Rep cons

left republicanism, left federalism  

90s Nordic SocDemPublic Spirit Constitutional SocialismNew Libertarianism (counter economics with a Libertarian conscious) economicsCollaborative e-democracy in the conservative wing of a rebirthed retro 1960s type of Democrat Party 

The Republicans of the 1950s, 1960s and early 1970s were a GREAT political party and I am fine with that incarnation of them. In particular the Rockefeller Republicans and Richard Nixon, who actually had some Progressive traits.

The Republicans in the 1980s were a fairly good political party. Back then Republicans were seen as go getter yuppies and business people. 

On Family Ties for example, Alex, who was a Republican was a small-government, pro-capitalist libertarian at heart was a great person unlike some of the Republicans of today. Alex was hip and cool. This article puts it better than I can

The Republicans in the early to mid 1990s were also a good party. Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air was a great Republican. He rightfully belived in Affirmative action and fair housing for his community and he was moderately conservative on other issues while rightfully having faith in institutions like the courts.

Conservatism isn't only the Republican party. There are a lot of decent conservatives worldwide like in Canada, the UK, Germany that have good ideas, most of whom aren't like Donald Trump and MAGA. 

This fantasy world Republican party


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