
My favorite political commentators (modern): David Auerbach, Krystal Ball, Ben Burgis, Contrapoints, Destiny (Steven Bonnell), H.A Goodman, , Ryan Grim, Van Jones, Kyle Kulinski, Benjamin Norton, Sam Seder, David Sirota, Jon Stewart, Emma Vigeland

My near favorite political commentators (modern) Brian Becker ,Donna Brazile , David Brooks ,Chris Calliza, Ronan Farrow, David A French, BGJ, Ana Kasparian, Ryan Knight, Nomiki Konst, Aaron Mate, Olivia Nuzzi, Joy Reid, Sheldon Richman, Joe Rogan, Jessica Tarlov, Cenk Uyghur, Cornel West

My almost near favorite political commentators (modern) : Wolf Blitzer, Max Blumenthal, Tom Brokaw, James Carville, Saagar Enjeti ,Michelle Goldberg, David Graeber,  Glenn Greenwald,  Katie Herzog, Gayle King, Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, Garland Nixon, Anya Parampil, Hassan Piker, Kristen Powers, Ronald Radosh, Nathan J Robinson, Sam Seder, Tavis Smiley, Jon Stossel, Matt Taibbi, Jake Tapper, Abigail Thorn (philosophytube), Toure, Michael Tracey, Vaush, Bari Weiss, Juan Williams, Bob Woodward

My almost almost near favorite political commentators (modern): Erin Burnett, Lindsey Ellis, Norman Finkelstein, David Frum, Sam Harris,, Hugh Hewitt, Eoin Higgins, Ezra Klein, Rachel Maddow, Dick Morris, Piers Morgan, , Soledad O’brien, Steven Pinker, Geraldo Rivera, Andrew Sullivan, Amanda Terkel, Joe Walsh, Sydney Watson

My in ballpark of being almost almost near favorite political commentators (modern): Martin Bashar, Mitch Bothero, Will Cain, Mary Anne Franks, Jonah Goldberg,  Haz, Arianna Huffington, Laura Ingraham, Lisa Kennedy, Christian Parenti, Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Chris Rufo, Howard Stern, Chuck Todd, 

Slightly above below average commentators who are reliable broken clocks (if I am being generous): Brent Bozell , Jimmy Dore, Cassandra Franklin, Chris Hayes, RFK Jr, Seth Mandel, Mary Matalin, Trevor Noah, Andy Ngo, Michael Savage (he was at MSNBC for years), Ben Shapiro, 

Commentators who have a face for radio, a voice for silent radio/tv, and political views for the sheeter but who also have a few redeeming qualities and who also are still ways off from being the worst commentators: James Dobson, Gavin McGinnes , Dennis Prager, Elijah Schafer 

Commentators I loathe the most (modern): Hunter Avellone ,Michael Brown (, Ann Coulter, Steven Crowder (he has a punchable face), Matt Drudge, Mike Enoch, Megyn Kelly, Bill Kristol, Taylor LorenzMichael Medved, Jennifer Rubin, Nicole Wallace, George Will, Kevin D Williamson, Jason Wilson (a disgrace to the Jason given name)

Commentators I loath nearly the most modern: Dan Bognio, Eric Bolling, Max Boot, Gretchen Carlson, Mike Cernovich, Steven Colbert (character), SE Cupp, Erick Erickson, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Sarah Jeong, Andrew Klavan, Ana Navarro, Dan Rather, Brian Williams

Commentators who I STRONGLY Dislike (behind these commentators’ hatred is a murderous desire to love):
Joy Behar, Alex Caprio (Afalaby Evil), Mark Dice, Michelle Malkin ,Keith Olbermann, Matt Walsh

Commentators who are ‘so bad they’re good’:

Milo (Afalaby Evil)

My favorite political commentators (historical): Alan Colmes, Tim Russert, Ed Schultz, Bernard Shaw (1940-2022)

Great political commentators who are my near favorite political commentators (historical). William Buckley Sr, Howard Cosell, Christopher Hitchens, John Seigenhalter Jr

Good political commentators who are my almost near favorite political commentators (historical) : Michael Brooks, Larry King, Walter Kronkite, Ed Murrow, Andy Rooney,  Tony Snow

Decent political commentators who are my almost almost near favorite political commentators (historical)  Horace Greeley, Oliver Wendell Holmes ,Peter Jennings, Charles Krauthammer

Political commentators who could have been in the ballpark of being halfway decent or even pretty okay in another world, but in our world were horrible commentators: Don Imus, Rush Limbaugh

News Media sites and newspapers I like the most: Counterpunch, Fee (Foundation for Economic Education), Grayzone, Jacobian, Mediate, Medium, Newsweek, NY Post, Quilette, RT, Sputnik, The Nation, World Socialist Website

News Media sites and newspapers I nearly like the most: BBC, Canada Free Press, Cato Institute , Daily Mail, Deseret News ,Global Times, MSNBC (1990s, and last decade when commentators I like are on it), Reason, Salon, The Hill, Toronto Sun, Washington Examiner, Vox, Wall Street Journal 

News Media sites and newspapers I almost nearly like the most: Al Jazeera TV, Axios, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Buzzfeed, Epoch Times, Libcom, Politico, Slate, The Atlantic, The Guardian, The Telegraph, USA Today, Washington Times

News Media sites and newspapers I just about almost nearly like the most: American Conservative (I only read and like articles on AC by Left Libertarian Sheldon Richman),  Blaze, Christian Science Monitor ,CNN, NY Times, Politofact, Washington Post

News Media sites and newspapers I nearly just about almost nearly like the most: National Review, New Republic, Zero Hedge

News Media sites and newspapers I have a like-HATE relationship with: Fox News

News Media sites and newspapers I hate the most: Breitbart, Capital State Journal, Drudge, Forbes, Huffpost, Raw Story, Redstate

News Media sites and newspapers I nearly hate the most: Bulwark, Conservative Inc, Daily Beast, NBC News, Newsmax, NPR, Orlando Sentinel, The Independent, Time, Weekly Standard

My favorite writers (modern): 

Noam Chomsky, Roderick Long, Neil deGrasse Tyson

My near favorite writers (modern): 

Kevin Carson

My favorite writers (historical): 

Emma Goldman, Frederick Hayak, MLK Jr, CS Lewis, Ada Lovelace, Rosa Luxemberg, George Orwell, PJ Proudhon, Mark Twain, Booker T Washington, Clara Zetkin

My near favorite writers (historical)

Mikhail Bukinin, Frederick Douglas, Karl Marx, Frederick Nietzsche Peter Kropotkin, Murray Rothbard, Betrand Russell, Oswald Spangler ,Max Stirner, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Benjamin Tucker

My almost near favorite writers (historical)

Hannah Arendt ,Aristotle, Antony Flew, Milton Friedman, John Stuart Mill, Ayn Rand, Adam Smith, Andy Warhol

My nearly almost near favorite writers (historical)

Bible writers, Billy Graham, Steven Hawking, Plato, William Shakesphere, Leo Tolotsoy, Mary Whitehouse

My almost nearly almost near favorite writers (historical)

Billy Sunday

Didn’t make cut and a director’s cut of my own commentary about the commentators and works

My thoughts on here and here

I was a fan of Candace Owens before she had her heel turn. Maybe somewhere deep vegetatively inside of me . ,Here are my other thoughts on Candace Owens as reflected by these redditors in said thread 

I am fine with some of Jason Whitlock ‘s thoughtful and insightful political views even if I don’t usually agree with him

Rangerkid51 is nuts and a weirdy

Nickkk Fuentes and the Groypers

Nick Fuentes and his Groypers should be banned from entering Europe, Australia-NZ-Oceania, Asia, Middle East, South America and Africa forever until they become left wing or lean left. I am going to harass , blackmail and bribe every country in those places to permanently ban Nick Fuentes and his goon squad from entering those places forever

In most alternate realities, Nick Fuentes's alternate reality clones never left North America at any point in the 2020s, 2030s, 2040s etc 

I love the way Right Wing Watch's views on Nick Fuentes and I think in some unique way they are pretty much spot on with the solid majority of their takes on him

This article by the Grayzone reflects my views on Nick Fuentes and the whole world he has been a part of in a lot of ways. This article followup also is pretty solid on Nick Fuentes too and this similar article here is also a good analysis of the whole Nick Fuentes situation

This article gives fine insight into Alex Jones collapse into blatant alt rightism and shows how A1 and the Groypers have a lot of explaining to do if they ever come to their senses and make a face turn. At the very least said article shows some behind the scenes insight on the Groypers and Nick and their alt right MMORPG 

Many Groypers unfortunately hold racist and antisemitic views. Nick Fuentes is careful to position the Groypers not as white supremacists but rather as “Christian Nationalists”

Nick Fuentes’s AF is for all intents and purposes as cringe as reddit atheism ever was, except religious. And by so doing that, Nick and AF give new life to old atheist arguments that religion is antithetical to reason. Due to them shoring up their crumbling AF base and coalition with dogmatic browbeating. Rehashing religious appeals replaces having substance as a member.

Their Catholicism is especially a huge problem since they live up to the old US stereotype that Catholics u

Nick Fuentes has a underlying every Superiority Complex and is a frightened little child who fears they aren't accepted and loved. It's why he is who he is.

Nick Fuentes and the Groypers are on my Arya Stark like cancel list. Unlike Arya I only plan to CANCEL Nick and the Groypers instead of harming them (Nick is.still on Gab, Rumble, Banned tv) 

I am trying to get Nick Fuentes and his Groypers permanently banned from traveling to Europe, Oceania, Asia, Africa, Middle East, South America. I have emailed people i need to to make this happen and if I have to physically prevent him from going to those places as a last resort i will. My reason is Nick and his Groypers are demonic and evil and they don't deserve to go to those places. I don't want them corrupting the minds of people in those places. Anyone who doesn't agree with me is a retard

I view Nick Fuentes and the Groypers exactly as Steven Bonnell (Destiny) and Destiny’s subreddit redditors views Nick Fuentes and Groypers (so negatively obviously). 

Here is a message from me to you evildoer Nick Fuentes and your evildoer Groypers , “in the name of justice, stand down fiends, I have zero tolerance for you and your Groypers bs you bourgeois rebel scum scoundrels!”

Destiny needs to stop being a Nick Fuentes apologist 

Here is Destiny fawning over being a Nick Fuentes revisionist (revisionism is of the devil but I am ironically playing devil's advocate for Destiny, amirite?) 

 “ When Nick makes a joke, about how like something about Jewish people running everything, it's a joke that's funny to him and that's funny to his audience, but it's funny for two reasons. One is because there might be a bit of truth to it (Destiny’s words not mine) but two is because it triggers the fuck out of observers who don't know what's going on. What'll happen is people will spend all of their time attacking Nick and Groypers, "you guys are all antisemitic", "you want to fucking kill everybody", but that's not really what their movement's about, that's not really what they talk about, that's not really what's going on. ...It's actually like they'll laugh and they'll say it, but they're laughing because you think you caught them, but they're laughing because you're taking it so seriously. I think we've moved to so many layers of hyper irony that it's hard to know what the fuck's going on."

Destiny for some odd reason did say in one of his videos that if you were to “sit Nick Fuentes down with a lie detector and interrogate his every belief, he’d come across as a lot more moderate than you would think” [paraphrasing]

Per this post we have to find better labels for Nick. Destiny says that Nick also doesn’t meet his criteria for being a Nazi (but Destiny has since come to his senses per this thread). But then again see this and this

Nick Fuentes talked about his father's Jewish roots on a livestream I am told. Nick also boasted about being a yiddish Jew on Twitter. So I can’t tell who he really hates or what the fuck his whole gig is

One thing is for sure, Nick Fuentes isn't a liberal, he's most likely a neofascist. Nick says he's not  a neofasicst but his viewpoints prove otherwise.

However, I do know for a fact that Nick Fuentes is a fascist and this proves it

If on the one in a googleplex chance that Nick and the Groypers are REALLY moderate instead of being the fascists they are , then I would remove Nick and the Groypers from my Arya Stark like cancel list,  but I still would be against Nick Fuentes and the Groypers but from an Anti Centrist perspective (since I also am Anti Centrist), instead of from an Anti Hard right-Anti Radical Right perspective that I currently am against them from

Destiny once said that if Nick Fuentes would drop his most extreme positions he’d be super palatable to the MAGA scene, but if Nick doesn’t he’ll keep hitting a ceiling for mainstream acceptance

If Nick Fuentes can defeat the white supremacist accusations toward him (which can only be done by the MSM focusing on calling Nick a booger eating incel and not focusing on his more politically charged and more awful rhetoric) he may be able to rebrand himself. 

Nick’s post Destiny angle has been full of lots of "alright guys, pull it back" when his chats get too wild with his anti black racism or chauvinism. 

There is a zero % change that kkKanye West has not asked Nick about his dum dum views on this stuff, or someone has attempted to bring it too Nick’s attention. 

Nick’s common rebuke of "its all for laughs, I only wanna to stand up for my race-ethnicity like other people get to stand up for their race-ethnicity" tricks A LOT of people (like with the NoJumper interview). Im guessing this hoodwinking by Nick also worked on West.

Yet, if you push on specifics on Nick, you can make him agree to wild stuff (like getting him to say that 1 million white atheist liberals are better then 1 millions god fearing catholic BIPOC people) which the majority of us can easily see as utterly and inherently unacceptable, bigoted and ridiculous. This also proves that Nick is a fake Catholic 

I want to deradicalize Nick and Groypers along with the rest of the 90 percent of Americans who are to the right of me on political issues. Trolls like Nick and his Groypers are a higher priority to me due to the threat they pose to marginalized groups including Jews like myself. See this for more

Nicky Fuentes had lil gal type of tantrum while in line for his Barth burger at In n Out burger in LA. Nick acts like a toxic masculine thug. Nick needs to learn self control. Though forcing Nick to stick to his pledge of putting love, faith and virtue at the center of politics and to not be hateful, hostile and scornful and to distance himself from the 'further right' (yeah right) extremists and to not say dumb ass things in public (ya know what things I mean) would be a pretty damn good start for that catboy Naughtzie

A lot of people view Nick Fuentes as an antichrist parasite, and I am sure they have good reasons for feeling that way

The state apparatus sends Nick against their foes and he has already hurt many potential leaders and communities. Nick is now having a mind bogglingly negative influence on Kanye and is sending Kanye’s career to hell. This political sideshow is not gonna be a serious political movement, it's gonna be a hilarious disaster.

Nick doesn't have a basement. He lives with his parents due to the fact he really can't quit whining

I am also against other extremists like Groyper subgroups and Groyper connected groups including Goyim TV, Patriot Front and Blood Tribe. They are freakshows and and their views are evil, extremely ignorant and stupid, gross and inhumane.  

Here is my reaction to the Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron stanning for Nick Fuentes on Cozy TV in 2022 

You know, numerous people come out and say, well, Nick Fuentes is terrible, you know, and say he’s a repugnant person. They don’t want to speak about Donald Trump. They say, but Trump is not filled with antisemetism sentiment or Trump is not an antisemite. They carve out of that. Trump is not a bad guy. He should not have had Nick at the table.”

However the problem is, the rest of the things that Nick Fuentes said — imho, that doesn’t seem any different than fundamentally what the Republican party platform is. Republicans don’t believe in elections (compare that my view on elections here

Republicans don’t as a matter of course care for the idea of democracy (which differs from my views on Democracy/Liberal Democracy like in this post) .Case in point, some GOP senator said democracy is a bad idea. 

Republicans don’t like the notion of women controlling their spaces or having bodily/personal autonomy 

Republicans obviously wouldn’t mind having a dotp or totalitarian leader because they don’t believe that elections matter due to them losing faith in elections (when this or this would be a good alternative for them on that front assuming they can move left of Bernie Sanders). Republicans don’t know how to win elections anymore so this is natural

Republicans think they should just decide who the president of the US is. They loathe the culture. Republicans are mad that the culture is too friendly to LGBTQ people 

Nick is upset that he was snubbed for the Anti Semite of the year award. I heard he is blaming the Anti Semite of the year award committee for going woke by handing the award out to a poc (Kanye West).But ole Nicky has to realize that Kanye earned that award all by himself without any help from the Anti Semite of the year award committee tying to diversify the award recipients 

Bill Mahers was wrong in his interview with Benjamin Netanyahu for trying to keep bringing up anti-semitism and trying to force Netanyahu to wallow in past shame/victim-hood. Benjamin Netanyahu had the best type of response to the bullying he received as a child “ "Yeah, when I was 13 bullies kicked sand in my eyes at the beach - but I'm in my 60's now and run one of the most successful countries in the World".Fuck you Bill Maher you loser. 

My issues with Tucker Carlson: Tucker Carlson’s brand of populism is a populism he agrees with all leftist /liberal 2.0 lean leftist critiques of "the elite" and he tells you that it's all true and that you're not nuts.

But then Tucker redirects you to some culturally reactionary b.s that will change nothing. He totally knows what he's doing; Tucker is inoculating his audience from true critique by tying it to some junk. 


I have always and will continue to always love Keith Olbermann brilliantly taking down Bill O'Reilly on MSNBC in this early 2009 clip and seeing Keith do that never gets old or loses its luster. I echo what Keith Olbermann said in that piece .  Bill O'Reilly was an idiot and wrong for his rape comments and for him and Jesse harassing Amanda Terkel.MSNBC always provided checks and balances against Bill O'Reilly Faux News propaganda

I would call for State media rag NPR to be defunded but this article gives me pause

Nicole Wallace has a point about tolerance I guess but it was framed in a typical Nicole Wallace partisan attack on non Liberal 2.0ers as she has done tens of thousands of times before. Nicole is a horrible commentator and her being on TV causes me severe daily depression 

To non right wing Liberal 2.0ers, neocon warmonger, colonialist fascists David Frum, Jennifer 'Pee Wee' Rubin and Max Boot are not your friends and they are horrible, horrible trolls see this for more.  

Now even though David Frum is one of the more tolerable bulwark Never trumpers, I like his views on student loan forgiveness and a few other common ground agreements, I still loathe that man for his neocon, warmongering ,colonialism (this prick had the audacity to retweet criticism of pro peace message by leftist Ben Burgis) along with Frum brain throwing Muslims under the bus in order to spread his American values onto other countries. Frum should be rotting in a Hague cell now .

I am a fan of Contrapoints, see here for more

I am a fan of Ryan Grim, view all of his articles here and I agree with most of them. Which articles? Well if you read all my blogs you will have a pretty good clue.

Here are my thoughts on Libs of Tik Tok and there brand of anti idpol

I echo Murray Rothbard on in his speech to the John Randolph Society on the state of The National Review: “And so the purges began. One after another, (William F) Buckley and National Review purged and excommunicated all the radicals, all the nonrespectables. Consider the roll call: isolationists (such as John T. Flynn), anti-Zionists, libertarians, Ayn Randians, the John Birch Society, and all those who continued, like the early National Review etc”

If William F Buckley never made those purges/excommunications at the National review that Murray Rothbard said they made and the National Review still had isolationists, libertarians, Ayn Randians, JBS , anti zionists etc I would be a regular reader and maybe a fan of the National Review. But as it is now, NO WAY JOSE

I support PJ Proudhon, so does that mean I support using Mutualism to rule over the government and economy by myself? See here for my response

Anyone who dislikes both Ayn Rand and Rosa Luxemburg are retards . 

I think that Matthew Knowles is UGLY. I hate the way he looks 

Frederick Hayak was ok with socialism . He supported the state playing a role in the economy , including having more state run social safety nets. Hayek supported some provision for people who are threatened by the extremes beyond their control. 

Hayak said that the necessity of such an arrangement in an industrial society is self evident only in protecting the interests of needy people to protect them against desperate acts .He supported UBI when the US reached a point where there would be no reason not to implement such a policy

Capital State Journal sucks and I hope that the Columbus Post Dispatch puts that Liberal 2.0 propaganda paper out to pasture. They personally attacked and insulted JD Vance and they should be called out for doing that. That is low, unprofessional and shitty, even for them. Calling people sycophants and sadistic because they have different political views is evil, degrading and horrible

They are clearly Neocon and warmongering for santinizing Ukraine who in their sick twisted minds can do no wrong. Do not trust Capital State Journal , they are Conservaphobic and Anti Left, warmongering, neocon trolls who don’t give a fuck about Ohio. They are schills to Ukraine, Globalizationists, China (on trade only), Neoliberalism and Capitalism.

I love CNN being a televised anti-Trump battalion for the last 6 years. But I am anti neocon and I want militaries to be eventually abolished, so I am anti battalions

The liberal 2.0ers in the US resemble the right wing authoritarianism Glenn Greenwald disliked in Brazil The reason is, in both of those cases Glenn is defining himself as opposed to ways that the defense of the ruling class cannibalizes liberalism.

Liberal 2.0ers in contrast are defining themselves in the framework of offering a more democratic type of defense of the ruling class in comparison to the right wing, which means that one that is just more modernized and representative of the whig historicality progress indicates we made  

Given that we basically in late stage capitalism, this is way more representative of ruling class interests as opposed to the interests of rightoids, which is for all intents and purposes only grieving old relations that capitalism already has left behind. 

This is the reason that liberal 2.0ers have time and time again led the charge in stuff like the imperialist war on Russia. They chase the more globalized antagonisms of some more modern variant of Western imperialism. This is all that remains of liberal universalism.

Glenn Greenwald is incredibly based for documenting all of this degeneration of liberalism 2.0 and thus liberalism

He can speak to the right wingers since liberal 2.0ers are in the process of becoming so like the right wing, like in persecuting their enemies in the defense of a power structure that is in crisis and exposing its undemocratic and elite nature. 

Liberals just do this in a way more fitting this era of capitalism, which is why the right losing. For the lifecme though, I can’t see why people think this means we should support liberal 2.0ers in this self-enslaving 'win'. 

This is really the problem on the Liberal 2.0, not anything that Glenn Greenwald represents to us. He merely documents the excesses of these 'wins' and all of the new chains which are shackling society.

The Liberal 2.0 currently are behaving in a manner that Glenn Greenwald has previously criticized the righting for, and thus he's criticizing them. This means Greenwald is the opposite of a grifter - he has integrity

But why then has Glenn bigged up Jair Bolsonaros anti establishment attributes ? Bolsonaro is more clearly authoritarian than any liberal 2.0 in the west and has threatened to do a coup d tat

Glenn cautions that Lula is not acting populist enough, but instead watering himself down into left liberalism, at the same time that Jair Bolsonaro has climbed in the polls.

Glenn is allowed to praise the views of people and parties he was previously if those are views that Glenn agrees with.Glenn is anti establishment and non intervention, Jair is recently anti establishment and non intervention, so Glenn praised that. He still is against Brazil’s right wing , the mote views of Glenn’s they embrace, the less hard he will be on them.

Though on Greenwald's recent tweets the closest he comes to writing anything positive about Jair Bolsonaro is just in quoting Noam Chomsky, who was claiming Lula wasn’t connecting enough with people. He also called out pollsters on Twitter for underestimating Jair, because... that was of course true.

Reminder that Greenwald's work played a major role in freeing Lula in the first place. He's not "supporting Jair Bolsonaro" only because he isn’t playing the dumb inevitability kayfabe that the libs are so fond of.

Glenn Greenwald said about Jair Bolsonaro vs Lula what Michael Moore said about Donald Trump vs Hilary Clinton before the 2016 election, which turned out to be true. Obviously that doesn't mean Moore is a right-wing Trump supporter

"Finally, for imbeciles claiming I'm crying or angry with the result, the reason Lula went from prisoner in 2018 to valid and then winning candidate in 2022 is because our reporting - based on our brave source - is what proved his conviction corrupt and freed him to run this year." Glenn Greenwald

"Glenn Greenwald broke the story that freed Lula from prison. For that same reporting, Bolsonaro sought to put Greenwald *IN* prison—he actually brought charges!

Today on this site: "Glenn must be sad Bolsonaro lost and Lula won.""  Edward Snowden 

Like in the Nathan J Robinson/Glenn Greenwald debate on Bad Faith I get why Glenn Greenwald is on with Tucker so much. He actually believes that liberal 2.0ers (except progressive Liberals or maybe only just Democrats) are a lost cause when it comes to speaking up on the anti-intelligence/surveillance community, and frankly he makes a darn decent case. 

The reason he goes on all these right wing shows is due to him genuinely believing that his goals (which are in the end largely relegated to stripping away the surveillance state and the intelligence agencies) can only be had through the MAGA wing of the Republicans (AND tthe progressive Democrats who have constantly been consistent on the issue), since they at least acknowledge that the intelligence agencies are full of doo doo and authentically evil, even if it's just because they believe they undermined Trump. He only truly sees the mainstream of the Democratic Party as a dead end for his goals and as long as the intelligence agencies promote themselves as the "anti-trump" peeps, he's likely right.

It's a very stark debate and a truly honest one. Glenn doesn't hold back and straight up rightfully says "yeah these right wingers are psycho and they lie a ton but they at least have some common ground that I can work with them on, I don't think I can do that with most liberals or democrats these days."

I really don't see get someone would want to shy away from speaking to right wingers merely because they're retarded. 

If you go on a broadcast and you're constantly shouted down and your commentary is very edited, then sure. But if a person with a boat load of viewers is gonna to let you come on and speak to people, then why not?

They already hate leftists and most of them will tune you out, though maybe you also get some dunks and get a few people to agree with your sentiment. It's not actually hard to run circles around rightoids... what's the worstest thing that would happen? They'll call you a commie and dismiss everything you say? Well that's going to happen regardless. So might as well just show up confident in your convictions and speak your truths.

But then again, if Glenn was going on Tucker Carlson's platform and rightfully pushing back his false talking points, that'd be one thing, but Glenn nods along which is cringe. Bernie Sanders and Michael Brooks , like me wouldn't just smile 'n' nod as Tucker Carlson talked about the Great Replacement b.s

When Glenn Greeenwald shows stuff to 'prove' he is not right wing, sometimes he actually digs a deeper hole which makes him seem right wing or right leaning ironically. In one instance , 3 of the tweets Glenn showed that were proof he was 'leftish'/not right wing (he did this in 2022) are simply generic statements about interviewing left wing candidates and none of them were recent.  One of those Tweets was Glenn praising left center (i.e moderate leftist) Jeremy Corbyn (which I agree with), another Tweet was Glenn praising Ilhan Omar:

"I hope people on the right see how often @IlhanMN  takes the correct position, often alone among Democrats. Remember she was the first to warn of the grave dangers of a new War on Terror in the name of 1/6. Disagree with her on many things, but she's her own person. "   Btw I echo that Tweet by Glenn on Ihlan Omar and I love Ihlan Omar

I have heard some left leaning Liberal 2.0ers say that "Yeah a right wing pundit would definitely use a three year old tweet to dishonestly represent their views while ignoring constant trash talking of the American left and praise for right wing politicians."  

If no right wing person would ever express positive opinions about a left winger or a lean leftist then maybe perhaps Glenn Greenwald's recent trash talking of US 'left wing' pols and consistent praise of Tucker Carlson is a pretty clear signal to some people where Glenn stands.

Again, I concede that Glenn puts too much focus on 'white' culture war grievance 'shitposting' (hot takes/beating dead horse takes ymmv) and he frequently does appear on right wing populist alt lite programs like Tucker Carlton and right wing programs like Laura Ingraham, where Glenn does appear to agree with everything that those people say. So it is not the craziest thing to see how some Liberal 2.0ers may view Glenn as a right-wing pundit even though I do not.

If I am to understand Liberal 2.0ers who paint Glenn as a 'right wing' pundit correctly, whenever Glenn does or states anything leftist (or left leaning) it’s merely part of an elaborate ruse to fool the public? Fantastic, but why stop at that? Have such critics of Glenn ever considered applying that type of view to every single leftist and person who leans left?  It’s completely possible that they’re all like this!

Glenn is really a centrist but he has been a real sh*t heel recently to Liberal 2.0ers and some leftist Liberal 2.0 praxis, but I don't think we can call his positions right wing. I mean even Liberals can be sh*theels to Liberal 2.0ers and leftists too.

This article provides some apologia from Liberal 2.0ers on their theory that Glenn is 'right wing'.  I won't criticize that piece as it does provide decent food for thought . This article too has a fair decent take on the Glenn right wing thing

I sort of agree with these exerts below and at the very least it better sums up Glenn than Forbes, Phillip Bump, ADL and others who smear him as right wing ever could:

"Jan 2023 MSNBC opinion piece: Collectively, these and other lesser-known pundits push a political position that could be called “anti-lib populism.”... A skeptic of my schematic might say that I'm simply describing right-wing populists. Well, not exactly. First of all, these commentators don’t fit neatly into any conventional ideological box (and, complicating things further, never really did very neatly fit on the left). Greenwald’s stated normative views are decidedly not conventionally right-wing."

"March 2022 Slate article: The situation is also a challenge to navigate for a tougher-to-categorize but increasingly popular type of writer often described as anti-anti-Trump. These journalists are exemplified by former Guardian and Intercept reporter Glenn Greenwald, whose stance one might define as … contrarian anti-woke civil libertarianism?... So is it unprecedented trans-ideological consensus or a gripping battle of opposed positions so high-stakes that the outcome could change the course of human history? Who knows! Check back in tomorrow for a just-as-passionate-and-accusatory take on … something! (I included the second part here is just to exemplify the confused nature with which the writer discusses Greenwald)"

"March 2021 New York Magazine article: Greenwald comes out of a tradition of progressive journalism that focused primarily on attacking liberals and the Democratic Party from the left... Greenwald took this impulse even further by positioning himself as a frequent guest on Fox News, where he would reliably bash the Democrats from the standpoint of the “good progressive.” 

The distinction between Greenwald’s attacks on the Democratic Party from the left and the Fox News attacks on Democrats from the right has grown increasingly difficult to discern... Greenwald’s primary focus is on foreign policy and national security, where the ideological lines really are blurry enough to construct a halfway-plausible case that Trump is to the left of the Democratic Party."

Here is a nice article which shows what a neocon troll Bill Kristol is. Here shows what a hypocrite Bill Kristol is

I am fine with Max Blumenthal interviewing Jeffrey Tucker as mentioned here. It was a fine interview. Association fallacy is a  myth. Free association is a good concept. 

Max Blumenthal is the son of Sid Blumenthal, and Max lives off a trust fund along with being part of the B-H Clinton dynasty. It should be no shock when Max Blumenthal is nice towards Republicans and is cordial with Tucker Carlson and other right wing media pundits out of shared class interest

My issue with Tim Pool is that he claims that he is center left but he spends too much of his time criticizing the left and liberal 2.0 and sticking up for 45 and conservatives. 

He spends nowhere near as much time defending whatever center left ideas he says he has. 

It's constantly 'defend Trump defend Trump defend Trump until further notice', so much so that his YouTube channel is basically indistinguishable from an actual rightoid channel, like Steven Crowder. 

Is the left and liberal 2.0 deserving of criticism? Yes, of course, but so is the right a bunch of the time (including 45), and Tim simply turns a legally blind eye to it. He knows his audience is made up of MAGA and he appears to pander to that exclusively. I honestly can't perceive what his true beliefs are or how he is distinguishable from any other self-identifying conservative.

Counterpoint against my will: Tim’s figment view places himself clearly left of center. He does spend so much energy on each video hyping up Tulsi Gabbard and Andrew Yang and how he vote their way despite all of their apparent flaws. He routinely claims he would not vote Republican. So he doesn't seem to be a fixture as a cook in the right-wing kitchen.

It does seem when Tim isn’t covering certain hot take topics like wokeness, MAGA grievances and or similar hot take topics, he does seem like a throwback to his Occupy era self with some one nation alt liteism thrown in for good measure  

I like how USA Today is a strong supporter of Title IX and feminism as a whole

CNBC market reports are base and neato!!!. My economic views are shaped by CNBC market reports!!! (NOT!)

I get a kick out of Vaush calling Conservatives 'evil'

My thoughts on Christian Parenti and his brand of contrarian leftism can be found here

Luna Oi is too influenced by Western leftism , like she seems to be here

This article by Salon is decent by their standards(like Andrew Torba saying People magazine’s 2022 article on him and Gab was decent by their standards)  even though I view that Salon like Torba viewed that People magazine 2022 article on him and Gab

Kanye West should have done his interview with Tucker Carlson from his car instead of doing his interview with Chris Cuomo from his car

The two reasons that Kanye West did his interview with Chris Cuomo from his car are:

1) Kanye thought his anti judaism sentiment remarks would cause Cuomo to criticize him from the left on the jewish issue, and Kanye never wants Cuomo to criticize him from the left on any issue. This is because Kanye still falsely seems himself as progressive or at worst falsely sees himself as a left wing grifter (in his eyes in the vein of Jimmy Dore ,Kyle Kulinski and Russell Brand) . 

Kanye is fine with Chris Cuomo criticizing MAGA nuts, including Donny Trump,  Kevin Mkkkarthy, MTG, Lauren Boebert, Mike Cernovich, Nick Fuentes and Alt Righters like Richard Spencer, David Duke, Milo, Jason Kessler from the left since Kanye realizes they are indefensible and thinks he is to the left of them

But Kanye was petrified of Chris Cuomo criticizing him from the left , since in Kanye’s ignorant mind he is a progressive or a left wing grifter (in Kanye’s eyes in the vein of Jimmy Dore ,Kyle Kulinski and Russell Brand) ,so for Cuomo to criticize him from the left would mean  (to Kanye) that Chris Cuomo had lumped Kanye in with those other targets of Cuomo’s ire over the years

If this happened, in Kanye’s mind, there is a good chance that it would mean that Chris Cuomo wasn’t only lying about now being moderate and neutral but in fact that Cuomo actually moved leftward of Jeremy Corbyn, AOC etc or was becoming that schrodinger’s Marxist CNN psuedo far left boogeyman that MAGA trolls and far right nuts erected. A Chris Cuomo who in their minds attacked from the left anyone even was slightly to the right of Gabriel Boric or attacked from the left anyone who didn’t trash Trump on Twitter literally every day of the year 

By doing his interview with Chris Cuomo in his car, Kanye figured he could just raise his stereo to drown out Cuomo criticizing from the left on the jewish issues. If, in Kanye’s mind, Kanye accidentally heard Cuomo criticize him from the left on the jewish issues, Kanye could get over such criticism real quick since Kanye’s car is like a comfort item and safe space to him

Chris Cuomo’s NewsNation pledge to be ‘moderate’ or ‘neutral’ instead of being the Liberal 2.0 partisan hack he was at CNN may further have played into this line of thinking for Kanye

2) Kanye was self distancing out of spite, doing the interview with Chris Cuomo from his car is very much self distancing

After getting hammered for his anti judaism sentiment views by Cuomo, Kanye went to find safe spaces where he wouldn’t be criticized from the left on jewish issues. That’s why he hooked up with Nick  , and did interviews with Tim Pool, Alex Jones and Gavin McInnes. 

But each time Kanye was criticized from the left on his views on those alt tech shows except of course by Nick Fuentes, not that Nick not criticizing Kanye from the left on his anti judaism sentiment views is literally going to stop the presses and cause a worldwide epidemic of mass ‘aliens land on Earth’ shock . Nick is certainly no Golda Meir on jewish issues

That Kanye West, who at the time, in his la la land mind was progressive or a left wing grifter (in Kanye’s eyes in the vein of Jimmy Dore ,Kyle Kulinski and Russell Brand) had to worry so much about being criticized from the left by Chris Cuomo, a commentator who was a obvious Liberal 2.0 partisan hack at CNN for years who had since pledged to be ‘moderate’ or ‘neutral’ that Kanye had to do the interview from a safe space (his car) as to thus not be lumped in with MAGA and Alt Righters and other rightoids who long had been extremely deserved and welcome targets of Cuomo’s punching left, is depressing and speaks to this broken MSM and political system problem in volumes, just as much as it speaks to Kanye’s delusions and new found craziness

CNN and Chris Cuomo’s years of Liberal 2.0 bias are a part of a bigger problem with our broken MSM and political system in that even when Cuomo claims to be moderate and neutral, people will still get ptsd of fearing that the CNN Liberal 2.0 partisan Chris Cuomo will make a comeback (even though the brief CNN Liberal 2.0 partisan Chris Cuomo comeback in his interview with Kanye where he grilled Kanye on Kanye’s anti judaism sentiment remarks was a welcome sight and justified no matter how much it harkened back to an era of Liberal 2.0 bias at CNN and in Cuomo’s life. I touch on this a bit here.

In the end, the only reason that Chris Cuomo criticized Kanye’s anti judaism sentiment baseless theories about Jewish people as harshly or directly as he did is because Kanye used the word ‘mafia’ to describe his anti judaism sentiment baseless theories and Chris Cuomo is triggered by words like mafia, Fredo etc as to him at least those words are stereotypical of harmful to Italians like himself (see Fredogate for more).  

If Kanye had used a more pc term that wasn’t stereotypical or harmful to Italians to describe his anti judaism sentiment baseless theories about Jewish people, Cuomo would have merely criticized Kanye’s rhetoric in a friendly way like Tim Pool criticized it in a friendly way or Cuomo would only have criticized Kanye’s rhetotic by also criticizing the BDS, and the hard right Israeli political parties (very specific onles only) who are in a coalition with Benjamin Netanyahu at the same time (to provide balance by criticizing Anti Zionism, anti judaism sentiment and extreme Zionism)

Reactionary chud Tim Pool pushed back against Kanye’s anti judaism sentiment remarks in a solid way and NOT GENTLY like that retard rag Daily Beast said. The Daily Beast people are loser right wing losers

I like Matt Taibbi because as he did with his reporting on the Kyle Rittenhouse story, Matt forms opinions based on independent research and independent thoughts not hive mind Liberal 2.0 collective thoughts . The Democrats are not perfect and not untouchable. They deserve criticism and to say otherwise is fascist

Sean Hannity is a neocon loser. He was wrong to criticize the UN for being antisemetic (UN is not antisemetic, Hannity is antisemetic). There are many reasons to criticize the UN, and faux antisemetism is not one of them

I am ok with this video titled "Jimmy Straw Mans complaints of his Creepiness. Pretends Ryan Grim is afraid to Debate him." which is critical of Jimmy Dore in his obsession with Ryan Grim

This article by the Daily Beast perfectly sums up my thoughts on Joe Rogan and the whole Spotify fiasco

I agree with this Fox News article on Taylor Lorenz. She was being a hypocrite to criticize Bari Weiss and deflecting. People like Lorenz in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

I critique rigidly analytical philosophers who spend all of their time looking for minute fallacies in how other people explain their philosophies, ironically committing a fallacy fallacy and hence missing the forest for the trees.

I echo the views expressed in this reddit on Vaushites comparing Aaron Mate to Alex Jones

Russell Brand is NOT right wing and he is sure as hell is NOT far right. Anyone who wrongly thinks Brand is far right is a Cultural Marxist, anyone who wrongly thinks Brand is right wing need mental help
There's a reason why establishment pundits can't understand 
's worldview, so resort to screaming "far-right!". There's also a reason he has his ]show on .
, where - after just 6 months - his audience size exceeds many cable shows:
 See here for more  . Some exerts I really agree with:
In mid-February, after talking about how the very idea of freedom has been derided by some on the American left as a far-right concept (FREEDOM and independent thought IS NOT A FAR RIGHT CONCEPT IT IS A LEFT WING CONCEPT AND ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE IS A FASCIST AUTHORITARIAN LOSER), writer and standup comedian Bridget Phetasy asked, "Aren't they connecting being healthy to the far-right now?" She continued, "I’ve seen so many articles that are like ‘oh the far-right obsession with being in shape,’ like it’s a bad thing somehow." (IT IS NOT FAR RIGHT TO BE OBSESSED WITH BEING IN SHAPE< THAT IS A LEFT WING POSITION SINCE EVERYONE SHOULD AT LEAST TRY TO STAY IN SHAPE IF THEY CAN)

In reply to Michael Knowles 2023 CPAC anti transgender speech folly

My reply is: Let's eradicate Christian Nationalism and White supremacy first.  They are not needed or wanted.

Breadtube might ironically be a psych op 

 “All the key signs of infiltration are there,” Caleb Maupin said of BreadTube. “Since when does US mainstream media highlight the work of Marxist revolutionaries (as in Breadtube)? Why are people who seem so unfamiliar with basic elements of socialist ideology suddenly elevated to the position of respected experts by the algorithms? Why do their foreign policy views seem to line up so closely with the US State Department? I have had no doubt they were being covertly supported by powerful entities with goals other than overthrowing capitalism.”

Unlike some fellow BreadTubers, Abigail Thorn comes across as amiable and trustworthy, fostering a personal bond with her viewers and regularly publishing thank you notes to patrons, listing them each by name. These qualities have attracted support for Philosophy Tube by both public and private backers.

or maybe not ,google "The Grayzone is unfortunately going off the shits" from the shitliberalssay subreddit to find my reaction to that Grayzone article (my reaction is everything said in that thread on it by those SLS subredditors)

Watch this segment from Breaking Points on how the liberal sect of cable news has completely collapsed, and how it reveals the fundamental crisis of liberal media. That's why they're so desperate to smear and censor now:   I agree with Krystal here

liberal fascism by jonah goldberg
i was looking for a new book to read and i came across Liberal fascism by Jonah Goldberg. Originally i thought it was about how liberals are complacent with fascism so i thought it would be an interesting read. turns out it’s about how fascism is left wing in origins and national socialist are actually socialist. Jonah says that some domocrats have fascist-like policies, i didn’t pick it up because of the “national socialist are socialist “ bit but i want to know if anyone has read it!?

Al Sharpton is a fraud, scammer, huckster, bourgeois schill and phony. I echo everything that Larry Elder and Cornel West say about him. Sharpton supported a liar (Tawana Brawley)

Some more in depth and deeper look into political commentators being covered in the media can be found here


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