
I am against Conspiracy Theories https://inthesetimes.com/article/u-s-peace-activists-arent-listening-to-progressive-syrian-voices

Conspiracy theories erode the standards of truth. The reliance of conspiracy theories underminds peoples' faith in independent reporting (people already distrust the media, conspiracy theories fuel that). Furthermore, lying and attacking the press make politicans who are in power less accountble. Less accountable politicians are more likely to engage in senseless wars.

Our entertainment industry is weaponized against non Liberal 2.0s and we must stop this entertainment industry weaponization if we value freedom, peace and harmony


Alyssa Milano is a hypocrite. She stupidly gets rid of her Tesla over her temper tandrum over Elon Musk allowing free speech on Twitter yet she he ignored Tara Reade's sexual abuse allegations against her friend Joe Biden and even kept supporting Biden in spite of those allegations. Alyssa is such a good judge of character  /s   Alyssa is the same dolt who called for the police to be defunded then called the police to protect her a few years back. Oh and that Volkswagen electric car Ms Milano bought, well Nazis founded Volkswagen so that really makes her look worse than she is (assuming that is possible).     

It was stupid and weird seeing the old guy who played Ross from Friends criticize Kanye West for Kanye’s anti judaism sentiment remarks not too long ago since on Friends Ross was a beta, pus**y and geek. ‘Ross’ should stick to his day job. Imagine how fridge humorous it would have been to see David as his Ross character telling off Kanye for Kanye’s anti judaism sentiment remarks

I am against the Satanic, BDSM Grammy performance by Sam Smith and Kim Petras . It was anti Christian/Anti Jewish/Anti Catholic troll act and offended millions of religious people. Satan is the worst person ever and these pieces of shit promoted him. Those aren't singers, they are demonic beings. Shame shame SHAME shame on them

It was wrong they did BDSM on network TV during primetime hours. BDSM does not belong anywhere except at BDSM sites and adult tv/adult films etc. 

That evil disgusting Grammy performance broke FCC guidelines . Sam Smith should be ashamed for what he'er did. I lost any respect I had left for him'er

Shame on Pfizer for sponsoring that performance. Pfizer is a LIBERAL 2.0 corporation and they are evil losers for sponsoring this. I am going to force Pfizer and CBS to apologize for sponsoring that performance and I will force Pfizer to condemn that performance. 

I echo this takethis take, this take on that

I am a fan of the Honeymooners

I am a fan of Granny of the 1962-1973 Beverly Hillbillies TV Series. 

If I got warped to the Beverly Hillbillies fictional reality and I accidentally ran into Granny, and if she held a gun to my head requesting me to say to her what Jethro's friend Armstrong Dueser McHugh III told Granny in the Jethro’s Friend episode here is what I would do

I would cross my fingers behind my back and I would tell Granny (while straining myself) exactly what Armstrong Dueser McHugh III told Granny in the Jethro's friend episode 

This is because if I didn’t tell Granny that, she would literally shoot me to death or even feed me to her pet alligators.  I would however after telling her that, throw Granny in Shady Pines from Golden Girls for decades. 

Though what Alexander told Granny in that episode in some weird way is true according to Afro Pessimism . See my Afro Pessimism commentary in this post for how and why

Jimmy Kimmel is a hypocrite and has no leg to stand on in criticizing anyone seeing how Kimmel made, threatening and Sinophobic remarks toward China in 2013 and literally tried to incite violence against Chinese people (see here). God hates Jimmy Kimmel and his family 

I side with William Shatner in his feud with George Takei

I find Granny Walton on the Waltons's chauvinism to be funny, anti heroish and totally harmless.

There is NOTHING offensive or wrong about the Jeffersons or George Jefferson's actions on the show 

I like how in Oz all the different prison groups within the prison came together to teach Malcolm Coyle a lesson.

Vince from Entourage needed to be put in sex rehab not prison for his womanizing. 

I am a fan of Real Time with Bill Maher. I don’t agree with most of the views of the vast majority of his guests , but I respect their opinions, agree with some of their views and even try to be open minded to some of their views which I disagree with 

I am a fan of True Blood.  

I am not against the anti supernatural group of the True Blood season 5 that was run by Sweetie Des Artes (ie the group that wore masks). Though I am no fan of their pointless violence 

I see that anti supernatural groups as something between empathetic villains and the way viewers of All in the Family looked at (and warmed up to);Archie Bunker (Archie Bunker while a bigot and ignorant, had Carroll O'Connor's humanity. Archie also had hidden empathy, and a grumpy willingness to see the world change around him.Moreover Archie was far wiser of heart than Donald Trump despite Archie being antediluvian)

In Game of Thrones I agree with Dany's solution to an issue in Meereen where she allowed for Fennesz to sign a contract of employment with his former master Mighdal, but only for a period of one year at a time. I think if there are other intelligent life civilizations in other solar systems, galaxies or universes, I think that type of decision making would be a good thing for leaders on those other planets who are in similar situations.

I support Dany burning King's Landing to the ground. That city was corrupt and she had every right to do so.

I am a fan of The Red Scare podcast. I support fashionable dissident-y subculture, centered in but not exclusive to downtown Manhattan that the hosts are part of. I love how according to them, “Everyone dresses like a duck hunter now,” 

I am a fan of Japanese anime (especially Left wing Japanese anime) . In general is nothing wrong or offensive about Japanese anime

Chud Matt Walsh is a lame, ignoramus fool for his reactionary and clueless attacks against anime and Japanese pop culture  . Though he should not be canceled

Are the Fab Five (Queer eye cast) feeling the Bern (Bernie Sanders) INTO Tweet from 2019

Twitter reply : “ Gay rights is now just aristocratic eunuchs defending their class interest”
My takes:

Quote by Queer eye on Bernie Sanders “Ronald Reagan denied the existence of H.I V but at least he knew to put some gel in his hair...mmm”

Peggy Noonan could not have said this better

That statement of course is absolutely disgusting.

That statement is specially off base given that he just came out as being H I.V positive (the clip is a few years old, but still)

I guess despite Bernie having some good policies, he's not easy on the eyes for them. Though even though Bernie Sanders is approximately 379 years old, he looks good with all things considered

It's a really really good thing. Your pee pee should not determine your politics

If Bernie wants to win the LGBTQ vote if he fund again, he should invite the Queer eye cast to give him a complete makeover and if he went on RuPaul he would win by a huge margain in California

Queer Eye pulls the wool over peoples’ eyes and convinces them to consume television and that is not a meaningful thing to do

Similarly, I cite Taylor Swift’s “You Need To Calm Down” music video, and role Big Media fills in Guy Debord’s Spectacle and why it pertains to those who are most vulnerable to this brand of Progressive messaging.

Queer Eye’s hate toward Bernie Sandersis also annoying because there is a video from the 1990s of Bernie adamantly defending gay soldiers against the extreme-right wing and eventual convicted felon congressman Duke Cunningham, way before the Clintons/Hillbae hopped on the train (pushing for Don't ask, don't tell).

90% of the queer people would vote for Bernie, including myself. But that is a very different group than the Queer people that they carefully select for tv.

I don't believe "not being institutionalized or murdered or tortured" is a gay right, as much as it is the right of basic human decency. 

That is the best thing that came out of the gay movement and is really worth defending, putting an end to dumb and bad laws and practices because of the ruling class obsession with getting into everyone's bedrooms.

Have you noticed that all those US reality shows like "Rich Housewives" or whatever are dominated each time by archaic and traditional gender roles. 

The husband is out there making deals and his wife is the queen of their house and everytime has an army of gay confidants and advisers. 

They did a poll in France and that showed that homosexuals voted mostly for conservatives and national front, while lesbians vastly voted for Leftist parties. Maybe this is why the USSR was rough on homosexuals but promoted butch women in their posters?

I think it is from the old idea that penetration was a requirement for sex to have taken place. Seemingly, homosexuals were persecuted in the Inquisition but Lesbians weren't even thought of to be having sex.

Leviticus prescribes death for acts of male on male sex, but it does not even mention female on female sex acts. This might be because of the social expectations about semen and not throwing it away when there are wars that are in need of soldiers etc. Or perhaps not. Either way, social divisions made between homosexual and lesbian acts have existed so long and weren't uncommon at all in the premodern world.

There’s a lot of gay men in the history of the extreme right. By contrast, I cannot even find one homosexual in the beginning years of the far left

Small sample size, but most of the the gay guys I was friends with in the early aughts were against gay marriage. They said it would lead to shit like this. And of course I thought they were being needlessly edgy because, hey, the four gay dudes I know are all really cool if other gay guys can get married that won't change nothing.

Whoops, I was wrong as hell.

Overall a good thing, as some gays realize that they have more in common with straights of a similar class than these Queer eye guys. We sort of need the bourgeoisification of some to make the proletarianization of the rest, instead of everyone staying lumpen.

It is only the Marxist dialectic working here. Problems resolve / synthesize into newer problems, but it's a more good problem. Gays teaming up with the straights against these Queer eye guys (and straights similar to them) on the basis of class is a way better problem than straights teaming up against gays and these Queer eye guys on the basis of being gay

I am a Big Brother fan and I like how Paul Abrahamanian went to the end in Big Brother 18 after his alliance was nearly destroyed. It was cool seeing him along with his alliance ally Victor , going far, with Paul nearly winning Big Brother 18 when the deck was stacked against them. I love comebacks and Big Brother comebacks are no exceptions

However, when Paul returned in Big Brother 19 , he turned into the face of the dominant alliance instead of him once again being the underdog from the minority alliance. So I was upset seeing him have such a heel turn . So when Josh beat him at the end, I was stoked. If Paul won, though, I might have had mixed feelings since despite him being a heel on Big Brother 19, I was pissed he lost Big Brother 18 at the end


Bollywood celebrities are nothing but American wannabes who LARP. as American Hollywooders. Bollywood is just Hollywood East. 

I support Peter Thiel’s Anti woke film festival as mentioned here

I view Star Wars positively (even though like 40 percent of Americans, I have never seen any Star Wars movie). I am a Darth Vader/Galactic Empire fan (like many Star Wars fans)

My views on the movie The Harder They Fall can be found here


George Orwell's quote about how people knows who is controlling them by who they can't criticize rings true today due our corrupt, Liberal 2.0 leaders who have control over us and whom we can't criticize without being cancelled, censored or silenced.

You can’t go off Liberal 2.0 script or against the Liberal 2.0 narrative or reservation without being ridiculed, ostracized, defamed, smeared, hated and cancelled. Think of Liberal 2.0ers as the CSM and the CSM’s government henchpeople from the X Files, us non Liberal 2.0ers (the non extremists) are like the Mulders, Scullys and Lonegun men/women 

The Liberal 2.0ers are like Shinra from FFVII, us non Liberal 2.0ers (the non extremists) are like Cloud, Barrett, Tifa, Aerith, Red XIII, Yuffie, Vincent, Cid etc. (though I myself am more like Cait Sith)

The extreme right wing and neofascists are like the weapons (Ruby, Emerald etc) and Sephiroth and his goons. 

Liberal 2.0ers are like the heel stable in the WWF and NWA/WCW in the 1980s , 1990s etc. Like the Natural Disasters (Survivor Series 1990)

Heenan Family, Million Dollar Corporation , NWO/NWO Hollywood, Four Horsemen, Vince McMahon’s Corporation/Corporate Ministry, The Fanatics (Survivor Series 1993) ,The Nexus,

Us non Liberal 2.0ers (the non extremists) are like the face factions in the WWF and NWA/WCW in the 1980s , 1990s etc like the Hulkamaniacs (Survivor Series 1990),   Team Humperdink (Survivor Series 1987), Mega Powers/Mega Maniacs

NWO Wolfpack, The Dudes with Attitude (WCW), DX (face version), The Union, All Americans (Survivor Series 1993) , Team WWE (Summerslam 2010)

The Liberal 2.0ers appear to be faces like the Hart Foundation faction appeared to be faces while wrestling in Canada in 1997 but the reality is Liberal 2.0ers are actually heels like the Hart Foundation faction were heels while wrestling in the US in 1997

I like people being open and honest in politics (like how William Sherman gave his prophetic speech to Professor David Boyd warning Boyd about how foolish secession was and how war is hell (war really is hell)           (Sherman Fighting Prophet page 138)

I am a fan of Bane from Batman 

Horton Hears a Who is a good book to promote equality and universal, multinational and multi ethnic values..  Horton Hears a Who is a great story which teaches universal, multinational, multi-ethnic values and Equality. 

Horton Hears a Who should be taught in K-12 schools to teach students equality and universal, multinational and multi ethnic values

Jim Webb’s culturally conservative literary works are good reads for anyone interested in politics, even though I disagree with many of those conservative views

The Catcher in the Rye was a good book

Pat Robertson’s book A New World Order is good read since it is ‘so bad it’s good’ .It is basically a unintended spoof of conspiracy theorist right wing nuts that are far too common in the world today

I support Peter Thiel’s NPC Lit fest , their art get togethers and that ultrahip scene

Here is a good article on the Wachowski brothers 

My reply to this Twitter post by @astrostarbright "Help me send 1000 girls to watch #Disney The Little Mermaid movie because #RepresentationMatters. If kids can see themselves in the characters on the screen, it expands their ideas of who they can be and accomplish! Join #TheLittleMermaidChallenge "

You are correct. It is every girl's dream to grow up to become a Mermaid. Being a mermaid is as good as being a CEO but where you also get to play in the water all day!. It is important that all girls know that they can become Mermaids when they grow up


I agree with this article on Prince

I am a fan of Nicki Minaj and her fans. I have no issues with their 2021 anti mandate protests

I am a fan of Rhianna. I am glad she left Chris Brown. I know it wasn’t easy for her

Kanye West is suffering a mental breakdown, and other mental issues (like bipolar and schizophrenia) and it is cruel to Kanye to give him platforms to further this sad spectacle/side show of his mind breaking down publicly which causes himself to be a lightning rod of scorn , heat and outrage where no good and no winners emerge but where everyone loses.  

Though some commentators say it is abelist to say what I did above and instead note that “Kanye West has not lost his mind. He has found the mind of a racist” So that is some food for me to chew on (though I am a very picky eater). 

Though likely, as noted above but expanded upon, mental illness is playing some role in Kanye’s behavior recently, though also it appears to have removed the filter that kept him from succumbing to every h8ful historical 

Isn't the integral part of his ethos part a testimate to this? Kanye feels in order to "flip" the system he has to righteously exploit those same people in the same .

It is also cruel to the Jewish community to give Kanye platforms to keep pissing them off (of course in Kanye’s cloud coocooland mind , he is Jewish [wtf?]. If Kanye is Jewish, I am Donald Trump)

Kanye’s priorities are light years away from where they likely should be. Too bad Kanye didn’t stick to his own pledge he made years back instead of becoming a NDSAP stan

I passed Psychology 023 or 101 in MCC one semester in 2004. Though I have a mental issue myself (Asperger’s)

I predict Kanye West will join the American Nazi party for his 2024 campaign for fuhrer President. This seems that is the path he is on now and they deserve each other. (though there is evidence from some leftists that as horrible as Kanye’s communications director Nick Fuentes is not, at least technically a Nazi or neo nazi). 

Or maybe Kanye will start a national socialist black worker's party instead for his 2024 campaign for fuhrer President in order to be more inclusive and to win the working class vote. Nick Fuentes would still be in that party too since Nick Fuentes is part black

Kanye’s deal to buy Parler was cancelled because Parler hiring someone who was associated with the Kardashians (Kanye) would be corporate and pr suicide for the company so Parler cancelled that deal with Kanye. 

Or maybe the deal was cancelled because Parler already filled their alt tech nazi management quotas for 2022 and hiring Kanye pushes them over that nazi manaagement quota limit which would then create a rip in the fabric of Alt tech time and space continuum

Elon Musk banned Kanye from Teslatter Twitter because Elon and China /CCP are allies and China/CCP is allied with Russia, and Russia is mad they can’t use Kanye as a foreign agent to sow division in the US like they used the Black Hammer Organization as foreign agents to sow division in the US. So if Russia couldn’t use Kanye as a foreign agent to sow division in the US they deplatform Kanye, indirectly by getting China /CCP to pressure their buddy Elon to ban Kanye.  Or maybe, just maybe Kanye was banned by Elon from Twitter for Tweeting a massively offensive image?

I am not a fan of any person involved in this, but how darn weird is this entire situation? I am going to need to be tuned to the greatest theories people have about this one.

I feel this might be simpler said than done for this unholy Kanye Nick collab. All of this potentially future is hinged up on Nicky Fuentes and whoever else they permit in this twilight zone orbit being able to get push them over the end line of media appearances and interviews in the "alt" online sphere.

So far Kanye and Nicky are 0-1 as a duo. Nicky has already grown as much as he can on mainstream platforms before they blacklisted him. He was making big bucks from streaming donations before he ever met Kanye.

But I don't think he really will be doing anymore than a few extra thousands of pity bux and freebies at this point. He's not been able to magically Kanye connect with the brand and audience he's just looking for at the moment.

That could change, however. They only need to score one huge hit after all, and they can ride a flow of new populism. But as it is, mainstream wants nothing to do with them. Nicky could barely keep off the no-fly list recently in his career. 

He's not gonna be permitted back into Trump’s World. Trump has issues as it is in restraining himself from attempting to go Jan 6th on Kanye at this juncture. Not sure what they're aiming at, to be frank.

It tells me a lot about rightoids when their new icons are actual literal schizos and they perceive their rhetoric as deep statements about society. The poverty of rightoid “analysis” on the NWO and EU/IMF plotting to instate global Great reset Social capitalism/International Woke Communism is somehow more ridiculous than the liberal 2.0 racialist analysis that primary contradiction in society is racial/gender based

It speaks a lot to their desperation and hopelessness. Voting for or otherwise venerating contentious figures due to them poing everyone off is basically another rejection of the status quo. 

This is real for both the right and the liberal 2.0 (and to lesser extent the left), liberalism 2.0 has succeeded in subverting one to self-sabotage over and over and fully deplatformed the other side from mainstream media. So this leaves people realizing that there are no procedural ways forward and they resort to stubborn contrarianism as the last bit of political agency that they still have.

With each passing year, elections further become about electing politicians to punish the persons in the out-group, than anything else. The expectations that they will ever do any other thing for the vote

Some self noted to fair points on this whole Kanye fiasco here and here

So Kanye’s anti judaism sentiment remarks are somehow causing a rise in hate crimes, but his fellow hip hop artists rapping about the types of things pointed out in this screenshot, don’t cause a rise in violence, abuse and crime? 

Apple and Spotify absolutely should not remove Kanye West’s music. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Kanye’s music is base and none of his music is hateful. I loathe hip hop but Kanye , Big boi (with Outkast) and Eminem are the only hip hoppers whose music is base

Besides Ron Lauder is a friend of Donny Trump and the last thing big tech needs to give in to the demands of Trump or his buddies. Lauder should stop being like Simon Cowell in canceling musicians. What’s next, Lauder trying to deplatform Britney Spears’s music?

Maybe we should get websites from selling Estee Lauder products because Ron’s ties to Trump? Ronnie wouldn’t like that very much would he?

Here are more of my thoughts on the WJC calling out Kanye West in late 2022

I think that Rolling Stone and The Daily Beast covered the whole late 2022 Kanye West fiasco pretty fairly, and in an alright and somewhat base sort of way. So I give those 2 news outlets at least a fluid B- - (B with 2 minuses) with that Kanye fiasco coverage


I loathe Milo but it is cool to see him embrace furry culture even though I am not a fan of furry culture. I always have Selkie and Velouria on the front lines of my rpg video game army. I enjoy using Selkie and Velouria to defeat fascist furry infiltrators 


In my video games I always love choose to be a White Knight or Paladin whenever I can . This allows me to combat my less than stellar self esteem with an unwavering need to aid others in my video games even if they don’t need it (i.e marginalized damsels in distress)

In video games, Queer Neutrality in Fortnite, we learn that a nuanced account of phatic communication—which is an account of the subtleties of tug of war attempts to create relationality across opposed camp. This is a crucial condition for the labor that produces identity-neutral queer community (Appendix A).

I am a fan of Odin from the Final Fantasy series

Hundreds of years after the events of Fainaru Fantajī Shikkusu VI (ie FFIII/FFVI) ,Tina (ie Terra)'s descendants multiply in the World of Unruin like how Abraham's descendants multiplied in Ancient Israel. The World of Unruin is a rebuilt World of Ruin that is more advanced, happier etc than the World of Balance centuries earlier and is made up mostly by Tina's descendants.

One day, Cefca's step son's descendant Karafka, rebuilds the Magitek Research Facility and he then hires some evil workers from the Floating Continent to become facility workers at the newly rebuilt Magitek Research Facility. Karfaka then requires all residents of the World of Unruin who are descended from Tina to come to the Magitek Research Facility to have the facility workers do to them what the facility workers did to the Espers in and before the events of Fainaru Fantajī Shikkusu VI. 

This was to make Terra's descendants withstand demonic possessions since demonic possessions were beginning to happen in the World of UnRuin at the time

My view is I am mostly apolitical on whether Tina's descendants should allow the Magitek Research Facility workers to do anything to them, though at times, my view on this is that I don't want any of Tina's descendants to allow the Magitek Research Facility workers to do anything to them ever since like with the Espers centuries earlier, it will cause Tina's descendants harm and suffering. 

I don't trust the Magitek Research Facility or their workers to do safe things to Tina's descendants

Maybe they shouldn't allow the Magitek research facility people to do things to them. This is because now many of Terra' descendants who had zero risk of any demonic possession have long term heart damage due to them being forced or coerced to have work done on them at the Magitek Research facility. 

I support the Loptous ruled Grannvale Empire

I am a fan of Dein from Fire Emblem PoR though I defeated them multiple times each time I beat Fire Emblem PoR

I support and helped/controlled Nohr in their war with Hoshido on the Nohr route. 

I support and helped/controlled Hoshido in their war with Nohr on the Hoshido route

I was neutral and helped/controlled both Nohr and Hoshido in their war on the Revelation route

I was and still am a fan of the Beastly Boys from Dragon Quest XI

John Gibson should NOT have been fired from Tripwire over his pro life Tweet and I want toforce Tripwire to rehire him and to apologize for firing him in the first place. 

The harsh, evil move by Tripwire to WRONGLY fire him is a perfect example of the evils of Liberalism 2.0 , cancel culture etc. 

Tripwire spit in the face of millions of their pro life customers by saying those customers are extremists and that their pro life views are wrong. What a shitty way for that small  ragtag VIDEO GAME COMPANY to be big tent, and gain customers , by saying they only want pro choice customers

John Gibson’s pro life view on Texas’s heartbeat law might be wrong or misguided, his view is certainly not extreme, sexist or evil. 

He has a right to his views, firing him for being pro life is intolerant, petty etc. If Tripwire fired someone due to identity they would have gotten crucified and rightfully so. Are we at  a point where even being pro life is cancelable? If so, then wow, tough times ahead since that means a civil war will happen in the future

I am against video games using body type instead of sex/gender in create a character modes. Not one normal person asked for their stupid body type feature and they are catering to the 1 or 2 percent and that is wrong. and we have to stop wokeness from infesting video games . 

These woke idiot morons wrongly and falsely think that male and female are offensive and I won't let them

I am going to force the people who worked on Demon Souls, Street Fighter VI , World of Warcraft and other video game companies with body type options in their character creator to put gender/sex back into their character creator options and to remove the whole body type nonsense. Keep wokeness out of our video games. I am not taking no for an answer. If they don['t comply I will make those video game companies and their workers pay dearly. This I can promise you


Ideally women should be able to play in Men’s sports leagues and men should be able to play in women’s sports leagues 

But realistically and practically:

I believe that Men's sports like Men's College Basketball and Olympic Men's Swimming should use a pre late 2000s or pre 2010s type of military recruit training for rookies and if they can't pass that training they are benched or released

I believe that Women's sports like Women's College Basketball and Olympic Women's Swimming should use 'boot camp' like training on rookies that includes long distance training (ie long distance running/swimming), higher endurance and aerobic training and women’s bonding training and if they can't pass those types of training they are benched or released

Men's sports leagues should create a separate league within those leagues (which uses the field-court layout and game rules of Men's sports leagues as opposed to Women's sports leagues) for women.  These leagues would be called like NCAA Men's Basketball Women's Basketball Division/Troop/League or Olympic Men's Swimming Women's events. Similar to how within the Boy Scouts there is a Girl Scouts troop             

This would be an alternative for women athletes who prefer to play using men's sports layouts and rules and or they either got released from their Women's sports teams (like if they could not pass the training methods above) or they want to play for different womens teams and want more options

Women's sports leagues should create a separate league within those leagues for men (which uses the field-court layout and game rules of Women's sports leagues)   These leagues would be called NCAA Women's Basketball Men's Basketball Division/Troop/League or Olympics Women's Swimming Men's events. Similar to how within the Girl Scouts there is or will be a Boy Scouts troop

This would be an alternative for male athletes who prefer to play using women's sports layouts and rules and or they either got released from their Men's sports teams (like if they could not pass the training methods above) or they want to play for different Mens teams and want more options

I am a fan of the NFL. I love seeing NFL fans going to games and being entertained by their favorite teams and players

NFL fans should be appreciated. Their passion and love for their teams and favorite players, despite their teams and favorite players not always playing good, are the sort of values we should instill onto each generation to make our country better and grow

NFL players are true heroes, they risk their body and mind to for their team, teammates and fans and they should be celebrated for that

My reactions to Jacoby Brisset expressing his joy in being surrounded by African American QB's (a position that has historically white)

Imagine what would happen if a white WR had said what Jacoby said?

Each time I see stuff like what Jacoby said, I am reminded how much I am looking forward to the day when race-ethnicity doesn't matter and no one talks about race-ethnicity

So it is cool and all for Jacoby to not have white people in the QB group. How is this not a reverse racist statement?

Jacoby’s statement is reverse racist but no one actually wants to admit that it. He should just be happy that he is getting an NFL paycheck. It is because of his skill level, not the color of his skin

Jacoby’s statement could also be interpreted to be “Casual Racism"

People would be rightfully be appalled if a white CEO had said “it is nice to work with people with similar life experiences (because we are both white)”. 

I am a fan of Charles Barkley . When I was 11 (in my early 20s using my past life birthdate), I had a Charles Barkley t shirt themed after a fictional cereal called Dunk a lots . Because of that I am solicitous of a few of his inoffensive political views 

Lebron James is NOT the best NBA player of all time. At least Michael Jordan and Bill Russell were better. Lebron is cocky and disrespectful to call himself the best NBA player of all time. Lebron lost so many NBA finals

I would beat Lebron 1 on 1 with one arm tied behind my back

I am against Duke NCAAB hiring Jon Scheyer as head coach. Duke was stupid and moronic for hiring a head coach born in the 1980s to replace Coach K. Duke should have hired a head coach born in the 1970s or earlier to replace Coach K.  I am no longer a Duke fan anymore until they hire a head coach born before 1980. Jon Scheyer is not the real head coach of Duke. He is a fraud, phony and a terrible hire.  I am seeking to get him fired

I am against sports leagues promoting drag queens and having any event or theme relating to drag queens. That alienates their conservative , feminist and MODERATE fan base . Keep drag queen promotions and events out of sports. Enough with our sports leagues being plagued with Liberalism 2.0

The NY Yankees signed David Wells in 2023 to a 10 day contract. Anyone who doesn't believe me is a piece of garbage 


I am a fan of the Nerd Crew and RLM and I agree with their takes and criticism of consumer culture

I love the flyover fund Narya Capital; it is a portfolio includes a service that lets people invest in farmland, a Catholic prayer-and-meditation application and a non Liberal 2.0 video platform.

I love how the name of the application Narya is a Ring of Power forged to inspire Elves “to resist tyranny, domination and despair.”,which id what I want our society and country to also do in real life

The r/LateStageCapitalism subreddit is not ideal since it is radlib 2.0 central

If you want alternative narratives, go to places that are for something, not purely against something.

I've been enjoying Destiny's content lately. A lot of it is random internet drama, but there is also a lot of interesting political commentary in there.. Even though I sometimes disagree w him, Destiny is incredibly reasonable. He actually had principles.

If Nick Fuentes is to the left of me on any social issues I will force Nick to be to the right of me on those issues 


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