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This tweeter is a bleeding heart, paternalistic biocentric (just like me).

You would think based on my blog that I would agree with this Tweet or like her Tweet, but while I am between understanding to her views and sympathetic to her views in this Tweet, she is obviously wrong on so many levels in this Tweet, that I don’t know where to begin.

How can you read this tweet and not come to the conclusion that people like her are being fed destructive ideologies? 

Also this tweet comes across as very racist towards non white people (which I show below) . 

Yes, I am fine with whites putting poc (i.e African Americans) ahead of their own white race-ethnicity, I want animals after they die to live as humans in a future life at least once before they go to the afterlife so they can finally be equal to humans so I have unique views on biocentrism and animals, I am an enemy of whiteness (though see here and here, also through Afro-pessimism I make a critical shift in focus by me moving away from the Black/ white binary and reframing it as Black/non-Black, in order to deemphasize the status of whiteness and to center analysis, rather, on the anti-Black foundations of race and modern society). 

HOWEVER, I don’t hate white people and I am not racist toward white people.  

Well (in her type of mindset) poc can’t possibly use self reliance and are in need of stewardship. I mean I’m finding it difficult to spot the difference to this person’s feelings and how slave owners would justify slavery.

She is NOT a typical Liberal 2.0er/non Liberal 2.0 left leaning person.

These ultra woke people like daedalion represent just a small fraction of Liberal 2.0ers and non Liberal 2.0ers who lean left just like the white nationalists represent a tiny fraction of Conservatives.

Most Liberal 2.0ers and non Liberal 2.0ers who lean left rightfully want a better minimum wage and some healthcare along with proper investigations into police brutality. Let's not pretend the centre-left crowd who voted for Joe Biden are foaming at the mouth for this type of anti white wokeness.

here are my random unfiltered reactions to this stupid Tweet:

This girl in this Tweet doesn’t even need to know somebody (whites she never met) to hate them

“I hate you dad!”
Said the 14 year old girl to her hard-working dad who works each day to make sure he can pay to help support his family. Man do i hate twitter

This spoiled girl in this Tweet’s dad probably tried to teach her self-reliance and individual accountability, hence her hatred of white people ,like her white dad

Individual accountability in general scares most young people and , now more than ever, young people end up hiding behind fantasy victim hood statuses, while they go full outrage Armageddon style on anyone who has the audacity to suggest that the individual ultimately owns their issues and progress.

They mix up fault and ideas of fairness with agency and ownership.

The fear of agency leads to them eating their potential while they waddle in insanity levels of hostility to get everything they think they are entitled to. 

This came off as a kids today thing. That’s not my intent. It is not limited to any particular generation. 

Not realizing ones own agency is akin to a soul sickness that has potential to infect anyone of any age and station. It’s not a simple realization to come to terms with. The fact of the matter is that an individual owns their problems, and solutions, regardless of blame or reason. 

The solutions reside in the individual, to important questions that we have to ask ourselves.

On the flip side of that, each of us should be willing to sacrifice just a little bit in order to help people who have come to accept their own agency, and really want to be a better version of themselves.

I have very small patience for people who only complain, while also virtue signaling

But I will note that some dads work hard every day to support their kids and also unfortunately emotionally abused their kids and foster an insecurity and rage inside of them that they are forced to deal with even into adulthood. So their grandparents have to work hard to take care of the kids

The girl in this Tweet isn’t a self hating white, she is a narcissist, like the majority of LA-San Fran area Californians.

Either the girl in this Tweet is a horrible racist and she feels guilty about it, so she overcompensates OR she thinks she's part of the "good whites"

Maybe her Tweet is a good thing, actually. maybe we can convince her to feed herself to a shark or something.

It is easy and fun to hate on white guilt types like this moron girl in this Tweet, but the reality is that if you go on Twitter you will see a shocking amount of discrimination and prejudice come from POC (but frankly who can blame them?). People are just more afraid to call a poc out for that than calling a white savior like this girl an idiot

Of course this Twitter girl is whiter than a line at Starbucks, would it be Twitter in any other way? She looks like a merchant

The girl in this Tweet looks like a pasty-faced man in a Leningrad trollfarm , see this for more

Doesn't this girl’s Tweet imply that she values all 3 of these things in her Tweet less then herself? Or is she saying she is serving her pets?

Based and cannibalism pilled (Everyone's the same color after they've been cooked)

LBJ once said that the difference between a cannibal and a Liberal (i.e proto Liberal 2.0er), is that cannibals don’t eat their own.

This girl in this Tweet seems Anti Human,  as a ‘monkey’, I approve of her anti human Tweet /s  

(My parents always joke that I am a monkey because when I throw temper tantrums I sound and look like a monkey)

The girl in this Tweet is not only racist but also a misanthrope

But then again all humans are technically animals so maybe her Tweet above is technically justifiable if you look at it that way

She can excuse racism but she draws the line at animal cruelty. What a dolt

Liberal 2.0 SJWs would be seen as racist if they tweeted the type of thing that this girl did in a reality where whites were in the minority

She is wrongly impling that poc are animals, and that whites are not and that is racist

You would assume that this girl’s tweet implies that whites are superior to poc but nope, whites are inferior to poc

This girl’s tweet is an insult both to white people (for them being called inferior), and to poc (for them being dehumanized)

But we should not get so upset over this girl’s tweet becaz it is obvious bait which is easily trollish

This girl in this Tweet being belligerently racist towards any race-ethnicity is wrong white or not and this girl should be ashamed if she is being serious.

This girl in this Tweet is being racist but with extra steps

This girl in this Tweet values the life of endangered animals like the Amur leopard more than she values random human life...and she is tired of pretending she does not.

If it was her own family member then no, because she is selfish. But over the lives of strangers, Non endangered animals she don't give a damn about. How’d they taste?

This girl in this Tweet is a traitor to the human race

I did not know that Twitter had its own version of the Olympics taking place. Today's category (in the girls Tweet) is verbal gymnastics

You know for an unironic vegan extremist this girl’s Tweet is extremely racist.

The reason why that the girl in this Tweet would save a pig over a non-vegan human is for the reason that the pig has relatively no moral agency and thus is more innocent than those who should know better.

Basically to me it appears that she wrongly and falsely believes that poc are less smart and have less moral agency than whites. But yeah she will totally save the cow over the beef eating human, regardless of race.

This girl in this Tweet is a racist with a (white) guilty conscience

Based, the girl in this Tweet covered racism on both sides of the horseshoe by tiering Pocs with animals AND then saying that “white people are worse than poc” and for a bonus covered misanthropic as well  “whites are worse than animals”

Does the girl in this Tweet mean that whites are less valuable than animals and white people, but that non whites are as valuable as animals? I fear I am radicalizing to grey centrist

This girl’s Tweet is some of the dumbest B.S I’ve ever read and that is saying something considering that I have seen a lot of Twitter, Reddit and Tumblr

We can't even call her a dumb ’bitch’ since by her metrics she is lower than an animal (bitch has a double meaning as it also means female dog)

People like the girl in this Tweet claim to be ‘anti racist’ and yet they post nonsense like "white people are lesser than others". Super freaking double standards

In India they call people like the girl in this Tweet ‘libralandu’

How did the girl in this Tweet manage to insult every single race (including the human race)?

This tweet by this girl is racist and racist at the same time

Yes but things like the girl in this Tweet wrote is something that a vocal minority or more of Liberal 2.0ers say , so we shouldn't be weirded out about it if that much of their own people supports this type of nonsense.

I don't believe that the Liberal 2.0ers and especially the Left would support someone who says like the girl in this Tweet said, even if it insults all over white people first


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