Exh Limkfbjygn
This tweeter is a bleeding heart, paternalistic biocentric (just like me). You would think based on my blog that I would agree with this Tweet or like her Tweet, but while I am between understanding to her views and sympathetic to her views in this Tweet, she is obviously wrong on so many levels in this Tweet, that I don’t know where to begin. How can you read this tweet and not come to the conclusion that people like her are being fed destructive ideologies? Also this tweet comes across as very racist towards non white people (which I show below) . Yes, I am fine with whites putting poc (i.e African Americans) ahead of their own white race-ethnicity, I want animals after they die to live as humans in a future life at least once before they go to the afterlife so they can finally be equal to humans so I have unique views on biocentrism and animals, I am an enemy of whiteness (though see here and here , also through Afro-pessimism I make a critic...