bible and in Israel during biblical times. Though limiting or banning fishing is worse since that would cause more fish to die. I am other side political post position on hunting great white sharks

I am against people hitting pets to discipline them (and even if they do so lightly).  People should never hit their pet under any circumstance unless it is in self defense and even then with a focus on de escalation and not hurting their pet.

There is something unsettling about dogs, cats etc being sold as property and being forced to mate by pet owners. 

I am against goose egg addling and I feel that should be illegal

I more than pity Animal liberation activists


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