My real political idpol and idealogue view


I am Left Wing (with a real Left Wing bent), Alt Left/Post Left Anarchist (including Left Anarchism), Post Neoliberal, Post Libertarian/Anarcho Libertarian and Fourth Political theory subscriber

I can also be described as a Militant Democratic Moderate (i.e Omniliberal-Post Conservative Populist)/Peronist Archeofuturist (Trad Progressive including Uzarashvillist) and an unironic Anarcho Tankie

I also am a Youtuber Shaun type of Contrarian   

I support republicanism and federalism

As it is now, I am a politically dealigned Independent and I support the Forward party (US) and some of their endorsed candidates, the Libertarian Party (Libertarian Socialist Caucus of the Libertarian Party), the Worker's World Party,Socialist Equality Party (US), Green Party,  PSL, these idealized,pipe dream political parties and Big Tent/Catch all parties   

I plan on making the third parties like the ones above (including the idealized pipe dream ones) become as big and popular as the Democratic Party and Republican Party. 

So then once that happens I will join those above real third parties over the Democratic Party and Republican Party. Until then I will consider to support the Democratic Party as I write here and as I outline throughout these blogs

I support the Class Unity Caucus-Democratic Socialists of America party within the Democrat Party and I am between being a backbencher moral supporter of these factions within the Democrat party and me supporting these factions of the Democrat party as praxis:

Populists in the Democrat Party/The SquadJustice Democrats, the Libertarian faction of the Democrat Party, Blue Dog Coalition of the Democrat Party (Blue Dogs who fall into one or more of these categories:  'Reactionary centrists', center right, centrist, or did not vote to condemn socialism) , Boll Weevil Democrats, the New Era Democrats, New Democrat Coalition of the Democrat Party (ND coalition members who fall into one or more of these categories: center right, centrist or  'Reactionary centrists')

I am pressuring the Democrat Party to move leftward (forward and to the left of the PSL). Here are my platforms I am pressuring the Democrat party to adopt, embrace and implement

I am trying to inspire a takeover of the Republican party to force them to move leftward of the Democrat Party/Labour Party UK. Here are platforms I will have the Republican party adopt, embrace and implement after I create that takeover

I support the Labour Party UK  (Jeremy Corbyn Labour UK /Tony Benn type of variable Labour/Momentum/One Nation Labour/New Labour/Open Labour/Guild Socialism sects of Labour Party UK’s trade unions/Communitarianism factions in Labour UK)

I want the Social and Liberal Democrats (UK) to be merged into the Labour Party UK. This would be especially to return the Social Democratic Party (UK) ideology that was lost in the Gang of Four breakaway in 1981 back into the Labour Party UK

If I was alive in the 1960s and politically active, I would have been a stimulating member of the New Left

I don't care about the success or failure of any political party in the US. I have my own agenda in politics that doesn't follow party lines or ideology lines. I help politicians of all parties if it pushes my agenda forward . I prefer to “go my own way" as opposed to letting my ideas be influenced by those around me

I am not a mainstream Progressive. But the only socially mainstream progressive things that I have a major bone to pick with and that I am not on board with are: 

1) Hookup culture. I for the most part believe that people need to focus on building long lasting relationships and getting married (I am against sexual promiscuity). At least that is how the most common template should be until we reimagine marriage by reigning in a Marxist society and thus abolishing marriage as the norm or at least until we get the government out of the marriage business by privatizing it (see here for more)

2) The over emphasis on idpol. I am against the over emphasis on idpol

I am an uber SJW and a Bleeding Heart Libertarian. I care for the people

I have cultural Left Wing Autarchism tendencies along with social tolerance and left economic populism. with an intellectual persuasion. I also tack illiberal on a few sociocultural issues

I support individual freedom that is autonomous from the political ideology of left and right while I retain some elements of leftism

Political standing expanded

See here

Political organizing

See here


See here

Political ideologue Machines

See here


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