
Showing posts from October, 2022

Exh Limkfbjygn

  This tweeter is a bleeding heart, paternalistic biocentric (just like me). You would think based on my blog that I would agree with this Tweet or like her Tweet, but while I am between understanding to her views and sympathetic to her views in this Tweet, she is obviously wrong on so many levels in this Tweet, that I don’t know where to begin. How can you read this tweet and not come to the conclusion that people like her are being fed destructive ideologies?  Also this tweet comes across as very racist towards non white people (which I show below) .  Yes, I am fine with whites putting poc (i.e African Americans) ahead of their own white race-ethnicity, I want animals after they die to live as humans in a future life at least once before they go to the afterlife so they can finally be equal to humans so I have unique views on biocentrism and animals, I am an enemy of whiteness (though see  here  and  here , also through Afro-pessimism I make a critic...

Exh fvbngxvg

Some people, including some LGBTQ people say that someone is born LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) instead of being LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) by choice is equating LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) status with disability For some LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender), people, it is a choice. I dislike the narrative that LGBTQ (i.e Gay-Queer/Transgender) are helpless victims of their gender and/or sexuality. Some of them chose, and so freaking what? Some people , including some LGBTQ people say that it can be DAMAGING to the LGBTQ+ movement to relegate their gender and sexuality to something that is against their will (with some leftists saying that there is no gay gene, and that the Kinsey scale was debunked before it even got big). Some exerts from that article: “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no f...

Exh omlnlnbl

Omniliberalism believes in the core principles of liberalism, freedom and equality, whilst believing in elements of other ideologies in a pragmatic way

Exh wikipdts

Wikipedia has at least a somewhat Liberal 2.0 bias. But I have seen enough Wikipedia articles on politics to know they that Wikipedia is not a Liberal 2.0 echo chamber . As per Wikipedia user Pudeo , Wikipedia is a lot less Liberal 2.0 bias than Big Tech, Reddit etc. Wikipedia goes left and Right of Liberalism 2.0 but it is Liberal 2.0 (until I decide to move Wikipedia left or right myself)  "The way the terms "pseudoscience" and "fringe" are used on Wikipedia, is now akin to jewtagging. It's really quite disgusting. In the Wikipedia coverage of a lot of these areas in which I feel such psuedoscience/fringe tagging to be unwarranted, readers are treated like children, and are quite literally beaten over the head and forced to a conclusion.  This is distinct from the original Wikipedia model of neutrality, where you simply present the facts, in due proportion to their reliability, and trust the reader to come to the right conclusion." See here for more...

Exh jasgyredgg From ADL “* In the above definition, the term “white supremacy” refers to the systematic marginalization or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges people who identify as white. It does not refer to extremist ideologies which believe that white people are genetically or culturally superior to non-whites and/or that white people should live in a whites-only society      How is that not white supremacism? How can we take the ADL’s reporting on white supremacy seriously when they fundamentally change the meaning of it like that? The ADL'S definition of racism is itself racist because it ‘privileges’ white people in its definition. Here is my favorite contradiction “acknowledging white-supremacy as a problem is white-supremacist" LOL you can’t make this s**t up if you tried “Though many believe that race is determined by biology, it is now widely accepted that this classification system was in ...

Exh btscgh


Exh shysdvbhddd


Exh grbyhhffgtthyrcbfs


Exh bffhtfe


Exh tdggtggr

But…how do you feel about the big capitalists, the Stinnes, Klockner?…Only in alliance with Russia, Gentlemen of the “folkish” side, can the German people expel French capitalism from the Ruhr region." Ruth Fischer (1920)

Bloodlust odds and ends

   To fellow feminists, be like Peri. :  Bloodthirst

Exh sd

  Gender Disobedience  Antifeminism and Insurrectionist Non-dialogue  by Lilith  The insurrectionist milieu has situated itself as an iconoclastic force within anarchist thought.  Its critique often seeks to analyze and subvert the subtle leftism of much allegedly radical thought.  This is important. This is valuable. However, I find it disturbing that, in the midst of this, there lies gross generalizations, ignorance toward the material being criticized, and outright refusal to acknowledge the multifaceted nature of many frames of critique. With this piece, I will focus on the critique of feminism in the works of Feral  Faun/Wolfi Landstreicher, as I find it to be generalizing, misinformed, and thus far without consolidated response from anarchists or feminists.  One of the key texts produced by insurrectionary anarchists to counteract feminist critique is Feral Faun’s “The Ideology of Victimization” found in the collection Feral Revolution. With...

Self defense for women

 ttp://  Bloodthirst   ery time I have helped in a demonstration  of self-defense, there is one person who  ALWAYS says, “But I could never do that  to anyone!” What they are thinking is, “I  couldn’t ever put someone’s eye out!” The  problem is, they aren’t thinking beforehand:  “Could I do that to stop someone else from  hurting me? From hurting someone I care  about?”  That’s the real question. When we are  talking about self-defense, we are NOT  talking about picking fights, walking up to  someone and beating them up, or what¬  ever -- we are talking about doing what you  have to, to stop someone else from hurting  you or someone you care about. It wasn’t  YOUR choice to be forced to defend your¬  self. The other person made their choice to  hurt you - but your body is YOURS, and  NO ONE has the right to control you -- to  hurt you. You DO...

Exhb cnydvy

  FROZEN INSIDE  BLOODLUST: A feminist journal against civilization by Cindy  These are questions about consent that me and  a friend of mine put together for a workshop we  helped put together. They helped spark a lot of  really good and important discussions in our  community, and hopefully will be helpful for you  all too. We ask that you read and think honestly  about these questions one at a time. (You cer¬  tainly don’t have to read the whole list in one  sitting! In fact, we encourage you not to.) We  wrote them hoping to provoke thought, and so we  ask that you not be defensive, and that you think  about them deeply, because that’s the only way  that this can really help you and your community.  1. How do you define consent?  2. Have you ever talked about consent with your  partner(s) or friends?  3. Do you know people, or have been with people  who define consent differently than...